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This is a page I created just for links to other Keen
and Keen-related sites, both mine and other people's.

If you have or know of any other original Keen
sites on the Net please send the address to me at Thanks.

Cerebral Cortex 314 (I'll get the correct link on here, I promise...

The #1 Keen site on the Net. Brilliant, informative,
and with every Keen resource you could want.

Bloogology 314

Thea Gregory's amazing site dedicated to the Bloogs,
strange critters of Fribbilus Xax. The most original
idea I've seen so far for a Keen site. Check it out, it's
really cool.

The Oracle of Commander Keen.

Very nice, original, homey site. I owe all of Quest
to this site because it is what inspired me to create.
Quest. One of my personal favourite Keen sites.

All-You-Can eat Commander Keen site.

I won't bother saying
anything about it- visit it and the proprietor will
tell you all you want to know and more on the greatness
of the site. Need I say more?

Quest Ring

The different sites made by me and some
of my cohorts that express our feelings about
Keen and his enemies.


My Slugology page. The idea was a total copy of Thea's,
but the content and theme is much different. Check it out
just for fun if you're bored... Discover some little-
known facts on Slugs and other cool stuff.


Yorpology. One of the better sub-ology sites (This does
not include Bloogology, the original) Yorpology was created
by me and some friends- Moonbuzz, Meep, and Louie14.

Commander Keen: Geologist

Mimrock site made by me which supposedly uncovers Keen
as a fraud. Kinda cute, but could also be described as
small and insignificant. Go there for a little fun.

The Chronicles of the 2.5 cm Worm

Site on the "Inch"worm of the Shadowlands, supposedly
fighting against metric errors of Commander Keen.
created by me and Louie 14, as of yet unfinished.

Commander Keen: Meteorology

A really different site among the Quest ring, it takes a
look at the atmosphere, clouds, and other abnormalities of
the planets Keen has visited. Includes a daily weather forecast.

The site of the Licks

A closer look at those bouncing critters, the Licks (and the Berkeloids, who the Licks helped to create)

End of Quest Ring

Jazz 2 City Keen Messageboard; the messageboard of choice among Keen fans

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