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Here are the cheat codes for Keens 1-6.
I think these are all the cheats, but if you
know of any more please email me ( Thanks.

In the following cheat codes, the codes indicated work for
both Keen 4-6 and Keen Dreams: Keen 3.5.
However, in Keens 4 & 5, You must simultaneously
press (A+2+ENTER) To enter debug mode and use
the cheats.

Hints and Tips

Secrets: Keen1

Keen1 Secret Level

First of all, enter this level: click here.
As soon as you get to here, fall down into the hole.
But be careful, there's fire down there!
steer to the right and you should land here.
Jump up to the invisible block above, positioned here.
From there, jump across the wall and stand here.
If you pogo at the right angle, you'll get caught by
an ice canonball and come out here.
As soon as you get free of the block, jump over the
wall before the robot can get you. Then get the teddy
bear and exit through the teleporter. The rest is easy.

The Monolith of wisdom-
hints and advice for the everyday superhero.

In different levels in Keen1, the Yorp Statue gives
advice on how to bypass certain obstacles. Visit Quest's
ADVICE page for more info on this.


Keen2 has no secret level, but visit the Advice page
for information on how to beat the Vorticons with
the on/off switches.

The Ending Machines.

The Ending machines in eight of the levels representing
Earth cities MUST BE DESTROYED in order to win the game.

To destroy them, super-pogo until you are level with the
glass dome, and then shoot to break it. Whatever you do,
do not touch the little red switch to the side...
the consequences are disastrous. Also don't get close
to the machine while it's working- several of it's parts
are dangerous.

Keen3- Secret level

To get to the secret level in Keen1, first come to
the last island and wait just out side the Mangling
Machine level here.
Wait for the monster, "Messie" to come along.
Hop on her back and she will take you to the secret island
When you are finished the level, wait there for her to
take you back to the original island.

The Mangling Machine

This final level is particularly hard because,
while very short and difficult, the idea is totally
out of context in this particular episode.

The objective is simple- shoot each of the little
purple fuses on the machine. (It's very tricky-
touching almost any part of the machine can
get you crushed, so you must shoot all the fuses
on one side first, then slide underneath the stomping
feet of the machine and shoot the other side. And watch
it- the sound waves of the incredibly bad Meep vocalists
can kill you too... so be on your guard. Once you have
shot all six of the fuses, the arms will fall off and
you can shoot the heart.

Keen4 Secret Level-
The Pyramid of the Forbidden

First of all, enter the Pyramid of the Moons.

Next, walk along until you reach the second door

Slide down the pole and enter it.

Walk to the right and wait for the ride.

Hop on it, get the gem, and return.

Head back left up top to the first door.

Once inside, open the barrier and flick the switch. (UP Key)

Walk slowly left until you come to the bridge.

Make sure all the inchworms have followed you.

Wait for them all to gather at your feet and...


A giant, (surprise!!) foot appears. Hop on it and
it will take you to the Pryramd of the Forbidden.

Warning: the Pyramid of the Forbidden's barricaded
clearing cannot be escape after flying in without finishing
the level. Beware, and be prepared to save the game often.

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