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Nocturnal_Walker: Whenever Holmes got too drunk, Watson fearfully remembers the case of the haunted willy... |
E_B_A: "Kids don't know it's not milk!" |
Raven_Poe: It's the Philsbury Doughboy again, quick kill it with the cookie sheet before somebody pokes it!!! |
THE_Durandal: "NO NO NO!!! Again from the top!"... "An-a-gadda-davida honey..." |
kilroy105: No careers were launched in the making of this television series. Any ones that were thought to be started are purely coincidental. |
kmikey: "Cookie sheet, cookie sheet... Who's the fattest of them all?" |
Raven_Poe: I am the geniue of the magic toilet seat, you have rubbed me with your buttocks, what will be your first wish...wait dont flush!!! |
amniaces: Banana cream pie man comes to a tragic end |
screaming_fist: o/ "Just a spoon full of sugar makes the rat poison go down, the rat poison, go doown, the rat poison, go down." o/ |
SoundGuy4U: "Coming out of another drunken stuper I see..." |
jeeves3000: C'mon down to Count Dracula's Annual Easter Egg Hunt! |
E_B_A: Julia Roberts and Russian Roulette... it's a good thing |
ArchHallJr: "Feel free to poke me lower than my belly button. Hee - hee!" |
Raven_Poe: Even Santa Clause has to hit rock bottom sometime |
Nocturnal_Walker: When threatened, Cher inflates her necksack! |