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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      



This book is not “the only way” to enlightenment, and don’t get the claim to be complete. There are so many roads to reach the only destination we all have, the fusion with God.

With this book I will give you only an impulse that you are able to change to a better (happier) life and surely able (with your consciousness) to help “in saving our planet”.

The only request I have is: Do it with your own gifts of God:

With your free will, consciousness, your mind and your body!

Do it not by chance, do it by choice!


God and all his angels may bless you!


With Love and Light

Peter Egler

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