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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      

Start to create your life !



What you seed/sow, is what you harvest!

Not only by doing but also with your thoughts!


A human is not educated – he become educated
Why come ICM – Training-disciples more successful?

Because they learn            “the things to see in order them in a bigger coherence”

Because they learn            “ to share the problems of other people”

Because they learn              “ more to think and to act creative”

Because they recognize       “that with a positive mind it is much easier

                                                to communicate and to live with fellows.”


WHO profits from  the ICM training?


The disciple, his next fellows, his employee, the municipality, the country lastly the whole mankind and world.


We all sit in the same boat!


How different humans are ! independent of the  religious affiliation or the social status.

Behavior leads to behavior! (the law of cause and effect)


The character of people and their behavior is identical! Let us show some examples.


Neutrals are: A)

Sympathetic, but not more than that, ordinary, mediocre, he likes to walk    with the flock. He likes to have success, but “he can’t” he is “not suited for that” etc.


Dense, undecided, pedant, he can’t distinguish between essential and unessential things. He is conservative, he had learned from his positive- and negative experiences.

Actives are:  A)

Successful-type, initiative, life-loving, have self- confidence, sociable, good companion, tolerant, they have many creative thoughts, good projects. They realize them.


Daredevil, show-off, ruffian, muscleman, know (it) all, dogmatic, gasbag, lady-killer, (man-killer), many projects  would be never realized.

Passives are:    A)

Kind human, also undecided, sometimes stingy, he is almost an egoist. It is hard to fill him with enthusiasm –because doesn’t like to have any risk. He amaze us most on the time with big calmness. Isn’t it possible that this calmness is also listlessness?


inhibited, oversensitive, insecure, wordless, insidious, jealous, because he likes to compare himself with the successful people. Passive peoples are most peevish, depressed and they have always critics on every one and everything.


The body posture of a human, reflect his mental posture!

The mental posture of a human reflect his character!

The character of a human reflects his behavior and is recognized by his deeds.

                                      Peter Egler


This is independent from his appearance ( his body  can be deformed by an accident, born as a cripple or by sickness!)

The only real body posture you can be seen on the face! (thru the eyes, the form of the mouth and the movement of the skin!

Afterwards you can receive more signals from the postures- of the neck, shoulders, pelvis and the legs.

If you like to know more about the “inner self” from your fellow, you need to learn more! You need the ability to see an “aura”, and/or to study “Body language”.


Sadly, we lose our natural talent and knowledge of “body language” already early in our childhood!

When we were born ,we have all these talents of expressing and recognizing. This is the first what a mother, father or anybody  perceive on a baby. This is the common “language” that God gave us humans to start our life! If we grow and learn more to live with our ordinary senses, the more we become “educated” thru the “teachings and show offs” of our “idols”, then we lose slowly our very important innate talents! (That is the talent of recognizing “body language”).

Why we fail or have success?





Problem                                                     Solution


- the destination is to high                             - give you self more time

- wrong destination                                       - search the correct destination

- bad preparation                                          - recognize the ability

- insufficient equipment                                - check equipment



Pressure generate counter-pressure



We don’t have to change the world; we must change our self. Because the peace begins there, where the slap stop.

We know already that we live with a karma (cause and effect). If we ignore the free will, if we don’t respect others, or if we use pressure to nature, yeah to the whole world, then the karma effect is out of control. I mean that if we do something evil, we never know how strong and when the reaction will be. We recognize only few direct reactions! From all others more dangerous reactions, we are not very aware because we are limited by our ignorance.


If we start to learn to think more before we act, if we are conscious about the cause and effect, we may want change ourselves (our behaviors) immediately. If we begin to understand that the value of all what God gives us every day, can never be paid with money, we would try to repay Him with our conscious life-style together with true love to His creations.

Let’s be careful and be it known that everything has a karma, just like every human has his own-, a family its own-, so has a community- a nation, and also the whole people in the world, a karma. Do you know that if we begin to analyze  and to think, then to understand why our environment, our health, even the whole world is already slowly out of control, because cause of pressure. Why is that somewhere has peace and somewhere has war? Then, maybe its time to ask ourselves, if we are ready to change ourselves and our behaviors immediately.

The human notice only - what  he expects!

(That’s why many prejudices are develop!)



So we have now a proof that our ordinary senses can cheat us whenever we believe only what we see, if we believe our first impression, and don’t use our mind! But what will be happen if we wrongly use our mind? I will give you good- or bad- examples, and see how your subconscious reacts!

Don’t worry about psychology !

- Psychology:        The science in which humans goes deeply to find out how humans mind functions.

- Psychology:        learn to know the soul. This explains and clarify how this

“invisible” in a human works, how it influence him and how he could influence it.

- Psychology:        it help’s to understand or to manipulate humans. It

creates pictures, either distorted  or  correct.


Why good or bad models bring us success or failure ?


We have to learn better to interpret the pictures, because lies had already improved the truth so many times.



Now we know how dangerous of a wrong interpretation from an input (application) into our brain is. It can be deadly. Our subconscious don’t have a conscience! It doesn’t decide over positive or negative (good or bad).

So the only way to understand something, and/or to decide true or false; is to use our power of differentiation and correct thinking. This fact is the most important that you have to recognize.

If you like to learn more about this, walk with open eyes through the world, use your mortal senses but use your more important gifts from God, your immortal senses too. Your consciousness, your intellect, and your soul to transform the pictures, the sounds, the tastes and the smells in the correct light. Then you make your decisions with your free will and behave in the will of God.

I know, It will not be easy for you to relearn (it’s more easy to learn if we  are still kid’s and not yet mental, intellectual or spiritually cripples) and for apply all what God asks for. If you make a mistake (fail) don’t be worry, we are only humans and God knows that very well. If you DO IT NOW,  He will see your will and your progress every day. And please do it constantly, only then are you successful and can enjoy true love.


Isn’t it a positive challenge?


Imagine, if you recognize that something is wrong in your life. Imagine, if you like to change. Imagine that you like to invent something.

Don’t you had already experiences with your own power of imagination?

If you recognize that some of the flock have an imagination, but they don’t know how to use it, or are to lazy to think and act,  and they make only that what the “master” (the mother, father, employee, government, church etc.) say, then you will understand why it is almost impossible  to reach higher destinations and to continue with evolution. Would it be a step back?

Try to understand - that even if you don’t do something, you are still doing something! It means that, even if you are consciously awake, or if you sleep, your higher inner self (thought, soul) is always wide awake, and are working. From the beginning of your (body) life until your (body) death!

Now, if you have done your own consideration, you may want to change your focus and don’t like to live anymore in the past or future, you would start immediately to live and act with a better consciousness to create your future.


What you have done yesterday (the past) is your day today (the present) and what you do today is the sum for your tomorrow (the future)

You will understand what this means if you watch the lives from the flocks. Are not most of them creatures of habits, dilettantes or arrogance?

Is this not a challenge for you to use the “love for new inspirations” to make some positive changes into your life ?

Can you imagine that it is more easy to live in the present than in the past or future?

Can you imagine that it is almost useless to be afraid about the future if we create our present consciously  correct?

Can you imagine  that you will feel peace of mind and are in the position to give your life more good contents?

If you realize and act constant with this knowledge in the present you will automatically mental grow and you are able to make lesser mistakes but more benefits. These are important for your happiness and self-satisfaction!


Will and the power of imagination



Who do you think will win at the end? The will or the imagination?

Above pictures are very good examples to explain how will and imagination work together, or are completely separated because only of ignorance.

We know already that before we can use our will to be able to do something there must be first a purpose, then an imagination, and then a plan to act. Correctly in these order. If there is only one error in- the sequence, the purpose, the wrong imagination or the incorrect- bad plan, our act will fail or we will hurt ourselves including our next.

Is this Gods will, is there something or somebody that/whom we can make responsible for our own mistakes?

I’ll now explain the picture above:

Imagine there is a wooden- iron, or whatever kind of material made board, it is almost 1 foot wide and 45 feet long.

If this board is on the floor you will walk over the whole length without hesitation!

If this board is 45 feet above the floor, your imagination will come over you but you still use your will to pass.

If your imagination is telling you: “You will fail and hurt you self!” You will fail and fall down before you reach the end of the board!

If your purpose is clear, your plan is correct, your imagination is on the other hand positive, without “arrogance”, you will pass successfully.


This is the effect of  “Self-fulfilling prophecy” – repressive manipulated mechanics, this happens because of the prediction we do.


You can use this knowledge as inspiration in your daily doings!


You have to be a detective……



 …. To “search successfully little stones”, (perhaps there is a jewel), we must listen well, be attentive, observe and recognize positive and negative aspects.


Then, we have to use our memory like a sieve and learn to use only the jewels for our communications, for our daily deeds.


Isn’t it wonderful how life can be, if we use our intellect, the possibility and big power of differentiation where God gave us to make our luck or bad luck, with our own  free will?!


The human is able to do every thing…..



We all know that we have a conscience! We all feel that we are guided to do something, either to serve, or else; to use our knowledge to support our selfishness!

We all know that the devil in us is always trying to be stronger than the will for the real benefit!

We only have to learn that devils never help- or are beside you if you are in misery! Devils are only here to cheat you and they are only deceptions!

You can only kill the devil on your “back seat”  if you send them true love! So you must act with thoughts of true love and then you can be a ……..


……Rock in the sea!



That means, if you are sure, because of your knowledge (not believing); you don’t have to insist that you are right, you can be calm and you will respect that the other opinion of your fellow, is also a kind of truth. He can live with his free will and he is able to build his own karma.

If you feel that another human have bad opinions or bad habits, if another is an alleged enemy, just send them thoughts, signs or words full of true love against his behavior. That’s the only way to your inner peace.

Sometimes, if we act like that, the biggest enemy becomes our best friend.

Sometimes we recognize sadly that our best friend was the biggest enemy, isn’t it so?


You need to be empathic 



That means, if you are an introverted person and are not able or ready to trust, serve and to accept the opinion from your fellows, and you are not able to open and show your mind, you will be (feel)  isolated from  humans.


Be happy that you are someone whom you like to be, but….




… give always an opportunity to every one who would like to be what he likes to be.


Is this not a lie, or plainly cheating ?

No! not the least! If you can’t recognize what you like to be, you will not have a small chance to change or to grow (mental) higher. Your evolution is already stopped by your self!

If you are not able to give your fellows the same opportunity, you will automatically press them in a shade of disillusion and this is not in your authority  (remember the free will) !


This behavior is a very big power but only a blessing if it is used with true love from someone who likes to serve!

If an evil person or somebody who likes to use this power for selfishness, it is very dangerous for humans. This is the reason (the possibility) how it is possible (over advertising in- TV, Newspaper, Radio etc.) for companies to take (mental) control over us. So we are ready to pay for useless- or even sometimes dangerous things.

I will not make bad advertising or make the other one better or bad than the other, I only like to try to give you a good example!

Always drink the true real thing, always Coca Cola


To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl.  Let

The "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke

removes stains from vitreous china.


To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a

crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.


To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour can of Coca-Cola

over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.


To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted

bolt for several minutes.


To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan; wrap

the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.  Thirty minutes before the ham is finished,

remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous

brown gravy.


To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy

clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle.  The Coca-Cola

will help loosen grease stains.


It will also clean road haze from your windshield.





(FYI... the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. its pH is

will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. The distributors of Coke have been

using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!)




They are not lying, they never told you coca cola is good or bad for your health, They only are clever in marketing!

I will say nothing more, it is your own free will and decision what to do now!

I only recommend you to make some tests to proof with the knowledge you have now, use your sieve and then decide!


What is creative motivation ?


Make suggestions consciously to people, for/them to do something!


If we do that like many other companies, (above example) we do that consciously to fill our purse it doesn’t matter if we harm the health of the humans or animals.

So we give always a mental (poisonous) shower to our fellows, results from our selfishness.


But you can creatively motivate, to the blessings of all. This is possible if you use your power of knowledge for the purpose of true love and to help your follows to reach a true better life. Share with them your knowledge without selfishness and I think they will give you back more than you ever expected, materially or in the form of love.

How we can creative motivate…..

how we do that?


we help                   =  we help our fellows to satisfy their wishes, needs and urges.

we advice                =  we advice them how they can make their wishes come true. 

we convince            =  we convince them that their decision is good, without persuasion.

we  serve                =  we do something so that our fellows have benefits.

So, you see, creative motivation is one of the most powerful strength in human life. Either it helps humans to success and the economy to grow healthy, without destroying nature, or to reach it without contradicting it.


It is our own free will and freedom of choice how we will take it in our hands and what we can do from it!

The first needs to bring success into your live



Recognize the aim in life

Right self assessment

Consistent thinking

Frankness to your self

Love to the fellows

Magnanimity and goodness


Success is the fruit of correct behaviors.


If you think that you did not understand what you had read above! Maybe you should start again with more concentration and more awareness.

If you think that’s all fantasy, or it is just a spleen, you should not believe what I tried to explain. You just use what God gave you; your own free will, consciousness, and intellect, then maybe you will have your own made Paradise, the way you like it or deserved it. It’s up to you to create your own life and environment, but never try again to blame somebody or something for your misfortune.


If you recognize, that the things mentioned above, are more true than whatever you had recognized until after your new knowledge, you are invited to learn more and continue to go on.


God, give me patience, but immediately


Jean-Pascal Delemuraz     (former member of the Federal Parliament of Switzerland)


What is there that is correct and what is there that is wrong?

If you ask for something and you are not conscious, that to receive something you have to sow first “the same as what you ask for”, you can wait for ever and for sure you will never reach it.

If you analyze the above request correctly, you will see that this request will not be successful, and is useless!


Because God gave you already the possibility to be patient, He gave you your free will, consciousness and a conscience, these three  gifts are good enough, to have what you ask for! What you only need, is the knowledge on how you can activate and use your need.  You see, also a big personality like Jean-Pascal Delemuraz was not able to understand a simple wisdom like this.

Incidentally he died of a Heart-Attack. (his karma?!)


So it is with all our requests! It is not the request alone that counts, but also the quality of our requests!

You have first  to think about the purpose, then your imagination (what would it be, or how would I feel when I have this), afterwards the plan (how would I ask), and then the action (can I ask now). After receiving successfully the answer to your question, you have to set up and support your will, with all your strength (by mental training to develop your personality), only then it would be useful in order to enjoy your material ore mental needs.

This is the best way “to be steadily successful”. Only, you have to be conscious as well in your thoughts and deeds for the consequences of your Karma and for your future!

Maybe you would say now: “if I need to do these in everything that I do, I will waste my time!”

No, not the least! Because our brains (thoughts) work faster than the speed of light! The only thing that you have to do is, to train your brain in a “conscious state” The rest will be done automatically by your brain. Your brain will send signals thru the nerves going to your mortal senses (eyes, ears, nose, mound, hands and feet)  for action.

The result will be at the end, you will recognize that you are able to act faster and also with lesser mistakes and errors!

Sometimes we ask ourselves why are there some people who have more luck than the others. After you understand this law, you will not ask anymore why it is so. The law of cause and effect is here full in action. It is your free will to do something for your good luck or for bad luck. It is not the chance that gives you luck, it is the choice! You can never blame somebody or something for your bad luck, it is always your own- behavior, free will, choice and responsibility.

How many people say: “ if I have a chance to do or to have this, I would do it, or at once I would like to have it!” ?

How many chances had they already had, but they were not even able to recognize one chance they had !? They are in a “waiting-position” their  whole life! They are praying for, they are full of hope, they wait always that there is somebody (maybe God) or something that will give them their  needs! But if you ask them what they had done today to reach what they need, they only make “big eyes” lift the shoulders and don’t understand why the world turns and they are still on the same place!

Remember that I had already explained that God gave/give us all the needs to have a paradise for us and for all?



Nothing in the universe

is beyond reach!

 It is only our own limited intellect (mind) that causes the knowledge that we have now ! Yours and mine, and the whole mankind!!!!

The effect of this cause is that; our world is very much in danger to die.

If you don’t know- or believe this, You can read and learn more about this danger in the lectures I’ll recommend you on the last pages of this book.

I’m sure that you already know or feel some signs if you observe the nature and the people in your very close environment! Don’t you remember that there are many differences than you had in your past? Are there more good things or more bad things? Are there more blessings now or destructions for our environment ? To mention the whole world including the humankind?

You may think that is exaggerating! No, the truth is, if we don’t change ourselves in particular, (that means every single person), there can’t be a change in- a family, a municipality, a region, a nation (country) and of the whole world!


If you like to change something you must change yourself!


If you are ready to do this, if you are really ready, start now, I mean HERE and NOW because the CHANCE is NOW, and on this place you are right now , the CHOICE is yours, with your own free will!

In every act you do, your behavior is for other people an EXAMPLE, what is important it, are the ideals you show. The ideals of blessing or destruction are the ones that motivate your fellows to their behaviors!


What or who are the positive idols for you ?

Idols are everywhere to find! In your own environment, in your municipality, in your country, even maybe in your own family!


With the knowledge you have until now,

Start:  ask them what  is the “secret” of her/his success!

Next:  use the technique of sieving. To find jewels for you.

Next:  don’t try to copy them (it would not work) but use the knowledge he gave you as inspiration to change your own behaviors. (remember: everyone of us is a particular person!)

Next:  have patience with yourself, learn step by step like you climb a stair! (you can’t jump 15 feet high, you have to use a ladder)

Next: enjoy every step consciously, so that you can recognize your progress, never look back. This will give you “inner power” to go ahead! Don’t go the way from the lowest resistance, force your will, and never give up!


After you are on your destination,

you can be sure you will feel some kind of happiness you never had before!


A similar action is if:

You seek advice from God or one of the saints.

You like to hear, feel or see (depending on the kind of question “your need”).

The difference is that, sure you can’t communicate with God like with a human. You have to meditate, to pray for, or sometimes only to listen to your heart. But remember also here is very important that the quality of your question is optional! Ask never for more than one thing at the same time! Because the answer is mostly not direct and immediately. The answer reach you more in the form of signs, sounds (music lyrics) or  somebody from mankind shows you the way !


That means, you have to use your ordinary senses and your power of imagination with full awareness to recognize the answer.

Let it be known that it is not so important that we pray but how we pray !


I will give you here an example:

You go to the church because your church is calling you (the bells are ringing) and you think that is an obligation. The priest is the Master and I am the poor sinner. I have to go there because there is the place to go to free us from sins. And because I believe in God and He will help me. After you are there, you pray: “ My God, sorry that I was living in sins, please forgive me. God I need this or, I have this request! what can you do so that I have this, or so that I’m satisfied?

Then you go back home, are self-satisfied because you had done your obligation- to the church and …(you think) to God. Then you continue to live maybe already on the way back home with the same behaviors (sins), you do the same like before! Then you are hopeful and wait that there will be a wonder or something that will help you to have what you requested.

If you see some similar behaviors in yourself,

I’m sure you are still waiting!


Let us cite same example to show you how it is more successful to pray!


You go to a silent place in your house, in the nature or also inside the church. But you do this because you have the urge to go there, hence with your own free will! It is always the right time to do this! We don’t have time for something, we give us time!

Then in the silent place you have found, you start to meditate (to concentrate only of your inner self “your heart and your soul” your awareness is full awake! In the optimal silence you will feel a happiness that is indescribable. You will feel Gods presence in you, and so you can start to pray.

God I am thankful that you gave me the inspiration to come here, so I can serve you.

If I was living in sins today, please don’t let me suffer to much; * I’m Your son/daughter,

I would like to ask you for help because I was not able to find the correct way to reach….. (example what)….. I like. I know you are able to give me a sign so I can…. (have/know what you like)… to serve you better! Please my God, never give up to show your everlasting goodness to all people so they will reach you one time.


(translation of amen: “verily; it will be”)


Then you give your best and give no way to every Lust you feel to satisfy your selfishness.


* Remark: In God’s eyes, we are not beggars, we are His children.


I’m sure that this would work! You will have what you like!…..  Jesus said: “wish and you will receive!” …. Are you sure?


If you understood this two examples, you are perhaps now conscious enough

to understand how important it is to have a good purpose, then an

imagination and plan, then a request that is correct built in words to receive

answers. Perhaps you can learn from the children because they know very

good how to ask the correct way to receive something!


A few expressions that we do sometimes, unscrupulous statements that show our feelings, are also responsible (“steering”) for our behaviors!


I will give you examples how to express your feelings to feel composed - or to destruct your mind.


Negative                                               Positive


Shit!                                                       Aua!, ups! What? How?


The life is short and                                 I’ suffer because of….

full of shit like a chicken-ladder!               How can I change this?


Crazy!                                                     what is the meaning of this?


Dammed!                                                 What is this?                            


You see,

First, the negative expressions you made, give you only depressive feelings and will change noting except that you harm Gods purposes!


Second, the positive expressions are “uplifting”, because you change your expressions to a question! Your expressions in questions “How, What”, activate your mind to give you advices, to find solutions to avoid making the same mistakes again!

Never ask “why”, because your mind will only give you a reason, but never a solution! Besides, you don’t harm Gods purposes, you support them!


These are only few words to a theme that we can expand until….

Listen to your own expressions, and make it “your own way!”…….

With your free will and the freedom of choice.


I wish you peace of mind!

How is it possible that some people are- or feel left behind by younger ones?


You can’t blame somebody or something if this is happens to you!

Let me explain why!



from 1800 to 1900: it took 100 years to double the amount of human  knowledge.

from 1900 to 1950: it took only 50 years

from 1950 to 1960: it took only 10 years

from 1960 to 1966: it needed only 6 years etc. What do you think? How much time we need now?


You will recognize your need to learn steadily, if you look the next chart!


On the other hand, how is it with our own knowledge?


If our intellect is not expanding because of our trend to be lazy and to stop learning. The result will be automatic that (because of the increase in the knowledge of the whole mankind) we can’t hold the position of our knowledge, we fall back!

The next sign is, we recognize our fall back, that we say: “I don’t understand  the world anymore!” or if the worst comes to worst, we say that we don’t understand our own children anymore!

Normally, if we learn our lifetime, if we have an open mind, we never will have feelings like that. Our life will be in harmony with- God’s purposes, our youth, the whole mankind and the whole world.

Even if our bodies become weaker but or mind is growing, we don’t have to be sad or to be anxious, because intelligent humans are always inquired or asked for, because they are good and respected idols by the younger ones!

They are the best leaders and it is in there merit that the “world go round”


In a place where there is- no intellect, no consciousness, no destinations, no learning, there is no evolution!

(God’s behavior gets abused! )

                                                Peter Egler





Illnesses, doctors  and self healing


What have we done before we became sick,

What have we done before we felt pain.

How can we avoid sickness or pain?

How and when can we heal ourselves?

How can we support somebody who is sick?


First, we have to differentiate mental sicknesses and physical sicknesses!


All sickness that disturb the natural behavior of your mind like depressions, influences like from drugs and alcohol, sadness, and deprivation, etc,

These are mental illnesses.


All sicknesses they you can feel with your body like somewhere pain, a breakout into rash, etc. are physical illnesses.


You see already in the differentiation between these kinds of illnesses, there are more reasons (symptoms) why there are more sickness occurring that result from how our mind is oriented on something than physical illness!

This is a sign that many physical sickness is a result of mental illness!

If you feel depressed, sad or you suffer because of (any kind) stress, your immune system is either weak or out of control.

If you are under the influence of anything (medicine, alcohol, drugs) the result will be the same I mentioned above, or even worst.


If you are completely mentally healthy but you feel pain somewhere in your body, then the sickness is either made by a bad behavior,  unhealthy work, unhealthy hobby, pollution, by infection or rarely by heredity.


These two examples are NOT complete, they only should give you a small but important information about the functions of illnesses.


I will never tell you: “don’t go to the doctor if you feel sick”! I only recommend you to use your own common sense and to be conscious that you can help yourself in many illnesses.

To help your self, please don’t make experiments, just use your –self-healing power that God gave you.

For most people, it is a “miracle” that it is possible that some humans are, most of their life healthy and grow very old!

It’s still a miracle they think; if somebody got very sick, but without recognizable reasons on health!

These are not miracles, this is natural! I will tell you why!

You remember my words, that God gave you all what you need for your life?

So are you also confident that He gave you the possibility to heal yourself?

Do you agree that God, with His true love, never like that you (His creation, His children) get sick, are you?


Then you read this theme, ore if you don’t agree, you have to stop because you will fail, and this is your own responsibility!


Let’s start now! “We will make nails with heads!”


Mental sicknesses:


If you feel depressed, go to a silent place to meditate: Don’t lie down, sit upright on a chair so that your spine is straight, and you feel comfortable.

With your eyes closed, look at the point midway between the eyebrows on your forehead.


Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Hold the breath for the same eight counts while concentrating your attention at the point between the eyebrows. Now exhale slowly to the same count of eight. Repeat three to six times.


After inhaling and exhaling completely, as next breath comes in, mentally say Hong (rhymes with song). Then, as you exhale, mentally say Sau (rhymes with saw). Hong Sau means “I am He” or “I am Spirit”. Make no attempt to control your breathing, just let its flow be completely natural. Try to feel that your breath at the point where it enters the nostrils.


Be as attentive as possible. If you have difficulty feeling the breath, you can concentrate, for a while, on the breathing process it self, feeling your diaphragm and chest expanding and contracting.

Gradually as you become more calm, try to feel the breath higher and higher in the nose. Be sure that your gaze is kept steady at the point between the eyebrows throughout practice. Don’t allow your eyes to follow the movement of the breath. If you find that your mind has wandered, simply bring it back to an awareness of the breath and the mantra (Hong and Sau).


If you are deep in calmness, imagine that you are on a place where you can find peace of mind (maybe it is a beautiful place in the nature, with many flowers and with a small quell of water and there are birds singing). Try to see this place and all what’s happening there with your mental eye, located  between your eyebrows. Imagine this picture. If your concentration is full on this picture, try to “hear” (mental) the sound of the birds, of the quell, the wind or what ever you can recognize there. If you hear the sounds and your picture is complete, you look to the past, where you had all your pains. Take these pains and wrap it in a ball of dark blue colored light. After that, put this ball together with all your pains in the water flowing downward. See how this ball of dark blue light flow with the water farther and farther away from you. If you see nothing more of this light, look upward where the water was coming from. Imagine there is a ball made of light violet or rose colored light, flowing with the water downward, coming nearer and nearer to you. The nearer it flows with the water, the more you can see the changes from it’s rose-colored light to white light. After the ball turned to bright white and is directly beside you, imagine that this light covers your body completely. Feel the light’s warmth and enjoy this calmness, the feeling of lightening and the freedom in your soul.

After you are ready to go back to your normal consciousness,

take a deep breath, exhale three times and wake up!

Then, keeping your mind focused on this calmness and your energy completely internalized. Try to feel peace, love and joy within your self. Sit for at least five minutes deeply relaxed, enjoying the state you are in.


Would you like to know more?

This is an abbreviated explanation of the Hong-Sau technique of concentration, taken from lessons in “Meditation from the Ananda Course in Self-Realization”. It is a technique using the mantra Hong-Sau and has been practiced by students of yoga for millennia. Such technique have a scientifically proven effect on the brain and body, and are also spiritually very helpful.

I widened the meditation technique for the purpose of self-healing, and we can use the same yoga technique (Hong-Sau ) to support any healing process.

Physical sicknesses


(An intelligent professor of medicine told me one time: ” The Doctor can only bandage your wound, to heal it, needs someone else!”)

If you understood the above statement, you try to observe your own body if it is wounded somewhere, and you will recognize consciously that there “must be something” inside you, that heals your wound. Then you are able to heal faster than most people; with your own mental power!

The problem of many of our “ordinary medicine” is that, they only cheat your own “alarm-system”. That there is something  wrong with your health (made by our wrong lifestyle or habits), and do nothing other than send only your nerves in a state of sleep. If you like to heal yourself “forever”, then you only have to change your lifestyle and your habits, because all over the world, there is no medicine that is able to “heal” the cause of any sickness! This, perhaps makes you now conscious that most of the medicine that exist, are there to make somebody richer with our “self-made” pains.

What is your decision?

At the same time, I would like to show you that the same problem exists with our planet, our nature.

Isn’t it so that as the humans begun to disregard the purpose of God’s great creation, they also disregarded the purpose and law  of life and nature, our whole planet, including all the living things that start suffer because of many illnesses resulting from mankind’s intolerance and ignorance?

Isn’t it so that before every effect, there is a cause? That we humans are the ones who try, always to feed our selfishness and we try at every chance we see, to get (press) more out from the earth?  Isn’t it so, that true love - to give more than what we ask for- is  more effective than the way we do it now?

That we (humans) try to invent always “medicine” to fight against viruses, bacteria’s, that develop rapidly, and we try to make the nature to our slave  instead to adapt ourselves to the nature and live in harmony with it? Isn’t it  that the nature is always stronger than ourselves including the “medicines”? We already learned that man-made pressure produces man-made pressure mutually, so it is also that man-made pressure against nature produces pressures mutually from the nature. That means, if our cause (the pressure) to the nature is strong, the effect (the reaction, pressure) from the nature will be automatically stronger!  The biggest problem we have is, that the nature don’t live with the same consciousness of time like we do. The nature live with “space time” witch means that there is no beginning and no end. So, perhaps you understand now that the law of cause and effect is always present, the nature defends itself certainly.

We suffer - (because either of our ancestors or ourselves, we and our descendants) have caused a mistake- now and/or in the past! Is this kind of behavior connected with true love?


Every year, we feel the negative effects (sicknesses and natural catastrophes) of these mankind mistakes on our planet. The bad effects are getting stronger and stronger. That if we don’t change our behaviors to nature, no one, no medicine and nothing more is able to heal (save) our planet earth….. it will just die!


If we  behave ourselves steadily conscious with true love to our nature, to our mind and our body, then the nature don’t have a “chance”, it has no other “choice” as to heal itself! It will recover from all illnesses with its own power, but with our love! We just have to be patient! The nature (God) is… (maybe was) ….more then patient with mankind!


What will you do today with love to save our nature?

What kind of model are you today for your fellows, to your children?

What is your choice?


Your answer (lifestyle) is

important for your future!


It is not important how you were yesterday. It is useless to have regrets, the only thing that counts, is what you do today! Because every day will be the past and the future, but only in the present time (today, now) that you are really able to change something!

Create your day, your life, your future

with a wise choice, with your own free will!!!


May God bless and lead you!
How it is possible to prevent ourselves from “bad luck”, and/or illnesses?


If you were able and comprehend all what were written above or even only a few wisdom, if you are ready and willing to live a life full of success and happiness, hence in self-confidence, you are ready to seed for the purpose of our life, and you are willing to learn more, I will give you a few inspirations on how could we do that.


Let’s begin to examine why we have a feeling of  “bad luck”.

Some helpful words that you can understand the following examples.


“You can never change something except your focus and your own behaviors!”


Mistakes from the past. You don’t remember that on time you had done something wrong.


Search for the reasons why you did them, try to understand and change your behavior or focus.


You will not consciously do this mistake again. You will see a chance in this “bad luck”, and you will do something for your “luck”


A fellow hurt you (mentally, physically). You feel depressed because of the behavior this fellow.


Be patient and send him love and light, don’t have bad thoughts in your mind. Turn your focus to positive things.


Immediately, your depression will stop and you will feel (have) peace of mind.


Noise. You feel bad if you are in a crowd.


Think that these are all your brothers and sisters, send them the same love and light, or go to another place.


The noise can’t affect you any more.


Infection. You are sick and suffering from a viral or bacterial attack. (symptom: mostly accompanied with fever)


If you don’t feel not better after three days, go to the doctor, (You don’t have enough antibodies). Then  give your body enough time to recover and support the healing process with meditation.


You will recover faster.


Stress, Malnutrition.  You have (physical) allergies, or feel weak or/and are  listless to do anything.


Change your nutrition, lifestyle, and way of thinking. Make trials with different soaps, washing powders, with other kinds of clothes (fibers and/or colors). The nutrition, lifestyle, and the way of thinking are the most reasons for this sicknesses. Change them first, then make other trials.

Effect: Your allergy and as well as the other two symptoms will retreat. (Because your body have the possibility- to build antibodies and to regenerate physical- plus mental power.)

These are only five (a few) examples, if you use your common senses and the power of imagination, you are able to make more examples, for your own benefit.

If you are interested to know more, look at the end of this bock for references.

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