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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      

Chapter 3


What is the most important thing that make you really happy and contented?

 If you have lots of money? If you don’t have to work? If you have a beautiful house to live in? If you have a nice car? If you have a “good looking”- or/and lovely partner?

You see, all of these are not able to give you everlasting happiness and satisfaction. There are a lots of proofs, these proofs themselves give you examples.

One proof of these is the fact that during the past centuries, different people all over the world, rich and influential ones and powerful royalties of plenty kingdoms, have owned lost everything at the end. Some use to envy people with lots of money, but you see, to have lots of money is relative, because for one person, a lot means little or not enough, and for the other one it’s too much. People who are (greedy) addicted to money and/or other material things never had/have enough.

Are there not humans in your environment whom you know are idle and unemployed, are very sad and unconfident? They feel sad and they loose confidence because they have no duties to make them contented and fulfilled.

Isn’t it so that you know some older or even younger people who always have to change partners (for sex or whatever) even the present partner is lovely and has good qualities for an ideal partner? Jesus Christ told: “You swindle/cheat already if it is only in your thoughts”!

Isn’t it so that you can loose everything that is described above, and you understood that these are all only objects or/and wrong behaviors?


If you say: “Yes that’s true!”. Then you are already  more conscious. But are you also ready to convert that knowledge for your advantage and true happiness?


If you say: “Yes! But how?”. Then you are ready to learn more and I will give you some ideas (inspirations) how it is possible to live a life with success, without fear and useless pains.


If you say: “No! but I like to know more!”. Then you should study all the things mentioned above allover again. You can continue to read, but it will be difficult for you to understand the following subjects and it will be especially difficult  to apply it in your daily life. Then you may will live further like now, feeling happy and confident in your life. It is your own free will and choice!




You are your own (movie) director!



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