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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      

Chapter 1

Why are we here in this world?

What was the purpose of God in giving us life?

 Imagine that you like to build a house without something!

Imagine you like to build a house! Will you build a house without purpose? Can you build a perfect house without using imagination, intelligence and a plan? Probably not! Without imagination, your house will be surely not to be built because of lacks everything! Without imagination, even your mind is not working! So before you can continue you must see the picture of your house with your mental eyes! To be able to realize a plan for the house according of your imagination, you need your intellect, or the knowledge (wisdom) of a good architect to make your picture ready for construction.


So it was the same during the time when God created the universe, our world and all the living creatures, He also created all, even all of that what our ordinary senses can’t perceive.

But isn’t it more difficult to create everything, that is now existing (including - scientists call this “the big Bang”) at the beginning. You must know that it needed intelligence they is much bigger then we can imagine, to create something where there was absolutely nothing! If I say noting it means nothing, (0,0,0,0 mathematic formula)

The only possibility that from this “nothing” something would be developed, was to awaken a need from this “nothing”!

What kind of need can have something, from where or what it is absolutely nothing? - You will ask.

The answer is simple, if you know your own most important needs for you to feel  contented.


The purpose is True love!


The only purpose why He imagined, planned, and created His kingdom with all His power, so that He is able to give His true love and He to receive true love as well! But we had learned, that true love exist, only if we don’t expect something in return! There is no contradiction in the love of God. That was the reason why He gave us our “free will”!

The universe with all its beautiful and useful things, the planets, the stars, our world with all the animals and plants including us, God had created for this only purpose.

Isn’t it so that you can read in the ancient holy documents that there was  paradise, until Adam had eaten the forbidden apple? Was this apple not a symbol for all the sins we are doing? That we don’t respect and understand the purpose of God’s needs, and we destroy the paradise with our free will and ignorance? You see, to live in God’s paradise, you have to relearn and to work very hard within yourself! But try to understand that, nothing or no one is responsible for your mistakes and your sufferings except yourself. Hence, if you like to change the world, you must change yourself!

If you don’t find the direct road to His kingdom, you will only walk in the ring of your karma (cause and effect), maybe being reincarnated many times! Until you are able to find the door, the entrance to His kingdom!

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