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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      


Some words to wake up your intellect before we start to examine your questions! (The reason that you read this book!)


Consciousness, the freedom of choice and  free will are the most important gifts of God in humans life. Our mortal senses, the ability to hear, to smell, to taste, to see and touch (feel) are only tools to support our awareness.

We are always in conflict and unhappy if our free will is under pressure. The problem is that most of the people try to ignore our free will because they are  power-hungry and selfish.


Look at your own life! Are there not enough proofs for your understanding? Isn’t it so, that you also find examples in your own behaviors?


If you like to receive more harmonies in your life, change your bad behaviors. Treat humans, animals and the world better, just like what Jesus Christ  said: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” You can’t expect love if you seed evil!  The law of the “Karma” (law of cause and effect) will strike you always!


For the most people it is very difficult to live with self-confidence and true love, because they all are wrongly educated and tend to follow the flocks. They are not able to use their power of consciousness to recognize differences and to make decisions for “things” that are only beneficial and with true love. Imagine what will  happen if all the people know how to live with the awareness of  true love and free will. There will be no more fights, industrial- and religious exploitation. We are  independent on others power over us.



During the time when you were a child under the care of your parents, you were always told. “don’t do this, do that”. Seldom  had they explained, what is the reason to do this or to do that. If you had questions, maybe you received mostly answers like “don’t ask so stupid”. (Remark: “If you did not understand something completely WHY something is, or is to do , you have no knowledge!”)

What was the reason for this reaction?

Isn’t it so that even some parents are/were not wise enough to give/gave answers to some questions of their children? Isn’t it so that they are/were to proud to show their own ignorance? Imagine how nice would it be for a child’s mental development if the parents say: “See my child, I don’t know the answer, but let us try together to find them!” What do you think? Isn’t it so that if our behavior is like this, the child will start to use his inner power of imagination, his awareness/consciousness, and the child’s and our own knowledge will widen only because of our correct behaviors?


When you were 5 to 6 years old and had started going to school, the first thing  you had to do, was to wear your school uniform. The word uniform gave you the meaning that you were all identical with your classmates. The teacher is, as the word says, is there to teach you. You were lucky, if the teacher was serious and helped you, until you understood what you had to learn, and he was able to support your own talents. If the teacher was only there to “do his job” in order to earn his salary, then you had only bad luck.

What‘s the reason for the uniform and why do we have teachers and not masters in education?

Isn’t it so that our political-and religious world-system that exist now, will have only leaders, believers and followers (flocks) they are willing to do what they say? Isn’t it so that our individuality (the next gif from God) is not desired because if we start to use our free will and our natural instinct for true love, they  will lose their power? Isn’t it so that, if we try to make something better, there is always somebody who try to press our ideas down because he is jealous of our knowledge, or he is afraid to lose his face or position?

So the school system needs teachers, they teach you what the depended monetary oriented earth-system and the power greed of some humans need.


After someone finished his/her studies and were able to land a job, then he/she had to feel the power of a possible entrepreneur. The first impression (of his lack of knowledge) was surely the way he look at the outfit. The interview about ones personal life should be accounted for. As job applicant one is lucky, the entrepreneur would be contented until this point, one would be told about how much salary he is ready to pay without taking into consideration what one can do for his company  or the additional knowledge one has.

What’s the reason for the behavior of such an entrepreneur?

Isn’t it so that, he may be too proud of his position and that he is in love with his own power? Or he think that “clothes make people”? Or maybe he had never learned that we can’t judge people with his clothes? Isn’t it so that he shows his greed for more money to satisfy his selfishness, he tries to give you so less salary as possible?

What do you think? Isn’t it better for the entrepreneur and his company to give you a suitable salary depending on your knowledge, your will and your interest, so his business will grow more? Isn’t it better, if he tries to see your inner value and makes his decisions from more information’s about you than only with the impression of your outer appearance?


Our own mistake:

We try always to act like an entrepreneur to reach more than we give!


Reason:       We think ”to take is more efficient  for me”  for …..

                   (but you have to know, if you get something without more

performance, you steal!)


The next experience we had on our way is the time when we get attracted to someone and we fall in love. We start to see and respect the individuality of a possible partner. After getting to know each other better, we already start to make restrictions and we try to press our dominance over the one we love. We call this adaptation/adjustment. After we think we have a balance in our relationship, we start to think to have a family with children, then the circle will start again.


What’s the reason?

Isn’t it so that if we fall in love, we are guided by our godlike striving to give and to receive love? Isn’t it so that before we do fall in love, our senses (our eyes, nose, ears and hands) must be activated by our thoughts to receive positive signals like “she/he is good looking, she/he smells good, she/he is careful, he/she have a sweet, nice voice”? Isn’t it that we always search for an ideal possible partner for our self? Isn’t it that even if we know more about the inner self or behavior of this man/women, we are not ready to understand- or to respect them, then only we try to create our partner as an idol? Or are we only infatuated with his/her physical attributes?

This is the reason why the adjustments on our partnership come sometimes together with arguments and fights. If we are not able to respect the person as a total individual and/or we are not able to adjust our own personality/difference with each other, the relationship will never hold for a lifetime. We will only suffering because of our own mistakes. Isn’t it so, we would only be guided by our “lust” (sexual) or “to have somebody who would serve us” but we don’t search for higher feelings, we are surely always be frustrated and the search will continue like an addict person striving for more?


The life is like a ring, there is no start an no end!

In case you had read  until this point, and you think your interest is growing, you can continue to read!  It is very important that you completely understood the above!  If not, it is recommended to repeat it, so that your mind is open to learn and understand the following chapters. It is not necessary to understand the above completely, if you only like inspirations. But if you like to have prosperity/progress in your life, and enjoy life in this world, you need the knowledge and enlightenment that I would like to share to everybody thru this book.

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