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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      

The only good thing that a human owns, is his knowledge,

The only evil, the ignorance!

                                      Alan Key


Why are we here on this world?

What is the purpose of God in giving us life?

What is the purpose of our life?

What is the most important thing for you, that make you really happy and contented?

 If you are really interested to know or/and  understand at least one from the questions above then you are on the start to live with more success and happiness. Hence you must use your total ability to think and analyze. You need your total intellect and imagination to be able to understand completely.

You need perseverance and patience to inculcate the knowledge that you had learned deep into your mind and use it in your daily life.

(A young tree need time to become a big tree!)


The answer is very simple, but for most people it is complicated.


True Love!


Sometimes you hear from someone, something like: ”I love this house!” or “I love this car!” etc.

What to you think? Is this really love or is this more something than pride of worldly possessions?


Isn’t it better for example, if you say : “I like this house” or “I  like this car”!


Hence if you are fixed on material things, and you can’t realize the difference between love or like, you will never feel a full happiness. The difference of these words is striking. The way we use our language and thoughts, is the way we cultivate our minds and behaviors. 


If  somebody tells you : “I love the nature, I love humans or I love the animals” there can be a true love. Why can be, and not it is? Because if you think you love the nature but you pollute it, there is not true love. If you think you love humans or the animals, but you make restrictions, you don’t respect them or try to hurt and kill them to satisfy your selfishness, there is no true love.


Hence if you understand the purpose of  nature, the life of every living being, you will feel happiness at all. Why? because you will feel God in your heart.


What you need to understand are the gifts of God inside you, you only have to activate your inner self and to maintain “Correct thinking”, or in other words to widen your awareness. Let your thoughts and every action be guided with unification to Gods will.

God gave you consciousness and free will, that is the difference of human- and animal life.


If you place a diamond and a piece of shit on the floor, then you bring a dog to this place.

What do you think what will the dog chouse? Will the dog go to the piece of shit, or will it see the beauty and value of the diamond?

Give the answer to your self!

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