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1. Prologue 2. What is the best Religion 3. Why I should read this Book 4. Wake up
5. Why are we here on this World? 6. What is the Purpose of our Life? 7. To be happy and content 8. Open your Mind
9. Start to create your Life 10. Tibetan Five (six) Yoga Exercises 11. The Wheel of Divine Life 12. Epilog
13. References      


What is the Best Religion?….

… The unity between different religions, and what is really the true foundation of religion?

 True Religion tries to uplift human consciousness. Even artists, businessmen, and atheists can be religious if they are helping to uplift human consciousness.

“Religion is not a thing. Religion is a state of mind over all… A message that acts upon human consciousness to uplift it. If people fall from that consciousness that because they are wrong, not because the Religion is wrong.”

The best Religion is self-realization: to understand who you really are!



This was the only actual agreement that the leaders of all big Religions found out on the “International Convocation 1999”

All other discussions had no agreement because of the different- opinions and focuses  their own Religion.

 It is very interesting to know, that if we analyze and compare the Holy Books,…. The BHAGAVAD GITA (the Holy Book of Krishna “Hindus”), the Holy BIBLES (of Christ, Jews, etc.), the KORAN (the Holy Book of Mohamed “Moslems”) and in the Holy scriptures of BUDDHA (The Holy Books of Buddhists)…… we will find exactly the same wisdom, only each one is explained in different words/descriptions.

It is also very interesting to know, that the BHAGAVAD GITA exists since approximately 3000 (three thousand) years before Jesus Christ was born, the Holy scriptures of BUDDHA are also older then the Holy BIBLE of Christ, and the KORAN is not the last prophecy.

It is also a fantastic fact, that Jesus Christ was born exactly in the middle of east and west of this world, that the three kings, went to Bethlehem from the East, and the faith had expanded to the West. So, you see, it is not so important, that you are a HINDU, a BUDDHIST, a JEW, a CHRISTIAN, a MOSLEM or what ever you like to call yourself. A religion  is only a name to remind us that God exists. It is much more important to live- consciously with faith and with CHRIST IN YOU! If you understand this wisdom, you start now to see every man “independent of his color, his religion, his origin, his social status as a soul” as originating from the same God, having the same strong-and weak points like anybody else.

 It is maybe also interesting to look deeper in the “world history”, I mean to ask yourself what existed thousands of years ago! How was life in the time of- the high cultures of MU, the MAYAS, the EGYPT, or the old LATIN GREECE. There in the ancient you will find many things that we call “miracles”. Every day, the modern scientists and the archeologists find some facts and indications that there in the past were more knowledge as is expected. Sometimes it’s surprising to know, that almost everything they find out has more “technology” that could be understood fully now. That is really fantastic, Isn’t it?

 So, I recommend you to find answers for the following questions!

Ask yourself:


Who am I ?
From where did I come ?
Why did I come ?
Am I doing that in my life for what I came  ?
Where will I go ?


Don’t only think for a “short time” and superficially, because if you do that, you are not able to find out who you really are and why you are here. The only thing you know is that one time you have to die!

 You must “think deeply” (meditate) to know the truth!

Go to a silent place, close your eyes, breath slowly (like in your sleep), concentrate only on one question and try in this state of peace, to “hear” the answer that your inner self gives you!

If you are 100% sure that you became the “true” answer, there is no doubt, continue the next day and concentrate you to the next question.

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