Be Informed, Not Afraid
color="#FF0000">The Pioneer Valley Paranormal Research Society is a serious minded research organization dedicated to research proving life after death, and communicating with those who are in the other side where some believe that those who have passed on in this life and are waiting for their loved ones to join them someday. There are also those who linger between our world and the other world who cannot or will not move to their place in the other world.Sometimes those who linger, either by choice or being held emotionally by someone or something, or just don't realize they have passed on, can become malevolent. Most I believe are not. Many of them are curious when a person with the gift of being clairvoyant can communicate or even hear them. Not with our ears as with the ability of telepathy. I believe whenever possible we should help those who wish our help.
Then of course, we have the malevolent spirits or even demons. These are spirits I prefer not to encounter, though I have, and I did send them away, successfully. I have found that in a local cemetery in the Pioneer Valley, there is quite a selection of benevolent and malevolent energies. I have encountered both. I have been 'visited' by both after leaving. I made the mistake back then of not thanking them for letting me visit, and to remain and not follow myself or the other researchers I was with. There is so much activity in this cemetery that I have yet to find my way out to research others. There are homes and businesses the like, who have spirits 'residing' with us unknown. This town of Westfield was established in 1669 as an agricultural community so you can certainly expect a good amount of spiritual activity among us.
I owned a business on Elm Street back in 1997, which harbored an entity which I could not mark as a human spirit, but of a demon type of entity. At the same time, my guardian was also present whenever I was down in the basement where this entity 'hung out'. He was described to me by two different people at different times, and they did not know each other at the time. 'IT' had the ability of making some physically ill, tripping them, pushing them down, and causing great discomfort. Those in my spiritual group spent a great deal of time studying it, but felt that it was best to get rid of 'It'. It began to affect customers when they came in so that they felt less comfortable than they did when we opened the business. I'm talking about regular customers. We made an attempt to exorcise it, but as it was our first, it was only temporarily effective. Our feeling on the matter was that the entity was awakened by the uplifting and positive energy which was opposite of what 'It' was putting out. Eventually the entity affected things to such an extent that the business partnership and friendship of my partner and myself split up on unfriendly terms and the business eventually fell by the wayside.
Part of the group that I was with prior to the founding of the PVPRS have gone their separate ways, however, I still continue on. I welcome anyone who wishes to join the PVPRS as long as they are serious about what this Society stands for. The journey into the paranormal is always exciting, sometimes fun, and sometimes frightening. It takes scientific evidence to prove the existence of the spiritual realm and afterlife. Though 'science' may never accept the proof gathered by paranormal researchers, it may come to pass someday. It is necessary to have the basic tools to do research. Cameras (not necessarily the expensive ones), tape recorders, digital thermometers, video cameras, notebooks, flashlights, pens. One must have respect for the work being done and take it seriously and open mindedly. If there is an explanation other than paranormal, that is important to accept. It doesn't matter whether one is a believer or not, just that BOTH are open to the fact that it may or may not be paranormal. If you would like to be a member, would like to be a guest at one of our monthly Spiritual Gatherings or seance as most would call it,or, if you know of someone who has passed on, but not crossed over completly and need spirit rescue, please, email us at pvprs2000@yahoo.com to receive your application via email.
Just so you know, the Pioneer Valley is in the southwestern region of Massachusetts, surrounding Springfield, Holyoke, Westfield, Chicopee etc etc. My main 'haunt' is in Westfield. If you are interested in past excursions and experiences. Then keep reading and click on the links below.
It is very important to get permission from those in charge when researching an area that has particular hours of operation or from homeowners etc. Research can be done day or night.
There are two types of memberships. The first is those of actual research members, who go out in the field, report findings, etc. This membership is $5.00 per year, for acting members (those who go on investigations, etc.) The second membership is $10.00 per year in which you will receive annual reports, or bi-annual as more information is available, a membership card. Also, you can upgrade at any time to the research level.
I look forward to meeting and working with you.
Feel free to read true accountings of experiences I have had personally. These are all true and not dramatized.
Fourth of July: Things begin to fire up
An Old Age Entity in a New-Age Environment
Also, I would appreciate your signing my guestbook.
151 Main Street, Westfield, MA 01085-3140
Ph: (413) 562-0193
eMail: pvprs2000@yahoo.com
Jacqueline A. Ross, Founder