Please click the IWL Top 1000 link below whenever you have the chance.
--Prez Updates; Well, here it is. The big update. It's over. The IWL is officially closed. However, I will re-open it if I get enough requests and if people actually work. If any of you want to keep in contact, my home email address is HERE. Thanks for the ride, guys.
10/9/00 (ok, 10/10, so sue me)
--Commish Updates; MASSACRE IS UP! Sorry it's late, but it was damn hard. I've truly begun to appreciate how much work Brad's put into this place. But go have a look! Round 2 matches will be posted tomorrow and other matches will be available, so challenge for 'em!
--Commish Updates; The Titles page and the Singles Roster have been updated!
--Commish Update; SUPER IMPORTANT UPDATE! The FWLnet just reset the Top 1000 feds board and I got us a new account. It's been good to us in the past, so please click on the Top 1000 graphic below every day and help boost us up to the top. Since we know we're the best, why not have the rank to prove it?
--Commish Updates; the first round of the World Title Tourney is posted on the RP board and in the card for Massacre. We also have a new column from Axel in the News section.
-- Prez Updates; MASSACRE IS UP! Everything should be updated shortly!
-- Prez Updates; Roster updated! Sorry about the three-day lack of updates, guys. I'm currently goin' through summer school... blech. But hey, the fed's goin' and results will be up for the card. RP and have fun!
Please click here, daily!
Please click here, daily!