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NEWS UPDATE -- Monday, October 2nd, 2000 I don’t believe Brad left that woman in charge!
I mean, what is wrong with him?! You can’t leave some little china doll in charge of an organization as tough and ruthless as the IWL, she’s gonna get mowed down in no time. And then she goes and makes up a tournament for the World Title in a game of paintball? Ok, I gotta admit I liked that part, and strangely enough she made up a pretty good tournament. Let’s have a look.
"The Prodigy of Perfection" CRAIG SILVA vs. DAN SLATE The man whose been next in line throughout all the turmoil meets the former champ in the first round. This one should be a barn burner.
ADAM DODD vs. MIKEY VIOLENT Dodd, a relative newcomer meets the ever popular troublemaker, Violent. Should show what the new guy’s made of and maybe show if Mikey still likes it! Hahaha…
"The Future" JAKE KEETON vs. RAGE Two relatively new guys, both complete a$$holes, I dunno who to root for! With Keeton one half of the World Hardcore Tag Team champs and Rage the Hardcore champ, look for this one to get ugly.
MAGNUS vs. CARNAGE Never seen this guy Magnus before he walked into the office the other day, but that works with Carnage, who can’t stop hiding in sewers or wherever it is he hides. Should be interesting.
CHRIS THERIN vs. THE NATURAL The cruiser weight champ takes on a bigger but not really better guy in the Natural. I think Tempest just took the commish job because she knew she’d never get the cruiserweight strap off of Therin.
THE SADIST vs. HUDSON The leader of Violent Inc. takes on one half of the World Tag champs and it’s a bigger opportunity than either one of them deserves.
TORCH vs. JASON PHILLIPS The mouthiest SOB in the IWL takes on the runner up to that title and the TV champ. Can’t wait to hear these guys lay into each other about the first of the week. Just cover the kiddie’s ears up, folks.
KRASH vs. DOOMSDAY Two guys returning to the IWL just in time for the tourney (how convenient) should put on a great show. My memory’s not so hot, but I recall that neither of these guys were pushovers.
And thus concludes this edition of the new
Insider. And if you suckers don't like it... hah, you can't do anything about
it anyway!… Unless of course, you’re Tempest. Don’t fire me sweetcakes, hmm, please?
-"Intense" Axel Fury |