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Minor Leagues

*** Many of the former rules may be invalid, due to the pending status of some features. Disregard the rules about experience points and the money system. ***

1. FAKE wrestlers only!. You will have A LOT more fun if you create a wrestler yourself and improve his ability to win matches and become a champion. You get a maximum of three wrestlers unless you prove that you can win with all three of your wrestlers, then you will be allowed more.

2. You MUST roleplay to win. It is the essence of this organization. Roleplaying means to interview. Being a champion in this fed involves quality roleplays. Don't have a lot of short roleplays. If you aren't going to write at least two medium sized paragraphs, don't even bother. Short roleplays do not help your chances of winning a match. DON’T join if you aren’t an experienced roleplayer, or if you just don’t roleplay good. The IWL intends to be the best, so in turn, we require ONLY the best. We look for quality in the RPs. Quantity is a factor, just don't make it a 10kb piece of garbage. Please do not use all caps for your WHOLE flash, and use proper grammar and puncuation. They have to have content and be readable (this means punctuation and correct spelling). Humorous, creative roleplays are better than "I am going to kill you and win the belt because you suck and I don't" roleplays. If you roleplay with any characterists of a real wrestler, these roleplays will also be disguarded. You cannot use other wrestlers or real staff members in your roleplays. Look at our sample roleplay if you are unsure about roleplaying. The IWL also strictly forbids that you copy another person’s roleplays. It happens more often than not, so be original. Frankly, it’s irritating, so just don’t do it.

3. When determining your wrestler's height and weight, make it realistic. We will not allow a wrestler who is 8 ft. tall and weighs 600 lbs. The two weight classes are Heavyweight (+211) and Cruiserweight (210-161). Also keep this in mind when you are giving your wrestler an identity. Like in real life, every wrestler will have strengths and weaknesses. These are just used in determining the outcome of matches. If a wrestler is too unrealistic, he will not be accepted.

4. Do NOT abuse the privelege of swearing. Keep the cursing to a minimum. Overly used cursing can hurt the quality of your roleplay. Swear if you must, but don't over do it. NO racial remarks, NO religious jokes, or ANY form of realistic prejudice will be allowed. I say realistic in that prejudice that is around today, not something unimportant like if you don't like the way he dresses. Realistic prejudice is the normal prejudice you unfortunately hear today in America.

5. A wrestler's status is as follows - Champion, Active, Not Active, Injured, Probation, Suspended. A wrestler could be put on probation for an act of misconduct. If the wrestler shows continued bad behavior during his probation period, he will be suspended. If you are suspended, you could possibly lose any of the titles you may have won. Multiple suspensions may result in being fired.

6. You do not have to spend your salary, but buying items does help your popularity rating and experience level. If you get fined, the amount you are fined will come out of your earnings. You will be fined for beating staff members, using weapons during matches, attacking referees, etc. Any wrestler who is on probation will only recieve the money he earns in matches. Any wrestler who has a suspension cannot wrestle until his suspension is over and therefore cannot earn any money. An injured wrestler will earn the salary for his experience level when he was injured. Teams do not have a experience level and therefore do not get payed for one.

7. A higher experience level will help you to get the matches you want. You will also appear in main events more often and get more title shots. The experience levels from highest to lowest are as follows - Superstar, Main Eventer, Mid-Carder, Opener, Jobber. A superstar earns the most money per month and a jobber earns the least.

8. For the sake of the game, keep all arguments WITHIN the federation. The last thing I need is someone who takes this too seriously and forms a grudge against someone.

9. You can have ANY type of match you want. Do not abuse the privelege of Interferences, it’s main purpose is to start fueds NOT to cause a loss to your rival every other match. Interference in World Title matches result in automatic retaining of the belt.

10. My level of strictness is fairly lenient. My system is "Three strikes, you're OUT." In other cases, you may immediately be OUT.

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