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Soren's birth announcement

Søren's Birth Announcement

We created this birth/memorial announcement for family and friends about Søren's life. When one is pregnant, one envisions life with the baby and spends time in preparation: preparing a nice home, getting things ready for their arrival and gathering ideas for a birth announcement. No one tells you what to do if instead, your baby dies. We still wanted to celebrate Søren's life somehow, and share him with friends. We wanted to let everyone know how proud we are of him. He is a very important member of our family.

Sending this announcement helped us fill the need to communicate that Søren's life was real and meaningful, not just a dream. Also, it helped us get the word out when talking on the phone was too emotionally demanding. We also wanted friends and family to have something by which to remember our son.

To see the full readable version, just click HERE and then click your BACK button to return back here! Total size: 104KB.

Soren's handprints

We also included Søren's hands on the front, with this inscription from Dr. Seuss.

Soren at 5 hours old

We chose this photo of Søren at 5 hours old. Although the sight of him surrounded with tubes and wires was likely to be upsetting, it was the best photo we had of him alive. We wanted to show him at his best. And this one shows off his beautiful face and lovely full lips, features that we both found quite striking. We think he is so handsome and strong.

Søren's First Birthday
Søren's Second Birthday
Søren's Third Birthday
Søren's Fourth Birthday
Søren's Star - The International Star Registry
Søren's Really Cool Aussie Birth Certificate
Ways to Remember

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