Hi!... and happy new year! Do you all have your resolutions? No? Well, I have one for you! You should resolve to start sending in news to HPL! Sounds fun, huh? You can reach me [ here ] Well, have a very happy new year and remember kids, don't drink and drive. Actually, don't drink at all!
December 28, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Potter author knows how it will all end
The Harry Potter author says she has already conjured up the conclusion to her series of books about the teenage wizard.
A television profile of the Scottish author is to be screened on BBC1 today.
She says there could be a further Potter book when the series ends - to raise cash for charity.
She said: "I'm not going to say I'll never write anything to do with the world of Hogwarts ever again. Because I have often thought that (if I wrote) book eight, I think it would be right and proper that it should be a book whose royalties go to charity entirely... It could be the encyclopaedia of the world (of Hogwarts) and then I could rid myself of every last lurking details, but no not a novel."
In the programme she allows the cameras to see the final chapter, saying: "This is it and I'm not opening it for obvious reasons - this is really I'll wrap everything, it's the epilogue and I basically say what happens to everyone after they leave school, those who survive - because there are deaths, more deaths coming."
She even hints that one of the long-standing characters will be wiped out in the forthcoming three books.
There will also be further romance following on from Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire in which he has a date with a quidditch team-mate - and develops more of an interest in pal Hermione.
Rowling said there will be "more boy-girl stuff, inevitably", adding: "They're 15 now, hormones working overtime. And Harry has to ask some questions that I hope the reader will think 'well why hasn't he asked this before'?"
December 28, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Church plans Harry Potter book burning
Churchgoers in America are to burn hundreds of Harry Potter books claiming they are an "abomination to God".
Members of the Christ Community Church, in Alamogordo, New Mexico, believe the best-sellers teach children sorcery.
The mass Harry Potter book-burning is planned for Sunday.
Pastor Jack Brock, 74, said: "Harry Potter books are going to destroy the lives of young people.
"These books encourage our youth to learn more about witches, warlocks, and sorcerers, and those things are an abomination to God and to me."
Pastor Brock also gave a Christmas Eve sermon called The Baby Jesus or Harry Potter?
Author JK Rowling brushed off the criticisms.
In a statement to The Mirror, she said: "I have met thousands of children and not even one time has a child come up to me and said 'Ms Rowling, I'm so glad I've read these books because now I want to be a witch.'"
December 24, 2001 Merry Christmas.... eve!
Hi everyone! I just wanted to wish you all a merry christmas. I'm off to my grandmother's house in a few hours. I may post some more news...
Oh! And guess what! I got an hp scarf! My grandma made it. It's really cool. I'm wearing it right now. hehe... I'm such a dork. ;) Alrighty then, happy christmas!
December 23, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Photo stills stolen from Harry Potter studios
Police are investigating the theft of photographic stills of the second Harry Potter movie from studios in Hertfordshire.
The stills are from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, due out next year, and are believed to have been stolen from a locked room at Leavesden Studios, Watford.
Warner Brothers have sent a warning to all media picture desks not to use the stills if they receive them because they are stolen.
A spokesman for Herts police said: "The theft has been reported and officers are investigating."
In February this year props were stolen from the set and then appeared for sale on the internet.
A wizard's hat and three gold coins were taking during the making of the first film, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which is already one of the most successful movies ever.
The worldwide market for Potter memorabilia is worth billions and original items are highly sought after.
December 21, 2001 Harry Potter one of the most intriguing people of the year
People magazine had a top 20 most intriguing people list, and there was a big long section all about him. Oh, and part of it showed children trying on Harry scarfs.... Can anyone [ tell me ]
where they sell them? I really want one! Oh, see the article [ here ]
December 21, 2001 Film Nominations and Awards
This a list of the awards and nominations that are HP related:
Golden Globes Award Nominations - 0 :(
American Film Institute Award Nominations - 1 (Best Digital Effects)
Golden Satellite Award Winner - 1 Rupert Grint (Ron) for "I am Sam"
Golden Satellite Nominations - 2 (Best Picture [Animated/Mixed Media], Best Film Editing, Best Production Design and Best Visual Effects)
December 19, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Harry Potter tops UK charts for fifth week
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone has become the UK's most successful film of the year.
It has topped the charts for a fifth week, after taking £2.4 million at the box office.
Samuel L Jackson's film 51st State remained in second place for the second week.
Zoolander is fourth and The Others fifth.
December 18, 2001 Sorting Hat Looking for Interns
Are you interested in assisting the [ sorting hat ] with his very busy job? It takes a dedicated person to do it. How's the pay you ask? Well, it's $420/mo. Haha! December Fools!
::Cricket Chirp::
Actually it's $0/mo. Think of it as community service! Helping the less fortunate! ::bambi eyes:: come on... sniff... it's Chr-Chr-Christmas...
December 17, 2001
[ MuggleNet ] : Harry Potter in Mad Magazine
It's all about the most probable causes of death for J.K. Rowling. It's all tasteful... nothing grotesque. It's also very funny! See it [ here ].
December 17, 2001
[ MuggleNet ] : Contact the Actors in the Movie
I've put up a [ list ] of the actors in the movie that I got from MuggleNet. You can contact most of the main characters... however, none of theses are 100% guaranteed. But, I guess its worth a shot! Let me know about your results! See the list [ here ].
December 17, 2001
[ The Guardian ] reports: Book 5 release
The Guardian reports that book five won't be due out until at least September 2002:
"To a stronger twinge of alarm among publishing and bookselling accountants, the traditional July publication date is set to slide to September. The author, JK Rowling, has yet to send her fifth novel, provisionally titled Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, to Bloomsbury. Moreover, she has given the publisher no indication of when she expects to finish."
December 15, 2001 New Header
Do you like it? I do. I made it in CorelDraw9, which is a .... "not fun" program. If you think it's too ugly or cheesy, please [ email ] me. If you can't remember what the old one looked like to compare, you can view it [ here ].
December 15, 2001
[ CNN.com ] reports: GoF Correction
Looks like Bloomsbury and Scholastic have corrected the error in the Goblet of Fire when they printed the later editions of the book. The error takes place during the Reverse-Spell Effect, where You-Know-Who's victims emerge from his wand in reverse order. In the earlier editions of the book, James emerges before Lily, implying that Lily died first. However, earlier in the book, when Harry faces the dementors, one of his recollections includes James saying something to the effect of: "I'll hold him off! Save Harry!"
December 14, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Harry Potter sequel set for November release
The release date for Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets has been announced.
The film will hit cinemas on November 15 2002, almost exactly a year after the first film's release.
According to [ www.variety.com ], the third Harry Potter film may be pushed back to 2004 to make way for both Matrix sequels to be released in 2003.
December 14, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: CS Lewis' Narnia tales heading for the big screen
CS Lewis's Narnia series is to follow in the footsteps of Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. Walden Media, a New York based firm, has bought the rights to the books. It plans to have the best-known, a version of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, in cinemas within three years.
There are also plans for a series of plays based on the books to run in theatres across the world on a franchised basis.
No decisions have been made on who will appear in the film, or where it will be shot but the firm is planning talks with film distributors in the next few months to hammer out a distribution deal.
Lewis wrote the chronicles of Narnia while he lectured at Oxford University, in a bid to get his Christian message across to children. Ironically, one of his fellow dons was JRR Tolkein, whose Lord of the Rings saga is due to hit cinema screens later this month.
December 13, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Harry Potter set to reach $500 million box office mark today
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone is expected to reach $500 million at the worldwide box office today.
It will be the fastest film in history to reach the benchmark.
That figure puts the film in 17th place in the list of the biggest films of all time.
Twelve million people outside America are estimated to have seen the film last weekend, making it the highest grossing weekend in international box office history.
December 13, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Harry Potter banned from Aussie library display
Harry Potter's been banned from an Australian library display over fears he may offend Christians at Christmas.
Beaudesert Shire Council in Queensland has removed references to Potter after one complaint.
However, the council says offending items, which included a cauldron and a broomstick, will be back on Boxing Day.
A council spokeswoman said authorities recognised "possible sensitivities between the Christmas nativity story and the Harry Potter themes of witches and warlocks".
Rumours Harry Potter books had also been removed from shelves were untrue, the spokeswoman said, explaining the books were so popular they were rarely available.
However, the council's quick action in dismantling the display has angered several Tamborine Mountain residents who claim authorities buckled too easily to "religious bigotry".
December 12, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Harry Potter jinxes Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? game
Eidos has blamed Harry Potter for a sharp fall in sales of its Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? game.
Chief executive Michael McGarvey says the novelty of the TV quiz show is wearing off, as UK customers turn their backs on the video game.
The game sold two million copies in the UK and Germany last year, but Mr McGarvey says sales are 50% lower this time round despite new and updated versions.
"It's a bit of a headscratcher really," he says. "But Harry Potter and other big licences are taking dollars out of the market."
December 10, 2001
Thanks to "Chipie" for this info on the meaning of the name "Draco Malfoy". It's a correction to the [ Word Origins ] page.
Draco means dragon in Latin and foy can be seen as an old spelling for "foi", which is "faith". So if he's of bad faith, that means he can't be trusted.
December 10, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Grotto ditches Santa for Harry Potter characters
A museum has kicked Santa out of its Christmas grotto and replaced him with Harry Potter characters. Staff at the Bradford Industrial Museum say the break with tradition will appeal to children. This year children visiting the grotto will receive gifts from characters based on the JK Rowling stories.
December 10, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: Harry Potter leads to surge in broomstick sales
Broomsticks have seen a surge in popularity following the success of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Craftsman Shaun Bridges of Bristol says he's working round the clock to meet the demand for them. He claims he's made hundreds of the £5 brooms for people to give away as gifts. The brooms are made from birch twigs and willow, The Sun reports. Mr Bridges said: "I've never been so busy. People come and ask if they can fly, and then talk for ages about Harry Potter and Quidditch."
December 9, 2001
Happy Hanukkah everyone! I'm not Jewish, but I'm definitely an advocate for a variety of religious beliefs; I think they all have merit, and they deserve respect.
December 6, 2001
[ Ananova ] reports: JK Rowling voted Top Scot
JK Rowling has been voted Top Scot at the Spirit of Scotland Awards. The Edinburgh-based writer is the fourth woman in a row to win the award. Previous winners include journalist Kirsty Wark and Texas singer Sharleen Spiteri. Elizabeth Lafferty, of the awards sponsors Glenfiddich, told the Edinburgh Evening News: "This has undoubtedly been JK Rowling's year."
December 6, 2001
[ iFilm.com ]
iFilm Harry Potter spoof
[ iFilm.com ] has a new movie spoof that features Harry and friends after they've graduated from Hogwarts. It's like VH1's "Behind the Music", with Harry as the famous musician/person. I'd have to say it's quite clever, but those with short attention spans may find themselves not watching the whole 15 minute movie.
December 3, 2001 Movie Mistake
This comes from MuggleNet:
When Prof. McGonagall animagies (in the classroom), at first she comes out from being a cat without glasses,
then when she looks at Harry and Ron her glasses are back on!
Check out this [ film footage ] from countingdown.com
December 2, 2001
[ IMDB Studios ] reports: Radcliffe gets a raise
Daniel Radcliffe, is getting a substantial pay boost following a threat by the British actors' union Equity to boycott future Harry Potter projects unless his payment was increased. According to the London Daily Mirror, he was to have received just $110,000 for the first Potter movie and $182,000 for the second, a figure that Equity described as "paltry." The 12-year-old actor is now due to receive $3 million. "It was a scandal that Dan was being paid so little when the movie is going to be so big," an unnamed insider told the Mirror. "Dan is going to be on the merchandising products that are going to generate untold millions. Him (sic) getting a couple of hundred thousand hardly seemed fair."
December 2, 2001 That one dude (was it Brent?) is back!
Hey everyone! Your favorite webmaster is back! The trip was very fun. Sorry I wasn't able to access a computer at the classy and prestigious holiday inn, with the school band. Surprising, huh? But I am back now and ready for some more updates! I still haven't gotten any emails about helping out at the site, but that's ok! WAYGD?!
(oh yeah. waygd is my new acronym for "What are you gonna do?" Everyone use it! Then I can say I started something!)
This site is NOT affiliated with J.K. Rowling, Mary Grand Pre, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, or any other Official Harry Potter company. It is purely a fan site.