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Friday, December-31-2004, 7:31 PM
I think it's a bit too quick to fall in love again, considering that I just bought the Red Frame like 3 days ago. But the Endless Waltz W-Zero Custom looks pretty cool too. And it's the Master Grade version. But this one comes at a whopping RM 259. So I have to think it through a bit. The High Grade model that I have doesn't seem as enticing as it used to be after I saw that. Sigh....life's full of tough choices.

The Januari transfer window is here again. So here comes the nightmare to every WE players who'll have a lot to do to update their databases. I'm a little scared coz there's no speculation of Arsenal buying anyone. And even if they do, Wenger buys all those less-than-convincing names. Look at the signings this season. Lupoli, Almunia, Fabregas....they're practically unheard of. But they all turn out to be pretty good, hehe. Why doesn't Wenger buy someone important, like Emerson or Costinha. But it's still better than Ferguson who paid 30M for Rooney who only knows how to be charged for misconduct better than anyone else. There're rumours that Aimar and Morientes might go to Liverpool. It's so depressing, man. Wenger, do something!!! Got to watch the FIFA World Player Gala. Too bad Henry didn't win it. Who else would you know would go an entire season unbeaten, score 30+ goals, bring his country into the semi-finals of the European Championships, come back and do the same again, scoring an odd 15 goals before Christmas? What did Ronaldinho do? Barca didn't even win anything and they even lost to a crap team like Shaktar. But I like Ronaldinho too, so no hard feelings on that, btw.

I'm receiving a whole lot of messages lately. Not that it's an annoying thing, but Celcom is kinda crap these days coz they wouldn't let my messages through. And I dun see why I have to be directed to the voicemail just so they can earn a few bucks off my pocket. I mean, there's this friend who called me like 4 times when my phone was on (it has never been off since I bought it anyway) and everytime, she reached my voicemail. Outrageous!!!

There's a lot of talk about the earthquake and the tsunamis lately. All I can say is that Singapore is lucky, coz if it had happened a little north, the waves would have travelled along the Straits of Malacca and that puny little island they call a country where all the brats come from would have been totally wiped out. OK, I got good friends from sg too, so I'll just hold my tongue. It's New Year's eve afterall. Sorry Jon, din mean to say that about your country. They beat Myanmar 4-3 in the Tiger Cup. And I saw the goals. Pretty classy.

Haven't been keeping up with my Bible reading and qt. Ahh....this is bad. Cell group was pretty good. Chute led yesterday. I should give her the chance too. I dun want to be the one doing all the talking. But I did ask her to do it this week coz I need time to gather materials. And also coz I'm lazy. OK, maybe she can lead again next week. HAHAHAHAA.....

I rested today so I can nurse the strains and pains on my legs. I wanna play football tomorrow. What a way to kick start the new year, huh? This is probably one of those few days when saying "see you tomorrow" and "see you next year" mean the same thing. OK, I'm bored.

Wednesday, December-29-2004, 1:29 PM
First blood to Malaysia. Indonesia lost 1-2 to Malaysia at home in first leg of the Tiger Cup. And you guys are racists, man. You kept hurling those water bottles at our players. But what I can say as an unbiased observer of the beautiful game is......Malaysian soccer sucks. But we are still the better team coz we beat Indonesia. MUAHAHAHAHA.... We have the away goals advantage. If I'm the coach, I'll probably rest all my star players coz it's only 3 days between the legs and I'll use all my defenders and play defensive football like Juventus and only attack on the break. We only need to draw 0-0 to go to the finals against either Singapore or Myanmar. Malaysia can do it!!!!

Been playing pretty well lately. Was in a build-up of one goal 2 days ago and assisted another one yesterday. I wanna be the one to score the goal today..... the guys there say I can cross very well and accurate. See YX, it's not just a rumour. It's a known fact. Got a slight headache for enjoying the full extent of Malaysian football though - playing in the rain in ankle deep mud. Hahahaa... My head was spinning for a while at night, and so does my body. I got to ditch my old socks and get new ones coz it's kinda worn out at the Achilles area and is giving me blisters.

I finally bought the Gundam Astray Red Frame. It's not as close to the Master Grade detailing as the owner has said. And ML Comics looks pretty sad. The owner seemed like he could not believe that I had actually wanted to buy that model. I guess you won't expect high school kids to buy expensive stuff like that. Plus, ppl here probably hardly watch animes coz of the slow dial-up and crap. And they probably won't even know what the Red Frame is. The ARX-7 Arbalest is still not in stock. I think Ban Dai doesn't make it. And there seem to be no other merchandise for FMP other than the action figures of the main characters. I suppose I've bought everything in my shopping list. The next one is the Nike Mercurial Vapor Chrome, which relies solely on YX's financial situation. Hahaha.

I can use my money on food now. Ahh....I forgot I need to buy that mp3 player for my sister. What a bother....

Wednesday, December-22-2004, 11:17 PM
OMG. I struck gold. They have Initial D Arcade Stage Version 3 here!!! And it's the Japanese version. And Dang, if I had not left my card back in Melb. Shoot. the opponents are definitely harder in v3. And They got Nakazato on Akina. LOL.

Thing are exactly as they call it. Pirated. I got the Meta model. They had the box and the manual exactly the same. Except for the 'Ban Dai' logo, but other than that, all the pieces are like cheap plastic. Haha....well, the original cost RM 240 but I only got this for RM 60. So I can't really complain about it. Every penny has its worth.

So sorry to hear that, mate. The pressure's on me now. But I'll pray for you. Call me when you get back to indo.

Tuesday, December-21-2004, 1:12 PM
Do you know that Christmas is not real? I mean, nowhere in the Bible mentioned that December 25th is the birthdate of Christ. I mean, during the Roman times, Constantine established the Christian religion as a method to.....erm....ok...no politics. I don't want to spoil the cheer either. But if Christmas is not real, that means, Santa's not real, and that means all this present-giving thing is fake and that means I don't have to get anyone any gifts or cards and that means I have more money for myself and that means I can get the Kingston 512..... I love Christmas! My friend said he's going away for a while and will come back on the 26th. Wait a minute......maybe he's Santa!!!

I think I'll have to delay the launch of my new website. All my resources are back in Melb. I don't have Photoshop here either. Maybe I can move my blogs first. I don't like the layout here anymore.

Monday, December-20-2004, 7:37 PM
Work as usual. If there's no rain, I would have played football. But I got a few jackets because of the rain. So it isn't really such a bad thing.

Alright, sister. We'll settle it right here right now. What you said to my sister was too much. You wanna know what I think? I think you're sweet, but you whine too much. I know you know my uncle's the owner of the bakery and don't think you can say things behind my back coz he's my uncle and you think he knows me. Secondly, my cousin is already attached, so dun come to me and ask me to try to break them up, coz that's just so wrong. And I don't care if you call that a favour. So what if you're crazy about him? He's not. Neither am I. Stop bugging me. He's never gonna have your children even if you paid him. And all your whining probably scared him away. Now if you have any respect for me, stop calling me and asking me stupid questions. Regardless how young I look, I'm still 1 year older. And I'm just buying bread. That's like one of the 2 daily necessities. Don't think I go there just to see you. It is my uncle's bakery, you know. I don't care if you work half a day, or a day, and I don't care if my office is just opposite the bakery, I just dun see the point you going PMS over some stupid call you made to my cousin and frankly speaking, I don't know what I have to do with it. If you dun wanna be called a kid, then start taking responsibilities over your OWN actions. Sure, maybe your PMS made you tired, but I'm just as tired as you, so if it helps you feel better, I can help push you off a building. And what on earth was it about messing with my kids and crap. I don't even know if I'll have kids in the first place. Saying things like that to my other friends won't help alleviate the problem. Geezzz....If there're girls like you around, men probably don't need enemies. And if you ever get to read this, which is a bad thing you'll never, I got 3 words for you. You need Jesus.

That's it. I said it. That feels a lot better, doesn't it. Talk about boy-crazy, spoilt, brats. And I thought only little boys are like that. Girls nowadays are getting worse. I know there're a lot trying to seek sexual equality, but those who seriously think they wanna do that lacks ambition. They never stop bringing trouble. Sigh.

Sunday, December-19-2004, 3:54 PM
That's it man. This has got to stop. I got another set of TCM2005 and guess what? It doesn't work. All this pirated business in SEA is getting way out of hand here. I got a bunch of DVDs and aren't even sure if they work. Maybe they do, and I'll get to hear laughters or silhouttes. This is getting really annoying. Aren't there any quality materials around here? And I was in this computer shop and this idiot tells me that no one gets 40G eHDD these days. I mean, wth. Does that idiot even know what ppl use that for? And oh sure, like those crap Apacer memory sticks are better. Just coz they have headspreaders doesn't make them any better. And what does he have? GeCube, and Aiclick......pffttt...... those are all cheap crap if you ask me. That wouldn't be half as bad as the way the speaker sounds if he hadn't shouted at us like he was deaf.

I kinda miss Melbourne. My room, my computer....and definitly 256k. And some of the ppl. Some are a little annoying, others are very annoying, especially the girls and some of the younger ones. I miss the guys there. I miss playing football with ppl who passes the ball. I miss them throwing garbage in my bag and playing hide and seek and getting trume-ed. But there're probably a lot of flies over there now. It's strange how the flies just disappears when it's winter. Like the international students too. During summer, almost everybody's gone. And people come back during autumn-spring. Geologists call it the migration pattern. I guess I'll just stick with M'sia for a little longer.

Girls who are boy-crazy and self absorbing are driving me nuts. What's wrong with the little, innocent, young girls nowadays. And they all seem to be younger. Or am I just getting older. No no...that's can't be it. Anyway, if that's how they are being brought up these days, there's no way I'm gonna re-populate the earth. That'll show 'em. They're not gonna be messing with my kids. Coz I'm gonna cut them off at the source. HAH!

Saturday, December-18-2004, 11:10 PM
I had the best sleep since I got back. Maybe it's because I did qt properly for the first time since I got back too. Ha. Maybe I should do it more often.

Somehow it just feels weird. She's moving out of town. For the past few years, we have not been thoroughly over the fight and now that we're finally able to laugh at each other's jokes again, she's moving. Why does life have to be this cruel. Hmm. Being able to see her and talk to her these days does bring back some old memories. Memories of what it's like to be young (I'm still young btw) and dumb. Yeah, I guess it's time I grow up, be more mature and play with my old toys.

It's been a tough decision to make, but I think I'll do it. I'll just feel more miserable. It's all about me. As long as I feel happy, who cares about the others? OMG, I feel like a re-run of Friends Season 5 Episode 4. opps. Too much of that these days.

When will they ever get the point? I'm not interested. Mum and Dad are trying to play matchmaker. This lady we had coffee was asking my parents how old I am (Can't she see I'm only 17?) and was asking my dad if I'll be interested in meeting her daughter. Yah right. I'll be interested in sticking my excessively big foot into her bigger mouth.

Was really thinking of visiting the Brigade and meet my former officers. But I was kinda preoccupied with sleep, so, the plan didn't actually get formulated. Mum's also getting obsessively annoying over the switch in my room that does nothing. She asked me if I knew what it does and I said I did. It DOES NOTHING!

I need to pray more for patience with my parents. Seriously, at the rate I'm going, I'll never be able to tell my parents anything about Christ. I'll probably die first. And also with some friends. Girls can just over-react over the smallest matters. One of my friends asked me if I knew what day it was:
"Erm, Thursday?"
"No, it's my birthday."
"What's wrong with Thursday?"
She was fuming. Man, It's just like girls to give ordinar colours a fancy name. Like there's this girl who called orange, peach red. And now, there's another one calling Thursday, my birthday. So what? Thursday's more universal. I dun care what they call it. Why should she? Either she's dumb or she's totally insensitive.

Julie was right. 56k sucks.

If you were to ask me that question 2 years ago, it's 8. Ask me the same question now, it's still 8. 4 has gone international. In business terms, it's called globalisation.

Had our first meeting yesterday. It went a little better than expected. I got quite good response from the members. We've decided to meet again next Wednesday. This time, probably I'll have to remember to pray before we start. And do some singing as well. But, yeah, it was kinda inspiring to see how enthusiastic everyone was. I was a little daunted at first, but hey, Angela was right. The initiative and heart that counts. Maybe I'll talk to the pastor on Sunday and try to officialise this group.

Thursday, December-16-2004, 11:42 PM
Dam. I hate this feeling. Isn't it strange? How sometimes, God separates two people and then reunite them again, only to split them again. Geez. Now that we're starting to get along after all those years, she's gonna move out of town. Why. I'm getting all mushy and I hate this feeling.

We had a little reunion at my place. And girls will always be girls and I have to end up running a lot of errands in the end. No where is it stated in the contract that I have to provide all the things I did. BTW, I din even get to see the contract. Anyway, it went pretty well. I din get to talk to everybody, but everyone's happy and it's worth the trouble though.

Kinda tired now. Haven't done QT. I'm not as disciplined as I would like to be, but oh well. I'm only human.

Thursday, December-16-2004, 1:15 PM
Kids nowadays always act and talk like they're all full of importance and crap. Like this morning, some graduate was arguing with a contractor because he weilded high tensil steel reinforcements in RC beams and thought it was OK. Huh, and like some kids who works in cafes and bakeries can actually boss other people around saying they're tired after a few shifts. Yeah, man, like walking around in a construction site under the sweltering heat and drafting from 8am - 5pm isn't. And I don't even go all PMS about it. Pffttt..... Dad bought a laptop. Actually, he bought it before I got home. And I went like, "what in the world do you need that for?"
"It's for you."
"I don't need that. Dell sucks (It really does)."
"It's got a DVD-ROM."
"Ha. I got that in my PC too."
"It's got widescreen."
"It's silver and it's shinnayyyy."
"You know me best Dad."

I think Dads are the best people in the world. Why not? He's a guy. We're cooler and we live longer. Dad wanna get me a vidcam and some new shoes and jackets. Whoaaaa... keep 'em coming. At least, I'm not like some people who rejects their dad's offers and gifts and expressions of love.

Someone's probably gonna scold me again for such a short blog. But I got to go work now. And it's not an excuse. It's a REASON!

Tuesday, December-14-2004, 8:37 PM
I've been back for 3 days already. What's the big idea. Everybody was asking me when I'm coming back and now that I'm home, everybody's away. Home feels so deserted. Those who are studying locally have no summer breaks like I do and that totally sucks big time. No one to play football with, no one to play CS with, no one to play WC with. No one to do anything with. And the TMC2005 CD that I bought don't work :'(

Probably one of the best things about home is that I can get many software and game CD that comes cheap. Sure, many of them probably don't work (like the TCM) but it's so cheap, I can get another one. So like I've got 4 PS2 games and 5 PC games ready for next year. MGS3 isn't scheduled to be released until 2006 and I can't figure out how on earth they have it here. But who cares? It's all good.

There's loads of underpriced, cheap and oily food here. And I probably need to go to the gym to burn away all the guilt.

I'm currently helping my dad developing the documents for a project in Kuching. I even got my own workstation. Dad says it's gonna be my home in the future. HAHa. Ya right. Like for real. Hmm, there're many new, good houses being erected in the last 12 months. Not terribly impressed, but ya, at least we're making some progress. And as hard as I rub my eyes, there's still a Chervolet showroom where the old Toyota showroom was. Cool. I wonder if they got Corvettes.

I wonder if the girls here only complains about the heat. How petty. But the world would be a better place to live if that's ALL that they complain about.

Called up a few friend who are still overseas. It feels kinda nice, but it would be better if they stayed abroad. HAHAHAHA. And btw, they're gonna have the reunion at my place. Geez. Looks who's talking now. I bet that guy ain't taking things too seriously. I'm only opening up my plac coz there's free food. I know she's just trying to hit on me. But like all the other girls, she'll have to wait in line.

Tuesday, December-7-2004, 11:17 PM
Sometimes, I do wonder why I even bothered to watch OC. It's such a boring show.

Been relatively unproductive. It has always been since the semester ended anyway. So I got a call from Marcus and we were supposed to go have lunch in which case, I overslept. Have been getting a lot of sleep lately. 7 hours/day. Slept daily at around 5 am and waking up at 1. It feels so good. 7 hours is a lot for an architecture student. HAha. So I rushed to BC after the call without taking a shower, and I had probably one of the best chicken curries in Melb. It tastes so much like mum's. But the IMT tastes no where near Sibu though.

Asked around if anyone has a CS cd but didn't manage to find one. Pulsar used to rent out games, so me and Yog tried out there. But apparently, the new GameRush don't rent out games anymore. Going there's also kinda like a mistake, coz I got a Halo action figure :S If I can find it, I wanna get the Abalest from FMP too. Btw, sis found the box set for FMP at Hobby Japan. So tempting. 512 PC3200 comes for $270. Man...... I feel like I'm drooling. But I think I'll get my gadgets from M'sia. It should be a lot cheaper there. And if someone (you know who you are) remembers to get my FMP, I might not have to buy it here. Ok, so far so good. Haven't wasted too much money yet this week.

I have to race against Nakazato 3 times!! And the third time on Myogi is kinda gay, coz you got to do it exactly like in the anime/manga. So I can only try to pass him on the 4th checkpoint, when it starts to rain. But there aren't many chances to pass him anyway, and the road starts to get slippery after that. Managed to clear that stage in like 20+ tries. And a few stages after that, I got to race against Daiki with my rev limited to 9k. So it's like the potential of my car is with it's last 2k sealed off. Dam.

Saturday, December-4-2004, 3:50 AM
Woke up pretty late. Just got enough time to watch 2 episodes of FMP before going to watch the Keytones choir in church. The songs were quite alright. It sort of inspired me a little. The boys should do a choir too. We can sing dangdut. Why not? And we can perform during special occasions like Welcome Night. People will probably laugh at us, but it's the heart of giving that matters. So we can be serious yet funny. We'll wear robes with shades. How's that?

The pork chop at Seng Hing was fantastic. It's at this place called Melbourne and a suburb called Caufield. I might wanna go there again. I almost cried because the food was so good.

FMP was definitely much better than Naruto. Seriously. Naruto is BORING. Recently, they may have gotten back to the comics, but still, Armor Slaves and Lambda Drivers are much better than some stupid Kage Bushin.

And today's like such a shyt day for GB. I don't remember winning many rounds though. It's either I suck or my teammates suck. I can't possibly suck, so it has to be my teammates.

Friday, December-3-2004, 1:00 AM
We did a good job on the movie I think. Just a few more scenes left and if everything goes to plan, we can finish it by this Sunday. It's gonna be a big hit. I can visualise it. We can make a poster and then maybe a trailer.

Cell was a little emotional today. We gave a farewell for Yoga, coz nobody will be here when he leaves, so we did it a little early. We got him a shirt and everybody signed on it. And Mike goes to write Henry 14 at the back and me and him wrote a lot of discrimination jokes about Arsenal vs MU. He was groaning and complaining about our biasness but who cares? It's his shirt anyway. I suppose the only rivalry we ever have is between MU and Arsenal. Ya. We also shared our thanksgiving, shortcomings and expectations in cell. Even though the physical body has left us, everybody was still bullying Kurniawan through jokes. Of course, this time, we dun get to see his reaction.

I told you we guys have emotions too. One of the guys cried when he was sharing about Yoga. I can't really reveal who, coz it's not good for the advertisement of the cell. I guess, most guys would just prefer not to show it. I was getting a little restless during the sharing, coz I was feeling goosebumps. I think most men just feel that it's not manly to cry. They prefer to act cold and cool, coz cold is cool. Yeah, but you should have a look at the brothers when they were watching The Ring or Ju-On. They kept laughing throughout the movies and someone even called us sick (you know who you are, you crybaby). We guys are just as emotional, just that we don't express it that openly. Coz when we express, we cry, and that's no good. Haha. But I do respect guys who cry. Coz to me, it somehow shows the mutual understanding and respect that you have for someone, to enable a guy to be stirred up enough to stimulate his tear ducts. I cried when I found out that Kermit the frog is just a puppet. See, I have feelings too!!! Don't call me a heartless terrorist, you crybaby.

Thursday, December-2-2004, 12:53 AM
The Grudge is funny. Yoga's so bored, so we went to watch the movie. For most part of it, I remember that I was laughing. Haha. I don't know why. Is it meant to be scary? He he. I know Julie din dare to go to the toilet after the show coz she was so scared. LMAO.

Was on a winning streak in GB again. The axe is within touching distance.

Wednesday, December-1-2004, 12:29 AM
It's December already. And I'm in a country where I can celebrate Christmas with BBQ. But it's surprisingly cool today. A breezy change from yesterday. I was actually a nice day for coffee, but I don't drink coffee, so it's not that nice anyday anyway.

The kids from Trinity are having their valedictory today. I was contemplating on going, but I'd rather play GB. I have 700GP more to silver!!

You look at the way Yog and Mike walks around with these days. It's becoming a trend. Tech is cathing up. I'm still using PC2700 when there's PC3200, and my FX 5200 is a little outdated. I want to upgrade to dual-channel. Dam. I don't have money to buy all those junk. The 6230 is still on my wish list.

Frogive me but I'm lazy to blog. I need to get that 700 GP!!!

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