Point Of Impact
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Real Madrid
Roberto Carlos
Marvel vs. Capcom

Tuesday, June-14-2005, 6:01 PM
It's been ages since I last wrote something. And maybe there are reasons not to do so. "Where is the love? People act like they got no mamas" There may be some truth in what the Black Eyed Peas say. People start assuming, forcing their ways against your motives, using your reasons as their arguements...etc. So what about the bit where I was told that I meant something, only to have the same person say "you suck" the next night. So which one am I supposed to believe? You know this feeling when you're sucked into a maelstrom of conflicting emotions? On one side, you want to love, but on the other, you can't help but not to love. So first I'm torn between 2 different sides of humans and the next I'm in the center of the war between my own consciousness. It's easy to find reasons to justify each thought, but practical engagements to facilitate and render dealings with such emotions would probably leave more than happy reactions. The form of management has obviously got to change. Incurring such tort liabilities aren't what long term members are looking for, least expecting to deserve. So you have to be cold-blooded to end the speculation, not to mention years of bitterness and uncontentment. Or so would it be wiser to just bottle things up? Coz the message is commuted via a malfunctioned exchange. This world is not my home anymore.

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