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Real Madrid
Roberto Carlos
Marvel vs. Capcom

Wednesday, March-2-2005, 10:25 AM
I just realised that I only posted 3 times last month. I'm starting to get out of my habit. Not really in the mood to fix on my new one. I'm waiting for the delivery man to come with my washer at the moment. Checking up some home line plans to transfer to coz honestly, ACN kinda suck.

Went to Wen's bachelor party yesterday. They had dinner at ecpot, (which I forgot about) and Wen got his feet chained to a bowling ball. He had to drag it around the city and everyone was looking at him. Looked like some kind of criminal. I think that's a popular culture here, coz he has trying to get the chain off his feet at the sidewalk since nobody would admit who had the key. And then a couple of Aussies who walked past us saw what he was doing and asked if he's getting married. So it's supposed to symbolise that the husband has to carry the burden of the wife (the bowling ball) after he got married. Pretty funny though, coz Scot had the key and when he left the karaoke and didn't open the lock, Wen got a little desparate coz he had to meet up with his agent early the next morning. And he was already asking me for my tools to open the lock. When it was finally opened, man....was he a happy man. As mentioned earlier, we went for karaoke after dinner and.....yeah. It was kinda fun.

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