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Thursday, July-28-2005, 9:53 PM
I just received my anti-racism wristband in the mail today. So cool. It's actually quite rare coz it's only available in Europe. At the moment, only 4 people in church has it. But before I wear it, I wanna say one thing. "Tiko tiko tiko, nigga nigga nigga!" That's not actually one thing though, but while I have the chance, who cares? Well, since I'm wearing it now, I have hold my tongue. But I guess it helps though. When I was playing last Sunday, there's this Suahilian guy who was a little rough on me and just when my impulse was about to escape my mouth, I held back coz I realised what I wanted to fight for - a football field free of racism. Black people have rights, white people have rights, asians have rights and even animals have rights.

I went to uni today for the whole day without doing anything. Firstly, there was no lecture at 12-1. Second, my studio session is supposed to be at 7pm, but that Steve told me that it's at 2. So me and another bunch of idiots were waiting for a session that was never held, and Steve made us wait for 1.5 hours before telling us to disappear and reappear at 7 :S But then, Kevin came with 2 cartons of beer and asked us to work hard and party hard. The latter sounds cool though. He said that in 3rd year, he didn't want people missing their 21st birthdays and stuff because of work. Well, mine's over already and just thinking about it makes me kinda angry all of a sudden.......Cina lo >:(

Say no to racism and say stop bullying.

Wednesday, July-27-2005, 11:07 AM
It was a little chaotic in the beginning, but things are starting to look better. They've arranged a special tutorial for those taking DV, which means I won't have to drop or change any subjects. One thing to note though, is that I chose a AD3B studio which have its sessions from 7-10 pm Thursdays night. I won't complain if there're not too many locals there. One thing for sure, I saw Noel at the lecture today. Not sure if she passed the last design after all the all-talk-no-action stunt she pulled off last semester, but then, I hope it would at least shut her up a little this sem if she happens to end up in my class..........again.

Couldn't get my new Kingtons to run at 400MHz. Technically, I have to increase my CPU frequency to 200MHz to achieve that, but when I did, my whole system wouldn't even boot. So in the end, my CPU is still running at 133 and my memory at 333. So depressing.

Some people said that I've been "super" happy these days. -_-"........Since when am I not? Just that I don't show it in front of certain people. Maybe I'm a little more expressive these days. They're just jealous. They can't stand it that I'm too hot for them.

Monday, July-25-2005, 7:41 PM
Semester 2 has officially started. Not that I'm upset about it. Feeling kinda excited actually. Like all the packing and the whole pre-class adrenaline rush. Feels kinda good. Feels like the first day of school.

The sermon yesterday was kinda powerful. There're not things that I don't already know, but then, maybe it's just with the way he presents it. Also kinda glad that my sis signed up for the 40 Days of Purpose thingo too. Which means, by the end of the 6 weeks, we'll have 3 Purpose Driven Life books (we both get one each + the one I already have). COOOOLLLLLL!!!! And I heard that my other sister in KL has that book too. So we've got 4 of the same book in one house. Thinking about it again, it sounds kinda dumb. Abuthen (malaysianized indonesians....geez), maybe I can give the extras away to other people :)

Speaking of books, I got the Case of the Creator a few days ago. Haven't started on it though, coz I was trying to finish the Art of War before the semester starts, which has, which also means, I should have finished it by now, which I have. Weee. I was thinking for the past week whether I should get the Da Vinci Code. Not that I wanna read it, but coz many people have talked about it and I kinda want it on my shelf too, so I can say I have the book too even though I haven't read it. Then there are people who already has the book and who offered to lend it to me. But if I wanna read it, I would want to have it too, but if I don't like it, I don't want to have it either. Dilemma. But I got The Secrets of the Code which is kinda like a ermm....Da Vinci Code decoder. Wahaha.... Anyway, when I was at the Religion section at Borders, I saw lots of other books trying to prove Dan Brown's comments about Christianity (and his stupid book) wrong. Which is good, coz it proves that there are people out there who actually know what they are talking about.

It feels good to know that people care enough to realise that you're missing. Not that I was missing, but then what are the chances of 3 people sitting together noticing that you're not where you usually sit in church? Wahaha. I should sit somewhere else more often next time.

Wednesday, July-20-2005, 1:53 PM
I have tried to refrain myself from blogging for the past few days coz if I did, it'll be a berserker barrage of bad words. I hope not. Well, things are pretty cool the way it is now. Don't feel like talking about it. Just step on the brake, and everything will be OK. That's what my friend used to tell me when he first started learning how to drive. Just that there's no human brake, otherwise I would have burnt it out.

I used to believe that those seductive, silent, merciless, female assasins dun exist anymore. Not since I saw Sniper Wolf. But then exist another killer in Sin City. I don't know how you spell her name, but I believe it's Miha (how gay is that? Can't they think of a better name? Like Sniper Wolf?). The way she kills and slices and dices the bodies of her victims.....just makes you wonder what she would do next. It's kinda bloody and gory...just the way the guys like it. The kind that will make Yog and Hans and Wel and Wen laugh. Haha....cool movie....if you disregard the storyline, coz I only have a fade idea what all the killing is for. He he.

Vieira moved to Juve. I couldn't really accept it. But then, Arsenal sold Overmars and Petit....and they seem to be doing fine. I'm not really worried about him being sold. I'm just concerned of who his replacement is. Edu just moved to Valencia, so we only have Fabregas and Flamini and Gilberto left. Gilberto is still alright, but the other two is a bit too young and lack some experience. Maybe Wenger is gonna adopt a more European style. He might play with only one DMF and 2 SMF led by an OMF, since we got Hleb and that's the position he plays in. Then again, Wenger isn't known for using a playmaker. So we'll just have to see how Arsenal's gonna cope without Vieira next season. I tried playing WE and it feels so different. And that's coz Fabregas is kinda shyt in the game. Oh well. Life goes on.

Saturday, July-11-2005, 10:53 PM
Angelfire doesn't sign you in automatically anymore. Which is kinda drag coz I need to sign in before I can sign in. Whereas previously I don't have to sign in and I'm already signed in. But now I'm not signed in when I don't sign in so I have to sign in to sign in.

It's a little dry now. Especially after you read certain things and found out about certain things...if puts you off other things. But yea, so I formatted my laptop for the 3rd time in 2 days and let me just hope it stays that way. Formatted. Tried to do some photo montage in the afternoon, but seeing all the red and fire made me feel totally freaking hot (say it in a whisper - hooooootttttt). NFS2 is so brainless, MvC2 gets so annoying near the 8th stage. I can't believe BB Hood (little red riding hood according to NG) and this little toy guy beat me. But isn't that just classic Capcom damage handicap to you? Geez. Nothing seems to excite me... I feel so unexcited...

Work tomorrow at 7. Man....7!!! They can close at 10, but why do they have to open at 7?

Saturday, July-9-2005, 3:53 PM
The 2005 MTV Awards is so lame. The first Batman Begins spoof kinda suck. Well, at least it looked that way to me. The Star Wars 3 spoof is kinda cool. He he. Chirs Rock starred in 2 movies, an inmate in The Longest Yard and the voice of the zebra in Madagascar. Isn't that how the Americans wanna see their black counterparts? Either in jail or in the zoo. As long as they are behind bars.

There's this rumour about a bomb in an underground train station in London. Just recently, there's a bomb threat near Elizabeth St. too. Man...enough with all the threats and rumours. Just bomb the place already. The terrorists sure aren't stupid. I mean, in Melbourne, of all places, they wanted to bomb the Eliz-Burke plaza. Why don't they blow up more important places like the Parliament or Commonwealth bank just across the street. Why that building? The life source of the city is there - Melb B&B, Mcketh D, Pizza Hut, Red Rooster... Where will we eat then?

Thursday, July-7-2005, 9:09 PM
W Gundam has risen from the ashes. I can't seem to make it stand the way the picture on the box can. There's something about the way the wings look tonight. Anyhow, it still beats the HG version on the good-looks scale. 10!

I got all H's for my results which supposedly was released today, but due to some system glitch, I was able to obtain yesterday. I'm so glad that I got a H2A for my design, and as soon as people knew that, everyone seems to want credit in my getting of that grade. Well, thanks for all your prayers, if any of you prayed at all.... Parents never seem to be satisfied though. "That's all you got?" was the first thing my dad says. Now who's the one who always tells me I've got too many shoes. I don't ever get to hear them complain that I got too much marks....-_-

And what's with Metlink and all their party clowns on their party wagons? So they pay $170,000 to promote the mess of Spencer St. Station and all the undelivered services that comes with it. Why pay for it when you got Bracks and Batchelor? Metlink thanked me for purchasing a ticket everytime I go through the Parliament. Let me reciprocate by offering my thanks to Metlink for the 5:02 Pakenham being too crowded to get into, the 5:11 Pakenham being cancelled and the 5:24 Pakenham being 15 minutes late.

And I think the people at Ten may be forgiven for the whole BB Uncut controversy lately. I mean, why blame Ten when you can blame Foxtel? They buy all the rights from everybody else and now SBS has no more EPL on Saturdays, and won't be able to show any action from the World Cup next year. And isn't it just so apparent that all the good matches are only shown on Fox Sports 2 which means you have to subscribe a whole new package just for one extra channel. You get people to pay $50+/m with no porn, no wonder people make them live on free-to-air TV. Give us back our football.

There's that bogan girl from Queensland who was sentenced to 20 years of jail in Indonesia for smuggling drugs last month who is now re-opening her trial to be re-heard and everybody is saying that the Howard government should do something to help her because she's an Australian citizen. Aren't they expecting a bit much? Like the terrorist Hicks who was jailed and trialed in a foreign jail for years and they never did anything. So why is she so special? She's already had a whole trial with real judges and media attention and public sympathy, which is a hell of a lot more than that Hicks guy's ever had, and now she wants special favours from the governemtn too? Selfish much? Then there's the whole thing about deportation of Aussies. In the Immigration Department's defence, I've seen pictures of this Alvarez girl, and it's not as if she's white or anything, so you can see why they might have got confused. See, that's why multiculturalism is so lame - you can't tell Australians from terrorists. What's happened to this country when you can't judge your own citizens on their skin colour?

Wednesday, July-6-2005, 1:31 AM
Blogging seems to have crept out of my system lately. Anyway, it's been a lazy day. I finished assembling the robot part of my W Gundam. Just the wings left, which I'll leave till tomorrow. Have I mentioned that it's been a lazy day?

But I watched Mr & Mrs Smith for the second time yesterday, followed by War of the Worlds. I don't have much to say about the first movie. People think it's sweet, cute, bla bla, and that's all up to them. I only thought it could have been a bit more professional. Both are elite assasins, just on different sides of the battlefield. Your actions should be guided by instincts, not emotions.

Anyway, if anything, WOTW is pure crap. It's crap personified. Sue me for spoiling the surprise, but firstly, if those machines were buried long ago, why didn't anyone find out about it? Like, c'mon, you found dinosaur fossils and oil and gold and water out of all things and you can't find something as huge as that? And does it just so happens that the machines are actually mechanical versions of the aliens themselves? Both has 3 limbs. Is that how their so-called intelligence figured out that 3 is the most stable geometrical configuration? Anyway, I think that's a dumb question. If otherwise, they won't be called aliens. But still, after all the EMP emitted, why is that van the only vehicle that can still operate? The only reasonable reason I could think of is because it's Tom Cruise. How on earth did the boy reach his mother's faster than Tom, when supposedly he went the other direction that ended in the explosion? And why is Boston not destroyed at all? And the aliens just have to die for the weakest reason. Due to some stupid bacteria. IMO, that's just so uncool and they're not that intelligent afterall. Humans go out to space in a spacesuit and they expect to invade earth naked. I reckon the CS can do something similar. You can just destroy everything and then the invaders just die for no reason. Pffttt... It doesn't make sense. Neither do we, so we'll be perfect for making the movie and I believe people in COC will just understand that. How convenient.

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