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The first mission of the Enterprise begins off Jonathan Archer as a boy building a model starship with his father. His father helped to build the Enterprise which his son, Jonathan Archer will command when he graduates from Starfleet Academy. The Enterprise docked at a Spacedock, being fitted for her journey into space. While the Enterprise is be worked on, a Klingon vessel crashes in a state in the United States of America called Oklahoma,  the Klingon vessel crashed while being chased by a Suliban vessel, to put the Suliban profile briefly, the Sulibans are a deadly nomadic race who are obsessed with having genetic enhancements to make them stronger. Each Suliban will have different features, which us determined on what features the Suliban has been enhanced. The Sulibans have chameleon like cellular structure which enables them to change their skin color to blend in with their surroundings. (To find out more information about the Suliban, go to their profile, you can go to the profile, by clicking here.) 

The Klingon survives the crash landing, but he is critically injured by a farmer.  He survives because he has secondary organs and the life support systems. Starfleet learns about the Klingon in Oklahoma, so Starfleet decides to take the Klingon back to Qo'noS, which is the Klingon homeworld, but  the Vulcans are against of the Klingon being returned to Qo'noS. The Vulcans are afraid that the Klingon High Council would view the Klingon warrior being returned by humans as a disgrace getting the relation between Starfleet and the Klingons off on a very bad start.

The Enterprise is under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer, he put together a crew to take their positions aboard the Enterprise. The crew he chose were an alien doctor named Phlox, a Japanese multi-lingual Comm officer named Hoshi Sato, a Chief Engineer named Charlie Tucker, a Helmsman named Travis Mayweather and a Tactical Officer named Malcolm Reed. Vulcan High Command sent a Vulcan female along with the crew of the Enterprise to learn about their humanity in exchange for star chars, her name is T'Pol, the Enterprise and Starfleet needs the star charts to navigate in space. Her positions onboard  are Science Officer and Supervisor. The Enterprise is the first every starship in Starfleet and it is capable of Warp Five. Their mission is to return the injured Klingon back to Qo'noS. The mission goes well in the beginning, but the Suliban led by a creature named 'Silik' who himself is taking orders from an unknown force in another time period, attacks and kidnaps the Klingon  forcing the crew of the Enterprise to find where he has taken him. 



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Some of these images came from Section31, thank you Section31

Some of these images came from TrekEnterprise, thank you TrekEnterprise



  • Klingons - The Vulcans  know more about the Klingons than Starfleet does. The Vulcan High Command contacts a person on Qo'noS about Klaang. The Vulcan's initial objection would have been the wrong thing to do, it turns out that bringing the Klaang back to Qo'nos was the right thing to do. If Starfleet hadn't returned Klaang, a "squadron of Klingon ships" would have been orbiting Earth in less than a week.
  • The Suliban - The main villains in Enterprise. The Suliban have cloaking technology, the cloaking technology might have been obtained from their allies from the future. Not all the Suliban are hostile as the woman who kisses Archer is a member of the Suliban race. She is called 'Sarin' and she is one of a group of Suliban who rejected the alliance between the Suliban and an alien species from the future. The reason that Sarin kissed Archer is to find out if he can be trusted.



Admiral Forrest- "John. I think you know everyone."
Archer- "Not everyone."
Admiral Leonard- "It's a Klingot."
TOS- "A Kling-on."
Archer- "Where'd he come from?"
Commander Williams- "Oklahoma."

Archer- "Starfleet seems to think that we're ready to begin our mission. I understand there's an inhabited planet a few light years from here."
Reed- "We've detected it, Sir. Sensors show a nitrogen sulfide atmosphere."
Sato- "Probably not humanoids."
Archer- "That's what we're here to find out. Prepare to break orbit, and lay in a course."
Mayweather- "I'm reading an ion storm on that trajectory, sir. Should I go around it?"
Archer- "You can't be afraid of the wind, Ensign. Take us to warp 4."