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A is for...

Accomodation - Whatever strikes your fancy and, of course, the depth of your pocket! You, the deep-pocket individuals, shall have the luxurious* choice of the multi-star resorts, leaving the masses to scout around for the best bargains at the not-so-cheap chalets. Please do keep in mind that the word "price" is relative.
(* note that this applies to choice but not necessarily to the resorts!)

Adultery - Langkawi has long been closely and "affectionately" associated with the legend of Mahsuri. A legend in which adultery was the alleged crime.

They say that history repeats itself and as though by an odd twist of fate, Langkawi is now a resort island where people spend their holidays with their loved ones, and goes without saying that, their loved ones could also be somebody else's spouse!

Thankfully, for us level-headed folks, Mahsuri is only a legend... or is it?... as some people would like to have us believe.

Watch this space for further updates!

Airport - Air travellers to Langkawi will have noticed "LGK" printed on their boarding passes. This is the international 3-alphabet code for Langkawi International Airport, located in the sub-district of Padang Matsirat.

On its inauguration, December 4, 1986, the maiden touchdown of a turbo-prop aircraft signalled the start of a twice-weekly scheduled flight to KUL via PEN.

Since then, it has undergone 2 major upgrades and with the extended runway jutting into the sea, it can now receive the largest Boeings and even the enormous Russian-made Anatov, the largest commercial aircraft in the world!

If this is your first ever trip to this part of the world, please do not be misled by the word "international" because it doesn't carry the same mental image as that of, say, Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

The first is having to walk across the apron to reach the arrival hall.

Later, upon leaving the hall, with all your luggage, you'll come face-to-face with the ubiquitous meet-and-greet mob, as you would expect the world over, only in this case it is a much-subdued handful.

However, once every two years, the airport turns into a hive of activity as it plays host to the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace
L.I.M.A., a biennial ear-splitting affair! But this is another story.

Alcohol - Rest assured, there is plenty of this to go around and at duty-free prices too! which would have some people jumping for joy.

Unfortunately, this is NOT all that they are likely to do if they don't take the hot and humid weather into consideration. Don't want you turning Creme de Menthe (read: green) on your holiday, do we?

It is worth noting that the price of a bottle of French wine might not necessarily be any cheaper than it is in France and a can of German beer might not be any cheaper than in Germany but all Japanese products are, without a doubt, cheaper than in Japan!


There is always a good reason for everything but it'll take too long to explain.

Aspirin - After an excess of the above, you'd be needing some of these, I suppose, for the morning after -- although it has been attested by many that a Bloody Mary works better!

Do not be unduly worried if you can't find aspirins... this is because Malaysians are known to be more partial to paracetamols than aspirins, but then again, remember to ask for "Panadol," because not many people know what a paracetamol is! Besides, it is too long a word for most people of average intelligence. Interestingly, this is also one of those instances when a brand name becomes synonymous with the product.

After all that, it has to said that aspirins are actually available... but, only at the pharmacies found in Kuah, which is about 21 kilometres from Pantai Cenang/Tengah.

As an afterthought, maybe it wouldn't hurt to include some aspirins in your what-to-bring list!

As an aside, not many realise that aspirins and paracetemols are generic names for powder/tablets to reduce pain and fever. Also, aspirin was a trademark name, and is the combination of the initials, A from acetyl chloride; the SPIR from the plant they extracted the salicylic acid from, Spirae ulmaria, and the IN? Well, maybe, because it rhymes with medicine?

Astronomy - Coming soon!

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