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U is for...

Underwater World - This is a business entity that has, for some strange reasons, grown from strength to strength since its inception in the mid-90s. It has established itself to become like an institution for tourists, both local and foreign alike. During the local school holiday season, the place is jam-packed with busses and tourists and it's the not the place to go near if you've got any sense about you.

It's just one big fancy aquarium with lots of shopping and eating outlets... although in its broschures it purports to be one of Asia's biggest oceanariums -- something that only Neptune and Poseidon might make out whatever this is supposed to be! After all, Neptune was to the Romans, what Poseidon was to the Greeks... the God of the ocean.

The entrance fee is RM 18.00 per adult and here is something for you to ponder upon. Now, if you are a private individual tourist then the "oceanarium" keeps the whole amount but if you are being accompanied by a guide then the guide gets to make between RM 6.00 to RM 2.00 per adult. Why the different amounts?

Here is, what I call, pure Malaysian logic.

You see, someone has decided to play God and differentiate the tourists into 2 groups, i.e. foreign and local... which is, relatively, normal. What is abnormal is that tourists from Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and Indonesia are, by their reckoning, classified as locals!

So what is the big deal here, you ask!

Well for every "local" tourist the guide makes RM 2.00 as opposed to RM 6.00 per foreign adult tourist. So, there are 2 big deals here... one is why this indirect discrimination and the other is why de-classify the sovereign status of our neighbouring countries? Needless to say that both are politically incorrect!

So, do the politically correct thing... if want to view the huge collection of fish, just grab hold of any local nearby and say this is your guide and you are a "foreign" tourist... this way it'll only cost you RM 12.00 for the pleasure... else the the establishment gets to keep the whole RM 18.00.

University - A few of years ago, in a bid to artificially boost up the population and the ailing tourism industry, the central government encouraged the setting up of universities on the island. There were ambitious plans, but in the end only one of the local universities established an affiliate campus at the former premises of a 1,000-room resort.
Latest... the university has since been relocated somewhere in Negri Sembilan!

Utility - The best thing about present-day Langkawi is that you get to enjoy the rustic charms of unhurried life but with the modern day utilities. Click electricity, and -- if you can't wait to go to the next page -- click here for water.

V is for...

Vegetarian - There are vegetarians who do it for religious reasons, and there are some who do it for health reasons. But, there are also those who become vegetarians because it is in vogue. Irrespective of your faith, inclinations or taste in fashion, there are a couple of joints that serve vegetarian dishes. Since I'm neither of the above... I'd be the last person to ask for a "recommended" list. Maybe next time!

Visa - NOT that plastic "money" but the paper kind that allows you to legally enter a foreign country. In the case of Malaysia, except for the following nationals; North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and People's Republic of China, all others do not require a visa to enter and remain in the country for a period of between a week to 3 months.
However, to be on the safe side, please consult the relevant authorities!

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