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L is for...

L.A.D.A. - This is NOT to be mistaken for a certain East European car manufacturer, but is an acronym for LAngkawi Development Authority -- otherwise fondly regarded by the locals as LAnun DArat, which when translated, literally means "The Land Pirates!"

Anyhow, irrespective of your fondness, LADA is a federal body, formed on 15 March, 1990 with the prime objective of turning the island into a premier resort destination.

In a mid-1990 travel brochure, co-sponsored by the Tourism Ministry and the nation's flag carrier, Malaysia Airlines, LADA listed its official website address as,

Alas, this is just a piece of "useless" info as it's a blind link! And, speaking of useless info, here is another, Only this time, it is persistently "under renovation!"

That's one useless info too many but one not-so-useless info is that... LADA does not have a website, which is rather out-of-sync with the Multimedia Super Corridor, otherwise popularly known as M.S.C., programme implemented by the government at the cost of billions of the taxpayers' money.

Latest... they still don't have one!

Lake - The most famous being the Tasik Dayang Bunting, which is not exactly in Langkawi but on the neighbouring island named Pulau Dayang Bunting -- what else!

Do you know know how Pulau Dayang Bunting got its name?

If you look at the silhouette of this island, you can just about make out the shape of a person, with a bulging mid-riff, lying face-up. Thus, the lake found here is so named and its
legend spawned.

Though not as famous, there is another rather large fresh-water lake on Langkawi called Tasik Lubok Helang which is situated in Bukit Malut, but this has been turned into a water catchment area and therefore, restricted!

And, rest assured that there are legends about this too, albeit not that well-known but if you've been wondering how this lake got its name... well, in the days of yore it was not uncommon to find lots of eagles flying about because where there's a lake there's fish and eagles do eat fish, don't they?

For non-Malay speakers tasik means lake, bukit is hill and pulau is island.

Laundry - Something mundane but nevertheless it is worthwhile to mention that there are places where you can have your clothes washed. However, there are no launderettes!

Legend - We are prodigal about legends and we spawn them at the least of provocations. Surely, by now, you must be familiar with the slogan, "Langkawi... the isles of Legends!" and the whole series of our masterpieces? Among our best-sellers have been:
1. The Curse of Mahsuri.
2. The Princess at Tasik Dayang Bunting.
3. The Saga of Mat Raya & Mat Chinchang.
4. Gua Cerita... a love story!

Yes, you have heard them all before?

Oh, what a pity, as I was very much looking forward to this. All right then, I'll not insult your cognitive ability.

Isn't it uncanny, when you think about it, that "legends" and "lies" should begin with the letter "L?"

But, they are one and the same because legends are synonymous with myths and fables which are, in fact, LIES!

Licence - In this respect Malaysia is fast turning out to be more like Germany, where one requires a license for each and every little thing! Which, doesn't necessarily be something bad, if only they were not shrouded in so much bureaucracy, and worst... involving the Malaysian civil servants!

Lightning - As we are in the tropics where thunderstorms are the norm... it is not unusual to experience some fierce lightning and the accompanying loud thunderclaps!

Limestone - It would be an injustice to NOT mention this, because apart from granite, the primary geological compositions of the island include limestone, shale and mudstone. Parts of the coast of Langkawi and many of the other surrounding islands are entirely composed of limestone, which fashions caves and other unusual formations, sparking the fertile imaginations of the inhabitants!

Limestone outcrops are a common sight in Malaysia but there are no limestone sea-cliffs to be found anywhere except here in Langkawi, particularly around Tanjung Rhu and Kisap, on the northern coast.

Either by design or coincidence, this is how the second and third syllables of Langkawi came into being, if one
legend is to be believed! For you see, the old-Malay name for limestone is batu kawi. So, from eagles we get the lang and from the limestone sea-cliffs we get the kawi... and together they spell... Langkawi -- the island of eagles and limestone sea-cliffs!

Incidentally, limestones are rocks composed mainly of calcium carbonate, and from limestones we get marble.

L.I.M.A. - The acronym for the bi-annual Langkawi Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition, that began with the LIMA '91 and should perpetuate with LIMA '05. A week long, it is, by far, the biggest event ever to be held and it is the only time, in every 2 years, that the local inhabitants not only get to be caught up in a traffic jam but also learn that low-flying jet fighters, though interesting to watch on TV, make too much noise! and this in addition to the perpetual police escort sirens for the numerous V.I.P's who must ostentiously announce their arrivals and departures between the 2 venues, Padang Matsirat, Porto Malai and their temporary residences.

If you are a businessman then you'd be looking forward to this money-spinning event because as resort owners, you can charge maximum rates and yet still enjoy full-occupancies! It's the best time to do business... in all sense of the word... because it is also one of those occasions when everything is on expense accounts... chargeable to large corporations and Defence Ministries... it's when the saying, "money is no object," holds true!

Litter - There is too much of this to make you sad and I'm not talking about the quantity of young dogs and cats, which is another story altogether. No, this is about rubbish!

Sadly, Malaysia chooses to emulate Germany only in terms of licences, but NOT in a litter-free society! Click also environment and garbage.

L.T.D.L. - Le Tour de Langkawi is an international bicycle race that is to Malaysia what Le tour de France is to that host nation.

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