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I is for...

Ice - No... NOT that kind of ice, but the frozen H2O variety... frozen gold!

The icemen of Langkawi enjoy brisk business due to the hot weather. You can see them on their daily ice-delivery rounds, haphazardly parking their mini-lorries everywhere without any regard for the well-being of other road-users and this state of affairs begin as early as 6:00 in the morning, and continuing, unabated, until 9:00 in the evening!

If you are a businessman and you've suddenly run out of ice-cubes... don't worry... the icemen are always on stand-by with their mobile phones and they deliver... pronto-like but within reason, of course!

If you are a foreign visitor... it wouldn't hurt to lay off the ice for the first couple of days to allow your body and system to get acclimatized and immunized... even though the thought of gulping down a nice long cold drink, under a cool shade, might seem too irresistable! Get a chilled can of drink, instead.

Imitation - That's a 404!

If you are familiar with the internet jargon then you'd know that what you are looking for is NOT found, or has been removed. Which, is applicable here for imitation goods.

They are no longer found because the our Consumer Affairs Minister has taken it upon himself to wage war against pirates... the producers and sellers of imitation goods variety! Together with other government bodies, namely the Customs and Police, they have succeeded in "removing" pirated goods from the market, especially video and music CDs.

So, if you had intended on hunting around for imitation goods, then you'd be most disappointed... but as we wish not to disappoint you completely... it must to be pointed out that you'll have better luck in Kuala Lumpur or Penang.

Indians -- The first batch of Indians to Langkawi settled in the Kisap area where they were brought to work the rubber plantations. They are mostly Hindus and it is no coincidence that the biggest Hindu temple is found here.

The practise of associating Indians with rubber-tapping and railway workers was started by our British colonialists and are still visible until today.

Ironman - Coming up, soon!

Island - Plenty of those about... all 104 of them, or was that 109? -- only at low-tide, of course! Most baffling is they never tell you "who" was it that actually did the counting! You never know, do you? Although you wouldn't be entirely wrong in assuming that some civil servants must have been involved!

But, let us take their word for it, as I'm sure, no one in their right frame of mind would set out to verify this claim... absurd or otherwise. For all you know you might miss an island -- due to the tide -- and THAT would be a bummer!

Incidentally, as if Langkawi hasn't enough islands, there is a man-made island just off the beach in the Teluk Burau area!

Islam - Coming soon.

Island-Hopping - A must-do optional tour!

Basically, you get on a boat and the boatman will ferry you around the 3 neighbouring islands, with about one hour's stopover at each island.

First, it's off to that famous lake on
Pulau Dayang Bunting where women, who are not keen on motherhood, would do well to avoid. This lake is legendary for its fertility inducing qualities... although it's still uncertain if it's by swimming in the lake or by drinking the water... what is clear, however, is that drinking its water will give you a tummy-ache... but for all the wrong reasons!

Then it's a short hop to a miniature wildlife sanctuary on Pulau Singa Besar and, if lunch is included in the package, you get to enjoy a nice barbecue by the beach.

The third destination, however, might vary according to the operators, but it is always to a secluded island with a nice beach and clear water and you get the chance to work off that nice lunch you had a while ago.

All in all, it is a highly "recommended" tour, and would only set you back by about, RM 20.00 to RM 35.00. Please don't forget to bring towels, because, whether if you intend to swim or not, you'll most certainly get wet!

Caution!...this tour should NOT be confused with a "Round-Island-Tour" which is a land tour of Langkawi. There have been a few instances when people showed up in their Sunday best... when shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops would have been more appropriate!

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