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Y is for...

Yacht - If you are fortunate (and rich) enough to be able to afford one of this, then you'll have a wonderful time sailing it around the sheltered waters of Langkawi. Or, you could take it out to the open sea and really let it "fly." There is also one kind of regatta or another held once so often throughout the year. And, after you're done with the sailing, there are a couple of marinas where you can afford to moor that expensive "toy" until the next time you have the urge to play with it again!

Yacht owners should rejoice in the knowledge that other than the 3 established yachting facilities at:

  • The Royal Langkawi Yacht Club
  • Rebak Marina
  • The Awana Marina at Porto Malai

  • there are also other anchorages in and around Langkawi, depending on the weather. One useful way to find out more about this is to hang out at a certain restaurant in Kuah where most of the foreign yachties meet up to exchange experiences, notes and their very own brand of gossip.

    Yes - That's an affirmative... and it must, perhaps, be the most easily memorized English word.

    On average, Malaysians are nice and friendly people, at least that is the impression we'd like to give, anyway. And, just to prove just how nice and friendly we are, we cannot say "No!" and you'd know it when you find yourself having this type of conversation:

  • Question: "Can you help me, please?"
  • Answer: "Yes."
  • Question: "Do you know where the airport is?"
  • Answer: "Yes."
  • Question: "How do I get there?"
  • Answer: "Yes"

    Z is for...

    Zoo - Well, actually it is NOT a zoological garden per se, but rather a site where they keep lots of snakes and a few other animals! Maybe, that is why they call it a "Mini Zoo."

    In any case, if those slithery reptiles are your "thaaang" then... what on earth are you waiting for? Naturally, as added attractions, they put up some daring "snake-shows," that have become obligatory for such establishments, and are staged at certain times of the day. Check the local listings for details!

    Zzzzz - That means sleep!

    Yes, after all that exertion, it is time to end the day with some deep "ZeeZee's" and this is definitely the place for it!

    There was once a German tourist who all her life suffered from insomnia... until, of course, she discovered Langkawi! As though by sheer magic... sleeping has never come easier for her.

    Wonder if the time is right for us to start spawning a new line of legend on this! Being prodigal about legends, as we are, it's time to spruce things up a bit... after all, it's been quite a while since someone came up with any bright ideas... so keep your ears open and watch this space for more legends!

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