Title: I Wanna Be With You Rating: PG Synopsis: Angel and Buffy meet, and then pretend to date to keep well meaning friends off their backs. But is it really all pretend? Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Wesley, Spike/Dru, Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya Notes: Challenge Fic. Status: Completed Title: The Heart Never Forgets Rating: PG Synopsis: Buffy and Angel were high school sweethearts that were broken up by her move to Sunnydale. Years later they meet again. Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Riley, Angel/Kate, Cordy/Doyle, Willow/Oz, Xander/Anya Status: Completed Title: One Of These Days Rating: PG-13 Synopsis: Buffy and Angel were once partners in the LAPD, but Buffy left. Three years later they are reunited by a common danger. Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle Status: Completed Title: The Ghost Rating: PG-13 Synopsis: Buffy is a ghost and Angel must help her prove her innocence so she can move onto the next world. Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle Notes: There is a sequel (C/D central) - 'Past Lives'. Status: Completed Title: Past Lives Rating: PG-13 Synopsis: What was the secret Cordy was hiding? Couple/s: Buffy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle Notes: Sequel to The Ghost. Status: Completed Title: Twisted Angel Rating: NC-17 Synopsis: What if Buffy met Angelus FOR THE FIRST TIME in mid-season Three? Would she accept his offer for an alliance to stop the Ascension? Would they still fall in love? Couples: Buffy/Angelus, Spike/Dru, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordy, Jenny/Giles Notes: Challenge Fic. AU Fic. Status: Unfinished (Part 4 now up)
Title: Spinning Around Rating: NC-17 Synopsis: Buffy is forced to make a decision that will affect the rest of her life. Totally AU. Couples: Buffy/Angelus, Willow/Tara, Willow/Lindsey, Joyce/Giles Notes: AU fic. Status: Unfinished (Part 15 now up)
Title: Twists Of Fate Rating: NC-17 Synopsis: Buffy is the one sent to the Hellmouth to watch over the PTB's newest warrior. Couples: Buffy/Angel, Willow/Xander Notes: AU Fic. Status: Unfinished (Part 1 now up)