
By Serena

Summary: Buffy, trapped in Faith's body, runs to the only person who can help her.

Content: B/A angst, some fluff and smut, mentions of B/R, F/R, F/?.

Disclaimer: No, I'm not Joss Whedon. Oh, don't worry, I get that all the time. We look so much alike and all... Yeah, almost. The characters in this story are his creation, and so I can't claim them. I don't own anything, not even the idea. Sad, isn't it?? Most of the titles are either lyrics or titles of songs, so I wouldn't own those either, now would I?

Rating: R for language, sexual situations, and mild violence, two parts are NC-17 and there are alternative versions of those two parts for those of you not into smut.

Timeline: Directly after 'This Year's Girl' and 'The Prodigal'.

Spoilers: 'This Year's Girl', 'I Will Remember You', General Season 2 and 3.

Distribution: my site, the BA_Fluff archive, Felicity, Dreamer, Michelle, Isa, TNS, and Fate's Intervention if they want it, anyone else just ask.

Author's Notes: I couldn't resist Carrie's challenge. I would've written it sooner but this was the first free chance I got to... Oh, and this was started before the airing of 'Who Are You' -- all the way back in February 2000 -- so any relations to that episode are based on speculation and spoilers I've heard.

Feedback: I'm a feedback whore, remember?! Send some my way if you like what you see... Flames will be edited for grammer and mocked, because it's fun.

Dedication: To Carrie for issuing a kick-ass challenge, and for Jessie because I didn't write her a birthday fic. Hope this is okay, sweetie. Happy birthday!

Part One - Nowhere Else to Go
Part Two - Temptation
Part Three - The Truth Hurts--A Lot
Part Four - The Weaving of Webs
Part Five - Fragmented
Part Six - Riddles
Part Seven - Let Your Light Shine
Part Eight - Too Good To Be True
Part Nine - How Do I?
Part Ten - Do Unto Others
Part Eleven - I Alone PG-13 version|NC-17 version
Part Twelve - One If By Land, Two If By Sea
Part Thirteen - No More Masquerade
Part Fourteen - Everything Good Needs Replacing
Part Fifteen - Come Undone
Part Sixteen - Down to the Ground
Part Seventeen - Back to Good
Epilogue - Heaven Is On The Way PG-13 version|NC-17 version

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