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Anthony Frevele & Matt McDowell

Staff Writers:

Anthony Frevele

Matt McDowell

Internet Consultant:

Nathan Worthington

Guest Writers:

Technical Manager: Matt McDowell

Cover Design & Illustrations By:

Anthony Frevele

Table of Contents:


Original Fiction: Visions of the Magnificent Seven

Preview: The City of Midnight

Mission Summary: The Battle of Hoth

Special: Where's Hoth? The STATS on Everybody's Favorite Ice Planet.

Mission Summary: ShadowRun at Zach's House

At the Movies: U.S. Marshals

At the Movies: The Lost World

Book Review: Star Wars - Black Fleet Crisis

Just for Laughs: Hoth Ha-Ha's

Interview with a Rancor

Roleplayer's Log

Last Page

Editor's Note

Hello, everybody! Welcome to the first ever issue of The New Roleplaying Journal. This new journal has more than the other one had -- more jokes, more articles, more reviews, just plain more. I know nobody ever reads this Editor's Note, so for both our sakes I'll be short and sweet. Prepare yourself for more (and better) Roleplaying stuff than ever before. I've got some stuff planned that you'll really love, so dig in and have fun!


Technically Speaking

Let me be the second person to welcome you back. It has indeed been a long time since the last Roleplaying journal has produced. This journal however is the forebearer of a new age in production and design of The Roleplaying journal. Some enhancements are obvious just from turning the first page. Some enhancements however less discreet such as the built in anti-counterfeit measures (water marks, identification strips, microscopic pictures strategically placed in the background). Don't let the new improvements fool you though, we still write nothing but good ole' traditional wholesome articles. As always, we want to stay in touch with our readers as much as possible.

As many of you know, The Roleplaying Journal was started just a few years ago. During its early development there were no type of high tech do-ditties that could produce decent graphics (at least it wasn't available to the public). Up until now the journal was nothing but text and cheesy sound effects. It wasn't the Producer's fault, it was the best he could with what he had for his resources. Despite the monochrome luster of The Roleplaying Journals of old, they still sold. This undaunting loyalty that was shown by the readers of The Roleplaying Journal did not go unnoticed by the producer of this magazine, yet he longed to produce a magazine that rivaled even the best (Time, People, U.S. News and World Report, Field and Stream, J.C. Penny's Catalog). He had no money, and he had no technical know how. All he had was a Packard Bell left over from the Nixon Administration hooked up to a semi-decent printer.

One day, long ago, in the school cafeteria, I said ten words that would forever change the face of the journal, "How would you like to put pictures in the journal." Needless to say he said yes. That was the beginning of a dream and this journal and the one to succeed it mark the fulfillment of that dream. So it is with great honor and pride that the producers and editors present to you The Roleplaying Journal vol. 2 1stissue.......

-- Matt McDowell
Technical Manager

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