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Secret Confessions
Okae, fine, i admit it. i don't have too many secret confessions *although you can email me with questions if you really need to learn my few secrets*, so this section is mostly for your use. If you have anything about which you want to tell the world with no worries of anyone ever realizing that it's you, put it here. It can be anything from "I ate paste in kindergarten" to "I hate Abercrombie and Fitch, yet I continue to wear it because I think it will make me fit in better with those blonde chicks whom I think are so cool." Use it to ease your conscience, to brag, to describe what you hate, what you love, what bugs you, your little idiosyncrasies and other important things. Your anonymity is guaranteed.

yes i am
falling - fallen
i still called
someone else
just to check

             - either way

i always spoke 
but never with
our conversations
teatered on the 
edge of 
Her intentions
rolled from 
her lips

             - dante

on the other side of the country to the south 
and he doesn't really know that i'm not loving him like that anymore 
plus i feel guilty for sins of the past 
opportunities forgotten or pushed out of mind because of more present perfection 
i guess i just got caught up 
and now i wonder what might have been.

             - either way

I always feel stifled and depressed, one day I drew on a picture 
of me and my mom from Yuen Lui.  I drew a tear coming out of my 
eye.  I looked so sad in the picture it looked like it belonged 
there.  Now I think my mom is mad, but I can't be sure.  I'm so 
depressed right now that I almost wanna die, but I'm not gonna cuz 
like you said today, angelface, it's worth it...


             - sing live do fit ro

I Love Andrew!! 

             - Wemby Bliugi

I like Ovaltine...

             - Wormboy

Can't someone help me out of this life of confusion and pain that i am entrenched into?

             - AznBoy08

My entire life is a big fat lie. I regulary wish I was DEAD. I 
wish my boyfriend would just leave me alone like the rest of the 
world does.  I am obsessed with Sailor Moon to the point that when 
the Manga series ended I wrote three volumes complete with drawings and new characters.

             - Moonrage13

Angela, I still have Kat's 'Calvin and Hobbes' book from like grade 5...:)

             - Kamavalli

Ok... I admit it... ...........I like...........Chocolate .....better 
......than ......Vanilla.... OK I DID THERE HAPPY...Phew....Got that over with......

             - Anonymous

I've met and talked to the most wonderful and amazing person in the world, 
I've been soo happy to have met her and still to this moment 
I cannot believe i actually did meet her in person, all the time spent 
talking to her these past few days will always be deeply treasured and never
forgotten, 'angel' i'll never forget you, much luv =)

             - RP

I have been cheating on my dog with my cat for the past month, and 
i think he knoes...he keeps sniffin me and barkin at so confused...i 
love my dog but i love my cat too...please help me..

             - JA Zule 

someone i know someone is hurting really badly...i should have
known that and i should have been there for her, jus as she has been for
me. i wish i could turn back the hands of the clock and tell her
that i would alwaize be there and i wish i could take the pain away 
from her. i know its too late to say that. i know i should have
known better, but i know that it won't be any good. i love you gurl..
you know who this is...

             - Guess Who

Got something you want to get out in the open, like on Jerry Springer except the whole nation doesn't get to see your now-ex lover rip out your hair and tear off your clothes in anger? (Hell, with my system, she won't even know it's you!) Email me or use the handy-dandy form below.

Secret Confessions

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