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Giselle: my girl since way back. she and Kat know more about me than anybody, and they are still there, which is something for which i can never thank them in words. we've been through hella together - dances, makeup, school, grades, parental frustrations, boys, other personal problems...especially now. no matter what, i am your friend first, and you will never lose me or the trust and the bond that we share. just remember how much i love you. ~

Jocelyn: dang, girl. what can i say except that i'm so glad we've gotten closer because you are the epitome of a faithful friend. New Years Day 2000 we were on the phone for HELLA (ha), but i think that's just the best example of why we get along. we can talk about anything, and i'm grateful for that and for you. thanks for being there, supporting me when no one else will, for allowing second chances, and for knowing just how i feel. i love you, and you're in my prayers. ~

This shout goes to all the people who eat at our lunch know, we ought to think of a name for our LiL group, huh?? PIPER POWER 2001!! :) but to Andrea, Cindy, Emily, Bethiel, Aimee, Candace, Caitlin, Christina F., Christina E., Karina, Meghan, Anne, Jessica, Ashley, Anjuli: you guys are really the greatest. i'm so glad that we got close during freshman year and stuck together. thanks for alwaize being there for me and for each other and for putting up with my craziness...thank you for allowing me to know you. thank you for allowing me to be your friend. i'm telling ya - i love you in big ways, i love you in small ways, i promise i'll love you forever and i'll love you for alwaize. for realz. ~

Patrick: this guy iz hella of my tightest guy homiez...i went to school with him for a very, very long time (8 years!!) he's a hella good matchmaker...but it took him a while to find the right match for me...after all the letter names...ugh!! hahaha! =P thank you for helping me through this all, Pat - i really owe you. like i said, situations like these help to determine true friends...and i have determined that you're definitely a keeper. tell you what - whenever you wanna flash mah pager around, you can. sound good? you know i love you. ~

Karina: i went to school with her too (and still do!!). she's always been there for me...and u know what?? we think alike a lot!! i consider her one of my closest kaibigans - she's done hella for me and alwaize supports me. i'm glad she's in my life...oh yeah, and she's got great hair. :) thanks for everything, ading =P i love you very much. things will alwaize and only get better, and if there's ever anything you need or that i can do for you, you know where to reach me...i'm alwaize around. *hug* ~

To isangmahal: you are the most talented, artistic, eloquent group of people i have ever met. you continually inspire me with words and love and more words. thank you for all the support and for giving me the opportunity to get to know you. (isang)mahal ko kayong lahat. ~

Kuya Justin: this is one of the few times that i am without words to express my feelings, but i'll have to try. you are amazing. you are one of the most knowledgeable and talented individuals i have ever, ever met, and i am so grateful that we were blessed with chance to meet and to know each other. you have helped me through so much, and i hope that i have done the same for you. i love how we can have both serious and crazy moments, because your friendship covers the entire spectrum. thank you for your candidness and honesty (when you let me know what i'm doing wrong), constant support and friendship (when you let me know what i'm doing right), advice and opinions, because i value them more than you know. somehow, Justin, you always find a way to make sense to me. mahal kita.~

Wendy a.k.a. the little Wender-Bender: oh geez...i have known this girl forever...i grew up with her...cuz i took piano lessons from her mom for seven years...her mom was a great teacher but i was never very good...or dedicated...LMAO...but Wendy, man - she is something else...i love her so much!! hey...remember the pinecone grenades at your house?? we never did apologise to that Grandpa stupid tall freak!!!!! i'm soooooo jealous of you!!!!...~

Bryan: i've known him since we were in Montessori preschool together...well, actually, Wendy went there too but not at the same time we i went to preschool with him, then to piano lessons with him, then to grade school with him...i've know him for what now?? 10 years? whoa...that's a long time...aniwaize, he, like Wendy, is an educated freak, but when you put the three of us together, you incorrigible pinecone squad... ROTFLMAO...*sorry...inside joke* =) ~

Garrick: "There's something in your voice / Makes my heart beat fast / If you knew how I wanted someone to come along / And change my life the way you've done / Feels like home to me / It feels like home to me / Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from / Feels like home to me / It feels like home to me / Feels like I'm all the way back where I belong" -CK, "Feels Like Home" ~

Caitlin a.k.a. Tigerlil: this girl is so hella cool and she is the sweetest thing on are so amazing. MSU is going to make a difference this year, watch. No matter what happens with other people, you're important to me and i value your friendship. i'm glad that i met you because i love who, how, and what you you think...what you know...and why you know it. you really are one of those special people who just understands. Cait: remember baloney?? ~

Adam a.k.a. Fester, OJ, Fellipe, Cindy, Devil, Horse, etc.: this guy is hella sweet...he's the son of one of my dad's really good friends. adam is HeLLa amazing with cards and card tricks and he can rap soooo good...Puff Daddy and the boy can do BONE THUGS hella goode!!! wow...LoL...Larry Crew 4-eva...right?? i was sooooo happy that i got to see him again this summer and i really hope he can come up this summer too. you are a wonderful friend, Adam, and i love and miss you hella. thank you for being in my life and being don't know...just...completely perfect. :) Adam...know sumthin?? you're da superdabam...!! ~

Ray: one of the first people i ever met online. we happened to bump into each other a long-ass time ago in Asian Chat...the topic was cyber-martinis, when it was really supposed to be cyber-margaritas...but oh well, we got to know each other just the same. we've been through a lot together, huh? *sigh* meeting you in Edmonton this summer was a TRIP, to say the very least. after all that talk about wanting to meet...dang, boy, that seems like such a long time ago...and then finally accomplishing i said...trippy. it was hella nice to be able to just talk to you for hours at a time, and i thank you for being my guide around West Edmonton Mall and for keeping me company on the phone late at night when my Canadian family was already asleep. you are as sweet in person as i alwaize knew you would be:), and you will always be special to me. ~

If you didn't see yourself here, please blame my mind and not my heart. i love you all.

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