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well, to keep a long story short, i was at the Pike Place Market one nice day in April, and i passed by this little bookshop with a display on Jack Kerouac in the window. now, i had been wondering who exactly Kerouac was - all i knew was that he was an American, one of the original "Beat" or "Beatnik" poets of the 1950s, and that he sometimes put huge rolls of paper in his typewriter and just let it all come out (a technique which i sometimes modify to work for my pen and paper situation). So i picked up a small volume of poetry by the man, titled "Pomes All Sizes" (and no, that's not a typo; it really is called "Pomes") and published posthumously. i've been browsing through it and reading it ever since. much of his work really speaks a language that gets to me, and some of that, i'm sharing with you right here.

Excerpts from Jack Kerouac's "Pomes All Sizes"
  Came down from my
    ivory tower
And found no world
Berkeley Song In F Major And I seen the secret of the ant Which is: To them sand is boulders And the boulders are pure empty gold Essence aint the ants Essence aint Jack Whatyrcallit Essence Essence isn't a butter bee on a white petal dreaming of far pure lands learned long ago Essence Essence, it means, Essence is the ants Is the Jack W i t t t Is the essence Is the long bee I told about Is is Is
Poems of the Buddhas of Old So listen to me And I'll try to tell all As I heard it long ago In the Pure Land Hall. Life is like a dream, You only think it's real Cause you're born a sucker For that kind of deal; But if the Truth was known You ain't here nohow And neither am I Nor that cow and sow ... Don't thank me for telling What was told me This is the Wheel I'm turning, This is the reason I be. Mind is the maker For no reason at all Of all this creation Created to fall.
[Enlightenments] When you become enlightened you will know that you've been enlightened all along
Various Little Pomes I know this to be an empty state, that is to say, a state of form My dream of a horrible city is individual discrimination --the actual city is universal mind * I stop dreaming And the ripples Disappear from universal mind's actual face and what's left is I'm not here any more ... The reality is nothingness-- We think we strive
Angel Mine Angel mine be you fine Angel divine Angel milk what's your ilk Angel bilk Angel cash Angel Smash Angel hash
The Moon Deep as the ocean, high as the moon, Low as the lowliest river lagoon Fish in the Tar and pull in the Spar ... Gaze at the moon marking the face-- In some cases The moon is you In any case The moon

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