Scott's Philosophy Notebook

Welcome to my Philosophy Notebook. This section of my web page is essentially the spewing forth of the few small truths I discover as I wander through life. I find myself analyzing many things, especially those things we take for granted (the best things to analyze, from a philosopher's point of view). Rather than let my over-analytical nature hinder me in life, I have chosen to share my findings with others, and have in essence made it a part of myself. If you ever end up locking yourself in a dark room or hiding in the woods or whatever, sitting and thinking yourself into a corner, come out of that dark room or wilderness. Open up to other people. Simply start by saying "You know, I've been thinking...." You'll be surprised how many people are interested in your findings.

[Time Travel] [Synchronicity] [On the Existence of Time] [Three Month Lessons] [Slices of Life] [The Tao of Pizza] [Litanies] [Reincarnation] [Insecurity] [On the Existence of Love] [How to deal with things that go bump in the night] [Perception, Truth, and Reality] [The Unbreakable Axe]

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