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Bafflement A state in which you are baffled
"He's in a state of bafflement"
Barceitecture The decor of a bar
"There's definatly a sci-fi barceitecture there"
Bazotic Something a little crazy
"It all went Bazotic"
Beastige Something fantastic.
Befuddled When your brain is not working properly
"I'm really befuddled"
Biniutada Anywhere other then where you are
"I'm off to biniutada"
Birthmus To celebrate someone's Birthday and Christmas
"This is Casper's Birthmus present"
Bobarse Any person inflicted with ginger hued pubic hair
"He's look well bobarse naked"
Bombad To be really, really annoyed
"Lucas is going to be bombad"
Borecast A very boaring broadcast
"Wells's Australian essay was a borecast"
Boyee To look very boy-like
"Well, she does look very boyee"
Breakfart To break wind first thing thing in the morning
"Oh, excuse my breakfart"
Breakfasty Something that resembles breakfast
"This pastry is very breakfasty"
Bsain The Human brian after staying up all night
"I'm tired, my bsain hurts"
Bunoram "Any time other then an a designated eating time"
"Brunhc is really just a bunoram"
Buzzing Something disgusting
"The food was buzzing"





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