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Q) Why is the site so brightly coloured that it hurts my eyes?
A) Why not! Actually, the webmaster was in a really good mood when she started writing it, and claimed she never got chance to use all the really painful colours in the pallet
Q) Who is Web Orgy / Gay Orgy, and why are they such strange names?
A) Gay Orgy is a amature film company in the Welsh Valleys. We're called that because we were trying to think of a name for our company, decided it should feature George, the local vicers wooden hippo, and so after a few suggestions Gay Orgy (Georgie) was born. Web Orgy is the internet side, so naturally we kept the Orgy bit because there's lots of us, we're having a laugh and it makes people giggle.
Q) How can we submit words to the dictionary?
A) Easy Peasey. E-mail them to the site, with the word, how it came about, quick explination, and a sentance where you'd use it.
Q) Can I take the backgrounds?
A) Sure, just add a link or get a banner for your site if you have one. Banners are avilabl to download from here.
Q) Who are these people that contribute?
A) Most people are friends of ours, for more information on the main contributors, click here


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