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Calmkan To be able-bodied and got together
"He's very calmkan"
Carticleasical Beuatiful and Illustrated language
"Milton's epic similies are written in a cartcleasical manor"
Causiality Things that happen after other things
"...evaluate the ways causiality is constructed and space and time ae explored in sci-fi"
Churky A cross bread of a chicken and a turky
"Is that a churky sandwhich"
Cliquish To join in on something usually only done with another group
"I've always wanted to be cliquish"
Conflucated How one feels after a drinking session and then has work to do.
"I feel conflucated"
Confoozled To Be both confused and in a drunken state at the same time
"Help, I'm all confoozled"
Confuzzing When you are confused with something on a tv program
"this whole thing with Tara is very confuzzing"





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