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Wacked To move at a high velocity
"He wacked across the field"
Waffalage An amount of waffle
"He's reached new heights of waffalage in this essay"
Waffledom Alomost pure waffle
"He's writing in the land of waffledom"
Waitari The plural of waitresses or waiters
"The waitari were lovely."
Wang To put something in somewhere
"Wang that in there."
Wem A collection of women
"Men like a bigger wem"
Willip A small marine fish
"Phillip caught a willip"
Winglish A special blend of Welsh and English
"Of course I can speak Winglish!"
Winnbein An eerie simularity
" There's a definate winnbein between them"
Worryment To worry, as in merryment
"Did it cause you much worryment?"
Wowamazing Something really great
"Thats just so wowamazing"
Wowyked To hike quickly
"I wowyked the mountain"
Writally To write something (as in Verbally)
"I love spending time with you, physically, verbally or writally."
Wubbish Items of rubbish placed on someone's head
"Don't put wubbish on wabbit"






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