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Pauds A very silent pause
"There was a slight pauds"
Phlonanol Meaning really really quickly
"It's going at a phlonanol rate"
Pinnin Spining around at an amazing rate
"I'm pinnin around"
Piosesnel A cookie with lots of cinnamon in it
"Mmmm, yummy piosesnel"
Plod To walk aimlessly looking for shops.
"We decided to plod around London."
Plonk To put an object down
"Plonk that down there"
Pmsh A specific sometime in the Afternoon
"The party starts at 7:30pmsh"
Pompsnous A little pumpkin
"Your my pompsnous"
Pompsnonse A pompus gay person
"You are such a pompsnonse"
Pongy A smell that lingers
"I've got pongy elbows"
Poodely Something that resembles a poodle
"Ahhh, how poodely"
Poog! A latent homosexual
"Fred is such a poog!"
Pouf An up-market homosexual
"He's a right pouf he is..."
Prettified To make things pretty. (See Spledify)
"The 90s prettified architechture."
Puneled To follow
"He puneled behind the others"
Puralise The Pural of...
"You can't puralise the word sheep"
Pushi Bursting at the seams with fluff
"The sofa was all pushi"





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