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Sa-Sl | Sm-Sz

Sbrisl An object that has things branching off it
"My, this mug tree is a sbrisl"
Shat Any program featuring an over the top / over the hill actor
"It's a loads of shat"
Shatnered When you are so tiered you could watch William Shatner programs
"I'm totally shatnered"
Shatnerism To speak in a Shatner type way
Shiester A Con artist
"He's a right Shiester"
Shoddy Something dodgy
"These are shoddy cups."
Shoresogalle The beaches of Wales, as seen from France
"I love looking at the Shoresogalle"
Shose Shoes that are left somewhere overnight
"These are Rhiannon's Shose"
Sighi A hankerchief you use to wipe your nose
"Does anyone have a sighi?"
Siliverated To drool over a beautiful woman
"He siliverated at the sight of my She-Ra Costume"
Sinisnni A polite Italian sneeze
"Excuse me while I sinisnni"
Slogled The manner of walking home from a pub
"His walk was somewhat slogled"

Sa-Sl | Sm-Sz



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