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Sa-Sl | Sm-Sz

Smilth Milk on a table
"Could you please pass the smilth"
Sminite A new poison of the cyinide family
"That smells llike sminite"
Smuffy To be cosy and warm
"I'm all smuffy"
Snicking When snow flakes stick to the ground
"Look, it's snicking"
Somuch More then anything else
"I love you somuch"
Spelleridge A certain way of spelling something
"This has definite spelleridge"
Spirne Something tall, thin and sometimes pointy
"Look how spirn that girl is"
Splendify Describe something in a splendid way.
"The author splendifys the character of..."
Squigy Soft and tender hugs
"...lots of squigy hugs"
Stickupon Hair that refuses to stay down
"My hair is stickupon if i wash it too many times
Sumsies To do sums and mathamatics
"It would have to use more sumsies"
Syrupy An item drenched in something resembling syrup
"Mmmm, syrupy"
Swepping What you do to the floor that has to be mopped
"I'm swepping the floor"
Swizzly Pretty bright lights
"The Christams lights are all swizzly"

Sa-Sl | Sm-Sz



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