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Part 15 – Explosion of Anger

Crash is struggling within the deadly tentacles of Launch Octopus. Sting Chameleon smiled wickedly in front of him.

Sting Chmaleon: End of the line for you bandicoot.
Crash: No... urgh… I will… not… be... ergh.... defeated!!
Sting Chameleon: Octopus, start the process.
Elsewhere, Shadra stares angrily at Frost Walrus as he lumbers into view.

Frost Walrus: So Shadra - just you, me, and the Slash Beast over there!! Hee hee hee!!
Shadra: Big deal. Your slashing wonder has only one arm, and you are too slow to catch me.
Frost Walrus: That so huh? Well what about what I did to the dumb lass who interfered?
Shadra: What did you say!?!?!
Frost Walrus: Oooohhhh, sorry; guess I gotta speak up. I said, WHAT ABOUT WHAT I DID TO THE DUMB LASS OVER THERE?!!! Ha ha!
Shadra: You're going down. You dumb stupid tin cans!!! You're all rubbish!!! You're all nothing but last ditch efforts created by Cortex. You're among the first ones to die in battle!!!! You're useless, pathetic, piles of scrap.
Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon, did ya hear what he said?
Magma Dragoon: Yes... how very rude Shadra. You underestimate our power, but as androids, we are among the most elite fighting machiens ever created. You're nothing now Shadra.
Shadra: Yeah sure - when Cortex finds out you guys are back stabbers, you're goin' under.
Frost Walrus: who cares what that bozo thinks? We run the show now, now start dancing. Slash Beast, demonstrate to the gentleman that we are highly more advanced than his puny mind can understand.

Slash Beast growled with delight. He stood poised, and ready for action. Shadra also stood ready. His hands were outstretched, and his legs were poised, as if ready for a further attack.

Shadra: Show me what you've got you freak.

Slash Beast stood ready, as if he was ready to make a pouncing move. He began to growl viciously, and his claws were poised and ready to strike. He began to power up, and let out a series of loud growls.

Frost Walrus: All right Slashy, let him have it.

Immediately, Slash Beast's torso began to open up. Out of it, popped out miniature laser cannons and at once, the laser cannons fired a heavy barrage of laser fire. The lasers went directly at Shadra, who did not expect this. He saw the lasers coming straight towards him. For a second he froze like a deer in headlights. But then, upon last minute reaction, he dodged just in time, barely getting a nick from the laser burns. He jumped out of the way, and the lasers hit the nearby wall, creating a huge explosion. Shadra ducked into a nearby place, and then stood up.

Shadra: HA… missed me...

But just then, right behind Shadra, appeared Frost Walrus. He was quicker than Shadra thought. Shadra froze again, and saw Walrus' massive fist coming down. The fist struck Shadra, sending him flying towards the wall. Shadra slammed into the wall, and upon regaining consciousness, saw Frost Walrus charging ahead of him. Before Walrus could smash him, Shadra rolled out of the way. But Walrus was too quick, and then jumped into the air. He was ready to land on Shadra. Shadra reacted, and fired a giant beam of energy at Frost Walrus. Frost Walrus punched the beam, and sent it flying into the ceiling. Walrus deflected it without getting a scratch. Shadra panicked, and tried to get away. But Walrus was upon him. He landed on both of Shadra's legs with his massive feet. Shadra yelled out in pain as he felt the horrible wait of Walrus's feet.

Frost Walrus: Hey Shadra, ya scream like a girl.

And with that, Walrus grabbed Shadra by the head with his massive fist. He held Shadra in his fist.

Frost Walrus: Hey Dragoon...GO LONG!!!!!

Frost Walrus tossed Shadra in the air like a football towards Magma Dragoon. Dragoon saw Shadra plummeting towards him. Dragoon then stretched out his arm, and grabbed Shadra by the collar.

Frost Walrus: YEAH!!! TOCHDOWN!!!!!!

Magma Dragoon stared into Shadra's terrified eyes.

Magma Dragoon: What say you now? You have underestimated our power. If that were true, how could you be so easily defeated?
Shadra: I have not!!! I am still better than you sorry excuses for warriors! You won't win.
Magma Dragoon: Is that so? My friend, for now, you will live. But I will make sure you get the point.

Dragoon raised his fist, and slammed it hard into Shadra's chest. Shadra gasped for air, but felt nothing reach into his lungs. He could feel about a few of his ribs being shattered. His stomach felt like it turned inside out. Shadra nearly threw up. When Dragoon's fist resumed it's current position, Dragoon tossed Shadra aside like a rag doll onto the ground. Shadra lied down breathless. But he was still alive, but badly beaten.

Frost Walrus: Serves that prick right. Nice goin' Dragoon.
Magma Dragoon: The pleasure was all mine. And now, i must see this Crash Bandicoot.
Frost Walrus: right sir.
Back with Shen and Tiger, Shen worked frantically to get Tiger's defence off. But he had his hands really full.

Neon Tiger: This time I will finish the job you miserable tick infested fox!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah, you're strong, but I know a few weaknesses myself.
Neon Tiger: Really? HEE HEE, ya better point ‘em out soon; cause I ain’t got all day. I'm gonna kill you, and spare that broad over there.
Shen Lo Ken: Don't speak to Coco like that. It's people like you who beat up innocent little girls who are given bad names.
Neon Tiger: Well boo friggin' hoo. C'mon spanky, let's get this over with!!

Neon Tiger began slashing wildly. He gained his distance, and then, did a very deadly attack. He began to curl himself up into a ball. He began to spin in the air. He now looked like a giant buzz saw. It wasn't long until he rolled into Shen with lightning speed. The force was very strong, knocking Shen into a nearby wall. Then, Neon Tiger raised his claws, and aimed for Shen's neck. Shen reacted, and rolled out fot he way, as the claws hit the wall instead. Shen turned around, and did a roundhouse kick at Tiger's head. His kick sent Tiger into the wall. But Tiger quickly regained consciousness.

Neon Tiger: Not bad schmoo; but you're gonna have to do better than that.
Back with Storm Eagle, the explosion caused by Eagle left Danni devastated, She clutched her left arm and staggered out of the crater. Sarnie rushed over to her side.

Sarnie: DANNI!! Are you okay?
Danni: Er… yeah… I'm... ohhhh… fine.
Sarnie: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you like that. I meant to hit Eagle.
Danni: I know mate, I know.
Storm Eagle: Foolish girls. Never underestimate the power of the androids. Time for you to meet your demise!

Storm Eagle powered up, creating a strong gust of wind around him. The wind was very strong. It was pulling Danni and Sarnie in.

Sarnie: what's happening?
Danni: He's... powerin' up!!!

Storm Eagle then created a powerful spiral vortex. It sucked Sarnie and Danni right towards him. Sarnie struck his gun arm first. The winds stopped, and Danni feel to the ground. Sarnie was firmly fixed into Eagle's gun arm. Her arm was suctioned in there.

Storm Eagle: I have you now, and so, your energy will soon be mine.

Storm Eagle began to light up - A blue surrounding engulfed him. It also engulfed Sarnie. Soon, Sarnie started to struggle and wince in pain. Her energy was being absorbed by the diabolical android. Storm Eagle was stealing her energy.

Danni: Hang on mate... I'll save you.

Eagle saw Danni rushing towards him. But released a cyclone ball, and it slammed hard into Danni's chest. It sent her flying into a nearby wall. Danni clutched her stomach and knocked out on the ground.

Storm Eagle: Takes care of that good for nothing whore. Now as for you; time for you to repay for the sins you did to your friend. Hee hee hee heee.

Things were looking bad. Almost every android had our heroes in a deadly grasp. Only a miracle could happen.

In the clutches of Launch octopus, Crash started to have visions. He saw the androids hurting, beating, and relentless murdering his friends and his family. He saw his sister Coco getting slashed to pieces by Neon Tiger. He saw his wife Danni getting beaten to death by Storm Eagle. Then, he saw Sarnie drop lifeless on the floor as all of her energy was absorbed. He saw Kitsume, getting killed by the main androids. Then he saw Shen, getting his guts ripped out by Neon Tiger. These were visions of things yet to come. But what really drew the line was when he envisioned his children. The house, from which they lived in, was on fire. He then saw his children flee. But then, he saw his children, cowering in the corner, by the Slash Beast. The Slash Beast was closing in on them with a vicious glare. And with a mighty swipe, Crash's children were no more!!!!!!!! This vision of the future started to kindle a flame in Crash's heart. The flame grew larger, and larger, and larger, and LARGER, until...


Crash awoke from his sleep. The visions of the future were more than he could bear. He began to light up a bright yellow!

Sting Chameleon: What?

Crash soon became stronger. His muscles grew bigger. Launch Octopus was now struggling to keep a hold on him. Crash's hair started turning yellow. His eyes became fiery with desire. His teeth gritted, and he began to yell out into the sky!!!!! With his mighty strength, he burst free of Launch Octopus. Launch octopus's tentacles then became decapitated. All of his tentacles were lopped off by the extraordinary power. Launch Octopus was powerless without his arms. Crash turned around, and stared viciously into Launch Octopus’s eyes. Octopus turned to run, but Crash fired a large beam of energy at Octopus. The beam caught up with him, sending him flying into the wall. With a giant explosion, Octopus's torso split open, and exploded into a million pieces!! He… was gone!!

Sting Chameleon: No... this… cannot be!!! HOW!?!?!?

Crash then looked evil at Sting Chameleon.

Crash: You will not get what you have come for. I will destroy you.

Sting Chameleon: NO!!! It will be you who will be desssstroyed!!!

Those were Sting's last words, because at that moment, he lashed out his tongue at a fast rate to skewer Crash. But crash quickly grabbed his tongue with his hand. He then began pulling at it. The force of Crash became greater, and with his maximum strength, he pulled so hard on the tongue, that seeing how it connected with the head of Sting Chameleon, it ripped his whole head off. Crash pulled the tongue, which caused the head to be ripped off, and the torso fell lifelessly to the ground. Crash now stood with the head of Sting Chameleon dangling from its tongue, which was in Crash's grasp. Crash let go of the tongue, sending the head plopping onto the ground.

Crash: And now... it is time… to help my friend and family and to settle a score... with Dragoon!!!
Part 16 – A New Founded Power

Kitsume rushed down the hall, and saw the hallways cluttered with smashed bricks and torn garments of cloth. Some major fighting had occurred here. She soon felt a very strong presence nearby.

Kitsume: Who... who's there?

She then saw a large glow in the distance; it became brighter as it came towards her. Kitsume squinted to see what it was; she couldn't make it out. One thing was for sure; it was definitely, not an android. Upon squinting harder, she saw a familiar figure walking towards her. His hair was golden yellow and tall and pointy. His muscles were now bigger; but the face was similar. It was Crash.

Kitsume: Crash?

Crash stared into Kitsume's eyes with determination. For in his right hand, he held the head of Sting Chameleon, dangling by it's tongue, which Crash held firmly in his grasp. The head swayed back and forth as Crash walked up to Kitsume.

Kitsume: It is you. My goodness... you... you're more powerful than before.
Crash: Kitsume... tell me... is there something you know about this?
Kitsume: Indeed. Crash... you have ascended.
Crash: I have?
Kitsume: To a new maximum power! Among the strongest I have ever felt. So it's true; you would be among the first to obtain it.
Crash: The first? You mean there's more people who will posses it?
Kjitsume: Yes. Your sister, Danni, Sarnie and Shen Lo Ken are soon to be others. But you Crash, were indeed the first to reach your maximum strength.
Crash: This is my maximum strength huh? Is it enough to beat these androids?
Ktsume: Rightfully so; but it's newly founded. you have just ascended Crash. Your power is beyond that which anyone, including myself, has seen.
Crash: How did you know of it?
Kitsume: For many years, legends of ascended warriors who trained and had experience all their lives would ascend to their greatest power. Their emotions were also a huge benefactor. Crash; for many years, you have had experience to equal up to this newly founded power. You have ascended.

Crash smiled wickedly. He now understood what happened. He knew his problems were solved. He ascended to among the greatest warrior ever to walk the planet. With this power, he could easily dispose of the androids; including Dragoon.

Crash: Now Kitsume; I gotta find Coco and the others. Are they okay?
Kitsume: I've had terrible trepidations of the future. If we don't hurry, the androids will conquer.
Crash: Then lead the way. I must help.
Kitsume: You must help? Crash... it's all up to you to defeat these androids. You alone possessed enough power to destroy them. And with all of our combined strength; we can win. Crash, it's up to you.
Crash: Then point me into the right direction. I gotta save my sister, my wife, and my friends.
Kitsume: Then follow me.
Things began looking bad at the battle scene. Neon Tiger once again had the upper hand, and slashed Shen with his massive claws. He threw Shen right next to where Coco was lying.

Neon Tiger: Foolish man. You and the girl are nothing but my prey.

Shen looked drowsily into Coco's eyes. She was alive, and she soon looked into Shen's eyes.

Coco: You too Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: Yes. I tried coco... I tried... I'm sorry I let you down.
Coco: Same here Shen. You and I were great partners. Even though you're no Kitsume; you're the best male trainer I ever had. In a way, it was almost as if I had a second brother with me.

Shen Lo Ken smiled greatly. Despite the pain those words touched his heart.

Shen Lo Ken: Sorry about all those times I was tough on ya.
Coco: Hey Shen; I'm a big girl - I can take it. You never gave up on me, like my brother and Kitsume.
Shen Lo Ken: See ya round kid. I just hope this Tiger will finish us off quick.
Coco: Are we just gonna give up?
Shen Lo Ken: Not yet - there is hope. Can't you sense it?
Coco: I do sense something strong coming this way; and it's not tiger.
Shen Lo Ken: There just may be hope. Just hang in there kid; there's still a chance.

Neon Tiger walked proudly over to Shen Lo Ken and Coco. Both were wounded in battle, and could not get up. They lied down side-by-side against the wall staring into the malicious eyes of Neon tiger.

Neon Tiger: This is it. After all these days of waiting I am going to finish what I have started. You Coco will be spared. You Shen; your head will be cut off, and presented to Dragoon as a present.
Shen Lo Ken: One question. Is this all you yearn for?
Neon Tiger: Give me a break. You know it as well as I do. Killing my opponents is my hobby. Slicing flesh is my skill. You're an example Shen, on how you, a once proud warrior, had your pride torn to shreds by the claws of an android. And you little girl, are exactly the same as him - lots of spirit, but no knowledge of when to quit. Dragoon wants to see Coco, because he seems to have some kind of relation with you he claims.
Coco: What?
Neon Tiger: It matters not. I'll finish the fox off; and spare you.

Just then, a large glowing light appeared behind Neon Tiger - The light was incredibly bright. Neon Tiger slowly turned around. He was shocked at what he saw. The glow came from none other than Crash Bandicoot himself. He was no longer staring into the face of the warrior he knew. He was an ascended warrior. Shen and Coco were also shocked!! This was Crash? It couldn't have been.

Neon tiger: Who are you?
Crash: I am the ally of good. If you dare lay a claw on my sister and my friend; then your head will end up like his.

Crash held out sting Chameleon's head at Neon Tiger. Tiger backed away in horror. Sting Chameleon's head was suspended in the air, swaying back and forth by its tongue. Crash dropped it to the ground.

Neon Tiger: You...defeated Chameleon!?!!?!? NO!!!!!! You're not that bandicoot!! WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!
Crash: I also slaughtered Launch Octopus.
Neon Tiger: AND OCTOPUS!?!?!? IMPOSSIBLE!!! NO!!!!! YOU CAN'T BE!!!!
Crash: I am… Crash Bandicoot - your worst nightmare.

Neon tiger backed slowly away, and started to prepare for an attack.

Crash: Kitsume; do me a favour, and give some elixirs to Coco and Shen. They need them.
Kitsume: Yes Crash. Now, defeat that android.
Crash: I will!
Neon Tiger: You will not!! I don't care if you're the same bandicoot, mark my words, you will not win!!
Crash: Let me knock some sense into you.

Crash flew straight into Tiger at the speed of light. With a massive punch, he sent Neon Tiger flying out of the room. He smashed through the castle wall, and back onto the landing. After regaining his strength, he searched frantically around for Crash.

Neon Tiger: Come on out you rat! Where are you?

Crash appeared behind Tiger.

Crash: HERE I AM!!!!!

Before Tiger could look, Crash smashed the side of his face with his fist, sending Tiger flying into the castle wall. Storm Eagle, who was busy draining Sarnie's energy, soon noticed the action, and stared maliciously in the opposite direction. He was astonished at what he saw.

Storm Eagle: What in the...? Who is this glowing apparition before me? NO… it is!! It's that bandicoot!! He's more powerful than before!!

Sarnie also gazed at Crash. Weakly, she called out his name. Her energy was almost sucked dry.

Sarnie: Crash... you... you're... here.

Sarnie nearly passed out. Eagle's energy drain was almost complete.

Storm Eagle :I must finish quickly in order to destroy that bandicoot, and bring him to Dragoon!

Neon Tiger slashed his claws wildly at Crash, who dodged every slash.

Neon Tiger: Stand still you lousy rodent!!!

Suddenly, Crash grabbed both of Tiger’s arms. Tiger could not break free. He was in Crash's grasp, and couldn't even struggle to get out.

Crash: You destroyed lives with your hands. You injured the ones I loved and cared for with these claws of yours. It is now time for you to lose your claws. Without them, you can no longer hurt anyone; and death will arrive soon to lay his came on you.

Crash, using his massive strength, tore off both of Neon Tiger's arms!! He fell back yelling in pain. Both of his arms were gone, and he stood on his two feet; which were the only things left on his body. Crash crushed the arms with his hand and threw them into the ocean. Storm Eagle looked with petrified horror at Crash. He was so petrified he lost his concentration. This slowed down the energy process, and within minutes, Sarnie's arm slid out of Eagle's gun arm. Sarnie feel to the ground like a light sheet. She was alive, but exhausted form the energy draining.

Storm Eagle: NO!!!! It... can't BE!!!!

Crash was hovering above Tiger all aglow. Neon Tiger stood and looked in horror at the floating figure. Crash stared evilly down at him. Neon Tiger was now afraid. He lost both of his arms, and was about to lose his life.

Crash: Goodbye android; your reign of terror ends now!!!
Neon Tiger: Wait… no... I beg of you... please!!!! I was only following orders… please... be merciful. Don't please....

But it was too late. Crash created a large beam with his hands, and fired it at Neon Tiger.

Neon Tiger: No… No... NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The beam hit Tiger dead on; and a large explosion ensued. The explosion caused some of the parts of the castle to crumble. After the dust settled, nothing was left of Neon Tiger - nothing, except his electric tail; which still remained there. Crash hovered down; and then fixed his gaze at Storm Eagle.

Storm Eagle: NO!!!!! How can this be!?!?
Crash: You're next... EAGLE!!! I'm gonna pay you back for Sarnie and Danni.
Storm Eagle: He killed octopus, Chameleon and now Tiger. Who is he!?!? Is he the one Dragoon wants!?!? YES!!! He's the one. Now; I must figure a way to defeat this thing!!

Crash's new founded power made mincemeat of Neon tiger. Now, he faces Eagle.
Part 17 – Secrets Revealed

Storm Eagle hovers over Crash, and eyes him like a hawk. He is very curious on how Crash maintained all this extraordinary power.

Storm Eagle: Hmph. Bandicoot, you amaze me. First you were about to kiss death as Octopus had you in a strangle hold. But just then, you fooled death and slapped him in the face, by becoming this... this... freak of nature!! Tell me... how did you do it!?!?

Crash stared vengefully at Storm Eagle. Both android and bandicoot were on a tense moment - each staring into each other's eyes.

Crash: I have ascended; to something that even you cannot match.
Storm Eagle: And just what is that power?
Crash: The power of an ascended bandicoot! After many years of long hard fights; perseverance, and training; it's finally done. I have ascended to the most powerful warrior in the universe. Evil will now bow down before me, to beg for forgiveness. And that means you.

When Crash pointed his glowing finger at Storm Eagle, Eagle only let out a menacing laugh.

Storm Eagle: Marvellous! So this is why Dragoon wishes to see you. You just may very well be a relative of his; because no one is as strong as Dragoon.
Crash: That so? Look at me. My golden hair, my fiery eyes and my muscles bulging from my arms - tell me; are you not impressed?
Storm Eagle: Quite frankly I am. It's very impressive. You just may stand a chance after all. You did manage to defeat three of my comrades with your strength.
Crash: That's cause of my ascension. Now I am faster, smarter, and stronger than ever. Taking you down would be nothing.
Storm Eagle: Is that true? Well then, fire your best shot and try me!
Crash: That I will!!!

Storm eagle waited for Crash's move. He was also thinking of his plan.

Storm Eagle: (thinks) This dumb bandicoot must have forgotten how I can absorb energy through this arm of mine. Once he tries to fire a large energy beam at me; I will be able to absorb it and much of his strength. Then beating him will be nothing.

Storm Eagle began to hover lower towards the glowing golden bandicoot.

Crash: You've got it!! HEEEEEYYYYAAAAA!!!!!

Crash raises his hands to form a giant energy beam. The energy beam was fired straight towards Storm Eagle, who stood there waiting for the beam. When it came close enough, he raised his gun arm, and the beam hit it dead on. The energy draining process then began. Storm Eagle began to suck in the massive energy beam. He felt himself growing stronger as the beam began to inherit his body. His gun arm quickly sucked in the entire beam. Crash was shocked!! Storm Eagle stood in the air with a triumphant smile. His gun arm absorbed the massive attack. He then hovered down towards Crash.

Crash: I don't believe it. GAH!!!! He absorbed it!! With that gun arm of his!!
Storm Eagle: Yes. And I believe you won't try another attack like that again, but thank you for that precious energy. I now will be able to defeat no problem.

Crash: That so huh? You just wait and see; I'm gonna make you regret that.
Storm Eagle: You're such a fool; you always spit out your words rather than eat them. Oh well; it's time to show you how seriously you should take my power because compared to you I will be stronger.
Crash: Well we'll just see.
Back in the main chamber Shadra is locked in a neon cage. Slash Beast is also back in his old neon cage, and had his torn arm replaced with an unpainted model. Frost Walrus is sitting on the high platform with his shoulders sulking, and his feet crossed. He looked very bored.

Frost Walrus: Man oh man; it sure is boring. When is that moron, Storm Eagle gonna get back with those two bandicoot twerps?

Magma Dragoon was busy hacking into Cortex's main computer; studying about his structure and the other androids' structure.

Frost Walrus: Huh? Aw bloomin’ ‘eck Dragoon; what on Earth are ya doin'?
Magma Dragoon: Quiet you; I'm busy finding out vital information.
Frost Walrus: On what?
Magma Dragoon: On us idiot. I want to see if we are capable of being shut down .If Cortex found out what we did to Shadra, he can shut us down permanently. I'm just hoping he isn't able to do so. That's why I'm studying our structure.
Frost Walrus: Oh. But gee whiz Dragoon, can't we just kill Shadra already? You already beat the spirit out of that filthy cat as it is.
Magma Dragoon: Walrus; if it hadn't been for your butt; you wouldn't have a brain!
Frost Walrus: Huh? I don't get that one.
Magma Dragoon: I'm saying; get your head out of your behind. Killing Shadra before Cortex would arouse suspicion.
Frost Walrus: C'mon Dragoon; we've aroused enough suspicion already. You iced the prick with your damned fist; and you think Cortex won't know about this yet?
Magma Dragoon: Cortex can tell. You see; I learned something about Shadra.
Frost Walrus: That he's as smart as a dinosaur in the middle of nowhere?
Magma Dragoon: Besides that. I learned; that once Shadra dies; Uka uka can sense it. For some reason; Uka uka cannot sense Shadra when he is injure. But if he dies, then Uka Uka can sense it, and can report it to Cortex.
Frost Walrus: Oh… I see now. You're so darn smart Dragoon.

Magma Dragoon was finished typing, and turned to Walrus to make a report.

Magma Dragoon: Well according to my investigation Walrus I am the lucky one. I have been programmed to live forever. No one can shut me off. The other androids were designed to close down but I was designed to live forever.
Frost Walrus: Aw man... some guys get all the luck.
Magma Dragoon: That's true.

Magma Dragoon then looked harder into the screen. He noticed in the fine ink, there were some other words. They didn't look like Cortex's writing at all. (And believe me, Dragoon can tell) It was somewhat different. There was also a symbol. Not an N - but instead, an S. An S? That must mean it was not Cortex; for Cortex had an N. Right next to the blueprints of the androids was a giant S. What did this mean?

Magma Dragoon: Um Walrus; let me see you for a minute.
Frost Walrus: Cripes - what now?

Frost Walrus walked up to dragoon.

Magma Dragoon: Yes... you seem to have that as well. Look on your left part of your chest.
Frost Walrus: Huh? Yeah, there's an S there. SO!?!?!?
Magma Dragoon: SO!?!?!? SO!!?!? You dumb walrus, do you know what this means?
Frost Walrus: What?!?!
Magma Dragoon: I mean, we were not originally created by Cortex. Cortex uses an N for a symbol on all of his minions; not an S.
Frost Walrus: Huh? Maybe it was a mistake.
Magma Dragoon: not likely. I must investigate further. Something's not right here.

Dragoon began more research; and kept hacking furiously at his computer. Just then, he let out a loud 'AHA"; and turned to Walrus.

Magma Dragoon: Just as I thought. Cortex wasn't our original creator.
Frost Walrus: He wasn't?
Magma Dragoon: NO!! Don't you see? The plans that he used to make us were stolen!!
Frost Walrus: Stolen? Ya mean, we were supposed to be made by someone else?
Magma Dragoon: YES!! Someone else; who uses this S symbol. And I have more shocking news. Except for me you and the others were not intended on being the strongest androids.
Frost Walrus: WHAT?!?!!? Ya mean… There are more of them?
Magma Dragoon :I found out more details; and downloaded more plans for future androids being created. I have always been the leader; and have been created as the strongest android of all time. But here I seem to have found plans for other, stronger androids.
Frost Walrus: What kinds?
Magma Dragoon: Names are unknown, but the creator is also the one who uses the S symbol. His name is very clear here.
Frost Walrus: Who is he?
Magma Dragoon: His name... is Dr. Sai Borg.
Frost Walrus: Sai Borg? Ya mean, this guy was our original creator?
Magma Dragoon: Yes! Cortex just grabbed whatever plans he could from this mysterious man; and create us. We are not the children of this fraud. Our real father is out there in the world somewhere.
Frost Walrus: And you wanna go find him right?
Magma Dragoon: Right!
Frost Walrus: Well what about the bandicoots? All of those strange visions and déjà vu’s -what's up with that?
Magma Dragoon: The only logical explanation I can think of; is that mystical vixen, Kitsume. She's some sort of witch, who must have been trying to confuse me with her witchcraft.
Frost Walrus: But you're an android. Magic can’t affect androids.
Magma Dragoon: That's another thing that bothered me. Apparently I'm not entirely an android.
Frost Walrus: Huh?
Magma Dragoon: According to my structure part of me is actually made up of a living organism. But I cannot tell because it is deep within this metal shell. And my apt intelligence comes from part of my brain; an ACTUAL brain put into my system. I'm actually part machine, part flesh!!
Frost Walrus: How bizarre? So what kind of body did they use to make you?
Magma Dragoon: I don't know; and I never will. That's how that witch must have been controlling me; I have an actual brain.
Frost Walrus: But are you sure that witch is controlling you?
Magma Dragoon: It's the only explanation. Only close contact with those two bandicoots near me; and that vixen dead, will be proof.
Frost Walrus: I see. So we're not actually the children of Cortex? We're just stolen android models?
Magma Dragoon: Stolen; by this doctor named Sai Borg, who to what I have discovered, is not only the most advanced mind in the world, but among the most powerful force. I must seek this Sai Borg, and reveal myself to him - the Prodigal son so to say.
Frost Walrus: As soon as ya see the bandicoots?
Magma Dragoon: Exactly.
Part 18 – The Battle of True and Stolen Power

Storm Eagle and the ascended Crash Bandicoot stand face to face. The mighty bandicoot warrior and android looked straight into each other's eyes with vengeance.

Crash: So you stole of my power eh?
Storm Eagle: Yes. Normally hawks are the ones who steal precious things. But in this case, an eagle has.
Crash: So you say. Do you honestly believe you can beat me just because you stole some of my power?
Storm Eagle: Hee hee hee hee... you'll just have to see that for yourself! Are you up to a real challenge... cause I know I am.
Crash: Let's see if an android who steals power can defeat an ascended warrior with true power!!
Storm Eagle: As you wish; but don't expect me to take it lightly on you.
Crash: Believe me; I don't.
Storm Eagle: Then it's agreed. We will see who is the victor.

Both warriors float up into the air to begin their fight.

Down back at the castle, Kitsume gave her last elixirs to Coco, Shen, Sarnie, and Danni. After recovering they all stared up into the sky.

Danni: It looks as if Crash is about to do battle with Storm Eagle.
Sarnie: After what he did to me, Crash doesn't stand a chance.
Kitsume: On the contrary Crash has ascended way beyond that of a normal bandicoot. He's become an ascended bandicoot warrior. That explains his golden hair and ferocious attitude.
Coco: Wait… I don't get it. If he ascended; then why didn't I? I am his sister.
Kitsume: For you Coco, your time hasn't come yet. In time, it will.
Coco: But… Kitsume. You said I was the future.
Kitsume: You're part of it Coco. The world does not revolve around one individual. It revolves around everyone. In Crash's case, he was the first.
Coco: But why?
Kitsume: Well he was chosen. He was destined to be like this.
Coco: Well then… so am I. I'll train hard too. When this is all over, I will become an ascended warrior too. In fact I will surpass Crash in strength. I will become stronger. I will train extra hard until I am an ascended bandicoot like him... but even better.
Kitsume: Coco... don't get angry. That will turn your ambitions into evil ones.
Coco: But it isn't fair. How come he's first, and I'm last?
Kitsume: You're not last. Everyone you know will ascend. You just may be next.
Danni: We may even ascend?
Kitsume: Yes.
Shen Lo Ken: Fantastic. I only wish it would come sooner.

Shen notices Coco's anger. She isn't too pleased.

Shen Lo Ken: Come on Coco, you should be glad you're brother ascended. He'll be able to destroy these androids. Why aren't you happy for him?
Coco: Auey… you boys will never understand. I want to surpass him in every way.
Shen lo Ken: Oh I get it; it's all about a gender based issue isn't it?
Coco: Well that's partly it; but honestly, I thought I was gonna be the one to destroy these androids.
Kitsume: Don't let your anger control you Coco. If you do, then you will become evil; like the time Armnikron controlled you. Don't let that happen again. In time, you will ascend. Be patient.
Sarnie: Kitsume's right girl. You just gotta wait. In the mean time, I'm rootin' for Crash.
Danni: You're not jealous are you Coco?
Coco: Jealous? What do you think?
Shen lo Ken: Very much so. Ha - sibling rivalry I guess. Come on Coco; for once, will you just root for Crash to beat these guys? The fate of the world depends on it.
Coco: Okay. But just wait... in the future, I will become stronger, I will ascend, and I will be the greatest fighter ever - even better than my brother.
Kitsume: I sense much anger in you Coco. Don't let it control you. That will make you an agent of evil.
Coco: I know; but nevertheless, I will reach my goal. Just wait and see. I will ascend.

Crash and Storm Eagle stare vengefully at each other.

Storm Eagle: Shall we get going?
Crash: Ready when you are.
Storm Eagle: Fine; let's begin!!!

Storm Eagle creates a vortex ball in his hand and tosses it at Crash like a baseball. Crash swats it away like a pesky fly.

Storm Eagle: Marvellous. Try four.

Storm Eagle creates four more vortex balls, and hurls them at Crash. Crash just bats them away liek pesky flies as well.

Storm Eagle: Heh heh heh.... splendid. You really are just as Dragoon said. But can you handle this?

Storm Eagle charged up his gun arm. Lights of energy were engulfing it. The energy sources could be seen going through his arm. The light was very bright, but Crash still stood, unflinching. Then, with a mighty sweep, Storm Eagle released a massive beam of energy from his gun arm. It hit Crash dead on. A giant mid air explosion occurred overhead. The giant explosion was really bright. Coco, Danni, and the others shield their eyes. A giant cloud of dust surrounds Crash. After a few moments, the dust clears. But what's this? Crash is still intact. He didn't even budge when the shot hit him dead on. He was as still as a board, but as clean as a bean.

Storm Eagle: Excellent. You're very strong. But let's get down to a real battle. Whaddya say?
Crash: Your call.
Storm Eagle: So be it!!

Storm Eagle shot straight up into the air. And then, like a kamikaze fighter jet he swooped down towards Crash head first at an incredibly fast rate, head first. When he was close to Crash, he prepared to hit him with his fist. But Crash quickly dodged the hit, and Eagle just missed him. Crash then appeared behind Eagle. But Eagle knew he was gonna do this, and then pointed his gun arm at Crash. He fired a strong wind that was supposed to knock Crash away. But instead; Crash stood there. The wind just kept blowing through him as if it were just a gentle breeze.

Storm Eagle: Well... you're better than I thought. Now eat THIS!!!!!

Storm Eagle powered up; and released a massive ball of energy from his gun arm. Crash grabbed it and bounced it back towards Eagle like a volleyball. Eagle dodged the attack, and the ball of energy hit a nearby tiny island; causing it to explode. As the tiny island soon became an atoll in the ocean from the blast, Eagle started to stare evilly at Crash.

Storm Eagle: You are indeed proving yourself. I would expect no less from Cortex's foe.
Crash: What difference would it make to you? You're rebelling against Cortex.
Storm Eagle: Yes; but there are other plans. But as for you bandicoot; if you don't show me what YOU'VE got; then I'll heev to give you everything I got you coward.
Crash: Okay; if you insist.

Crash then came down at Eagle with such incredible speed. Eagle couldn't even sense Crash zooming in on him. Eagle was stunned at his speed. He then froze; which allowed Crash to hit him dead on. Crash punched Storm Eagle in the face, sending him flying into the side of the castle. When Eagle emerged, he felt the side of his head. There was quite a dent imprinted in it.
Storm Eagle: Hmmmmm.... He's better than I thought. It's time to resort to my next attack.
Elsewhere, deep underground, in Cortex's secret underground laboratory underneath his castle; Cortex and N. Gin were busy swiping more of Sai borg's designs. There were plenty of new androids in the making.

Cortex: N. Gin, here are the designs for the next android.
N. Gin: Cortex; do you feel these androids will succeed the old ones?
Cortex: They better. If I know Sai Borg, it's that he will resort to only the best elements to create the best fighting machines. I would like to thank him for letting me use his plans; but I'd expect that he would make me pay for it.
N. Gin: Indeed.

Just then the minions entered the secret underground laboratory.
Cortex: How are things going?
Tiny: Things bad!!
Cortex: Really?
Komodo Moe: Yesssss. Massster cortexxxx. The androidsssss are revolting.
N. Gin: What? How dare you. They are highly intelligent robots who are designed to take orders.
Dingodile: Better check them batteries in them - MATE!!!
Cortex: Explain this to me.
Pinstripe: Well Cortex, those androids ain't workin' for us anymore. They've gone on a strike so to say.
Komodo Moe: They've been hacking into your filesssssss; and know of thissss Ssssssai Borg.
Cortex: What?!?! So they know all my passwords.
N. Gin: They couldn't be. I designed them to be loyal.
Pinstripe: Loyal my ass; these guys are against all of us. They know something about ya Cortex.
Cortex: So they know I've stolen the plans eh? Where's Shadra? Perhaps it is time to shut them down.
Dingodile: Shadra's been walloped by the main android himself; Magma dragoon.
Cortex: So out of rage; Dragoon beat Shadra? He must be powerful. N. Gin; it's time to take these orders. Shut down the androids.
N. Gin: But Dr. cortex, I can't.
Cortex: WHAT!?!?!?!?
N. Gin: Without the right tools; I can't create the source to destroy them. I don't have the technology to turn them off. There is an over ride code for them; but it can't be obtained unless you dig harder into Sai Borg's files. And… there's more bad news.
Cortex: What?
N. Gin: The leader Magma Dragoon; was designed to last forever. He can only be destroyed physically.
Cortex: So the other androids can be shut down; except Dragoon?
N. Gin: Yes.
Cortex: Oh great!! That's it N. Gin. We're taking action. Harness enough energy to power up your mobile suit. I'm going to destroy these androids now. They dare go against what I say? Well no one ever does that to our lives. Now we will destroy these androids - especially Magma Dragoon.
N. Gin: Yes sir.
Tiny: Androids bad.
Dingodile: Shadra was right all along. Them androids were nothing but trouble.
Cortex: Apparently so. That's it; it's time to destroy them. Get ready N. Gin!

Uh oh. Looks like Cortex finally found out. These androids have turned their backs on him. And knowing how this displeases Cortex it will be time for the ultimate showdown with them.

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