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‘So Father you’ve killed somebody? Well perhaps we shall find out whether or not you have soon enough.’ B’Elanna took a seat and looked around curiously to see who was there. Turns out many people were curious as to why B’Elanna’s Father would have killed somebody and many were there. After much waiting the whole thing started. B’Elanna sighed wishing she could be with Sofi and not here.

Back at the mansion Sofi was calmly snoozing on the floor in the library next to a large stack of books that she had already finished. Hours passed and she continued to sleep until a faint beeping sound woke her. *What could that be?* Sofi thought to herself as she got up and looked around. A small bookshelf moved which made Sofi let out a startled, *Treee!* But when she stopped she found a computer screen and much to her dismay the ever annoying Anak appeared and said, “Ah! Hello there! Sorry to have startled you like that but I have some information that you might find useful. Your Shantel shall be occurring soon in a while, not just yet.”

Sofi panicked, *My? S-Shantel? B-but B’Elanna isn’t and I?*

“Hey! Hang on! Calm down! Not yet, but soon. B’Elanna will be back shortly.”

Sofi gave Anak a flat out mad white Bishel Dragon look, *First, never frighten me like that again. I can’t take it. Second, how would you know?*

“My, my. Excuse me! Tracking device on the vehicle B’Elanna went in tells me she will be back soon. She has left the city and is coming home now.”

Sofi nodded and went back to her calm, quiet and easily frightened self. *Okay. Now leave me alone.*

“As you wish.” Then the bookshelf moved back to it’s original position and Sofi was left shaking slightly still scared.

Downstairs the front door opened and B’Elanna walked in looking not at all happy. She went up to the library thinking Sofi would be there or in the Garden. “Sofi?” B’Elanna asked quietly as she opened up the library door.

*Yes B’Elanna I am in here. Anak says my Shantel will be occurring soon. How did it go?*

“Found guilty. Many, many years in prison. So now let’s go over this again. My Mother’s dead, my Father’s in prison for murdering. Erik’s gone, Mary’s still here and Heath is off finding out about himself. Oh joy.”

Sofi smiled, *You forgot about me, I’m still here. And as I said before I’m not going to leave you.*

B’Elanna turned to Sofi and sniffed then smiled. The next thing Sofi knew was B’Elanna was holding her and saying, “I know Sofi, I know.” B’Elanna pulled away. “Shantel huh? Are you ready for it? Anak says there are going to be at least 9 or 10 other’s there.”

Sofi whimpered, *I-I.....*

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine, I promise. Then when it’s all over with you can come back here and not worry about a thing for the rest of your life.”

*Oh that sounds wonderful.*

“Indeed. It does.”

Again the bookshelf moved and again Sofi was scared. B’Elanna growled at Anak who blinked a couple times startled at B’Elanna’s growling. “Ummm... Er... Shantel occurring very, very soon. You should probably go soon.”

*Anak, tell me, how do you know these things?*

“I know everything.”

Sofi sighed and turned to B’Elanna as Anak disappeared, *Pleeeeeeease turn him off!!!*

“He’s not that bad. But I’ll tell him not to bug you, don’t worry.”

*Thank you.*

A half an hour later Sofi was dragged into the DT and both B’Elanna and the white Shrape were off to the Bishen Realm. Sofi was shaking nervously as they were walking there. *I can’t do this, I can’t do this, I can’t do this.*

“Change that can’t to a can okay?”

*I can do this?*

B’Elanna nodded, “You can do this.”

*You’re right. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.* But when the whole thing was actually getting ready to start Sofi found herself hiding under a wheelbarrow repeating, *I can’t do this, I can’t do this. I should have stuck with the first one because it was right!*

B’Elanna was kneeling down next to the wheelbarrow, “Sofi, come on get out! Its going to start soon and you have to come out!”

*No! Nobody can make me! I won’t!*

“Stubborn mule!”

*I don’t care! I’m not coming out! There are to many of them! I won’t! I refuse!*

“Stop being so stubborn and get out! We’ve been through this, you can do this! Come on Sofi! Don’t you want to get out there and get this over with?!”

*Get this over with? Yes. Get out there? No!* A howl sounded out through the realm and Sofi let out a startled *TREEE!* Thinking to herself, ‘Who would do such a thing? How dare they! Don’t they know I don’t like this?’

B’Elanna looked around and found the creature that gave the howl she shook her head then turned back to Sofi, “Come on. Please Sofi?”

Sofi inched forward a little, but wasn’t the whole way out. Somebody then announced the Shantel was ready to begin. Sofi leaped out thinking that if she didn’t get out from under the wheelbarrow fast then she wouldn’t at all. With the other Shrapes she lined up but still tried to stay as far away from them as possible. After two Sunshines, a green Terran, a blue Terran, a blue Marine, a green Marine, a red Terran, a Moonstone Marine, and a red Arboreal it is now Sofi’s turn to step forward. She does so, but then stop and looks back to B’Elanna who nods and whispers, “Go on.” Sofi nods then raises her head high into the air and walks in front of the Kailan.

*You, Sofi, has desired a life of peace and solitude in order to better understand yourself and the ways of nature. I give to you this White Lightning Shard. It will allow you the breath weapon of White Lightning, should you ever need it. It also gives you the ability to create silence and stillness around you at will. Use you gifts with temperance and wisdom.*

Taking her Magical Object Sofi trots back to stand in the line. Then she watches as a Black Terran a practically complete opposite of herself goes forward to receive his object. *You are now all full Bishen,* the Kailan announces with pride. *Our Clan is another generation stronger. Go now, Bishen, into the world and make your destiny.*

Sofi lets out a sigh of relief and is ready to leave right then and there. Definitely not wanting to stay and chat with the other’s. Slowly both her and B’Elanna leave the Bishen Realm.

B’Elanna looked down at Sofi, “Now what?” She asks.

*What do you mean?*

“Live your life in peace and quiet? Or perhaps are you going to get mate?”

Sofi stopped and blinked a couple of times, *I’d never really thought about that. I am a full Bishen now and if I wanted a mate I could have one, but I don’t know. I don’t know at all. This is actually the first time I’ve thought of such a thing.*

B’Elanna grinned, “Well you think about it.”

*Indeed, but I am white.*

“What’s that have to do with anything?”

*Oh dear, my minds about to explode on me. I need to rest. I’ll think about all of this later.*

“Okay Sofi, okay.” Then the two continued to walk onwards. “Though if you ever found the right guy you’d probably be to shy to say anything.”

*Indeed. I would.*

B’Elanna laughed and then they went back to their home. B’Elanna was wondering what would happen next and Sofi was pondering over the idea that B’Elanna had brought up.

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