FaNfIc PaGe

Welcome to my FanFic page!

Ok, so here are the links. I HAVE LOTS NOW! got off my lazy duff...actually on it and wrote! By the way, if you have any fanfics, any at all (except Yaoi or Yuri) you can just e-mail me and send em on in. I will give you full credit and many can read your stories. By the way...most of my stories are not fully done, but they are pretty much past the point of plot ending. =^_^=

Kisses-Story 1
This story is one about a little kiss. It's not done, so bear with me here.
One Sad Love-Story 2
This second story is a really sweet one. It is about Zel and Amelia and about Ame's recovery from someone's death. Sore wa Himitsu Desu!! !
^ ^^^
Forget-Me-Not's -Story 3
This story is another Zel/Amelia. It is taken place years later. Amelia is FEIRCE!
Unexpected Plans -Sequal to story 3
Secrets -Story 4
Finally! A Xel/Amelia story. Sweet one. I think I might make it a lemon.
Strangers -Story 5
The non-lemon version of the above. First half.
Strangers pt.2 -Story 5- part two.
Non-lemon version of Story 5 part two
Strangers pt.3- Story5- part 3
Non-lemon version part three of Story 5.

Ok, finally, this story is a twisted author special. It involves me and Zel and let me tell you. this one is a MAJOR LEMON!
Crash And Burn
Songfic to Savage Garden's song.
A TwIsTeD WrItEr story. Not done.
Whispers of Love
Zelgadis/Amelia romance about the future. Not done yet..good though.
I Thought She Knew
For You I Will
This Woman
- Sequal to For You I Will
COMING SOON!-Obvious- sequal to This Woman
Ode To Zel-a poem
In My Pocket - JUST READ
Pretty Fly for a Pale Guy- sounds stupid. It's just a song parody I made about Xellos!
Slayers Future (more of a music video prop too lol SONGFIC

OTHER FANFIC (non-Slayers)
Nightmares and Awakenings A DBZ fic B/V about a nightmare Vegeta has.
Beginning the Dream Sequal to Nightmares and Awakenings. LEMON WARNING!!!