Mobile Suit: Wing Gundam, Wing Gundam ZERO
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Ethenticity: Japanese
Origin: Colony LaGrange Point 1
Family: Unknown
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Eye Color: Prussian Blue
Only two things are known for certain bout Heero Yuy, the "perfect soldier" of the Gundam Wing saga: 1) his real name isn't "Heero Yuy", and 2) we don't know what his real name is.
Sent from Colony LaGrange Point 1 and trained by the huge-glasses-wearing, metal-armed, eccentric Dr. J, Heero is the most silent and dadly warrior among the five gundam pilots. While it's said that nothing can stop Heero from fulfilling his mission, throughout the series he is distracted by his emotions. (But then, sweet, beautiful princesses from fallen kingdoms have that effect on most guys.)
Besides the romance that developed between Heero and Relena, Heero developed a special connection with Trowa. The pair theamed several time during various parts of the series, and every time it made a great partnership. Both have a "total-war" attitude and the willingness to scrafice themselves and anything else to make sure their job gets done.
Heero's Mobile Suit piloting skills are among he besta around. Heero piloted many different Moblie Suits in the series, but the two he used most regularly were Wing Gundam and Wing Gundam ZERO. Heero was sent to earth using Wing Gundam, and on multipe occasions he tried to destroy his Gundam to prevent others from gaining it. In the 10th episode, when he faced off against Zechs Merquise, Heero finally had no choice but to use the self-destruct button to prevent Lady Une form destroying the colonies. Later in the series, Wing ZERO and Heero became like one. The two were really meant for each other. Heero is one of the few pilot who could actually tame the ZERO system, and that shows just how good a pilot he is.
In the end not much more revealed about Heero that was known in the beggining. However, hi did come out of his shell and open up to various people along the way, especially Relena.
As for Heero's role in Endless Waltz, he's the key to the whole series. We don't want to reveal too much, but we will say that Heero's cool head and deadpan one-liners, mixed with his let-it-all-hang-out battle style, will captivate you.