Mobile Suit: Gundam Heavyarms
Age: 15
Ethinticity: Unknown
Origin: Colony LaGrange Point 3
Family: Unknown (adopted sister, Catherine Bloom)
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
THe name Trowa Barton strikes fear into the hearts of those who oppose him -and it's not even the real name of the pilot who uses it. THe original pilot of Gundam Heavyarms was name Trowa Barton, but when he was shot (as explained in Endless Waltz), a young mechanic who worked on the Gundam (and who had become a mercenary earlier in life) volunteered to pilot Heavyarms and fulfill operation Meteor.
Later and undercover Trowa joined up with a traveling carnival as a clown/knife thrower/horseback-rider/lion-tamer. HTere he met Catherine Bloom, a girl who adopted him as her brother. Later in the series, Trowa lost all his memory and rejoined the carnival, only to leave for the war once he is nursed back to health.
THats all about known about Trowa's past, and Trowa isn't exactly forthcoming with details. Trowa's alot like Heero- silent and deadly. Rather than explaining his actions like many of the other pilots, Trowa fights because he knows his goal.
As you might expect, Trowa and Heero develop close ties. In fact, Heero is the only person in the series to make Trowa laugh. True, Heero does so by nearly kiling himself when he engages the self-destruct feature of his Gundam, but it is still evidence of their bond.
True to its name, Trowa's Heavyarms is the most heavily armed or the Gundams. Packing at anywhere from 36 to 48 missles and carrying a heavily loaded machine gun in addition to the standard Gundam maching guns, Heavyarms is meant for slugging it out in gorund combat. Later in the series it's modified for space combat, but even then it's very sluggish.
Fortunately, its powerful weapons heavily oughtweigh its clumsiness.