I would really like everyone to know that all the pictures I have displayed on my web site are the sole property of the people who have created them! I am not trying to make a porfit off this web page, I am simply putting these pictures here so that people who want a site that has many animes on it won't have to search far and wide for stuff to read and things to look at. Nothing on this page I have created (exept for the pictures I drew with a pencil and paper) are mine!!! I don't want to be sued and I will write out which companies created these pictures and link their sites as soon as I can find out who they are!! And last but very not least, please don't sue me! I am not using the pictures for my profit, once again!! If anyone is offended by me using some of these pictures, tell me and I will take them off!! Just please please please dont sue me!! I just found out about this and I am pretty upset with myself for not knowing this and I will link and give major credit to whichever companies own the pictures!!! Thank you...