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Volume 2, Act 6

Sailor Moon:
Volume 2, Act 6

This Volume starts to really differ from the anime. The story progresses very quickly, and the manga touches upon several different topics not addressed in the anime. Any notes that I make based on the text will be in this colour; these notes are just for clarification and speculation. Enjoy!

~ Sailor Sayonara
Last updated April 14, 2003

Act 6 : Tuxedo Mask

Naoko's Introduction:

Hi everyone! Pocket Mixx #2 is finally here! You know, lately I've been so exhausted. I caught this cold that just wouldn't go away and haven't been eating much. In fact, August in Japan is so hot and humid that I actually passed out the other day...I had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance! Well, I guess I need to eat and rest properly. Sob...I want to be glamorous like a model and look good in a bikini...Then I can go to the ocean! In fact, I'm thinkgin about moving to a place with an ocean view. Wouldn't that be great? (Right near Tokyo Bay). Please enjoy Sailor Moon Pocket Mixx #2. "Moon Prism Power Makeup!"

end of Introduction

[Note: This is an additional section inside the manga. It's written in handwriting, but I have no idea if it is really Naoko's or not]

Hi all you Mixxers! I just wanted to say "thanx" for all your letter + cards. I read them all. My friends at Mixx and Kodansha translate them into Japanese for me. And I luv your art. In fact, I've taken my favorite ones + put them on the wall next to cells from the Sailor Moon anime! There's a cell of Melvin that I luv. So I'lll see you in San Diego in August! Write me! Luv, Naoko.

Recap (from first volume):

Luna has just given Sailor Moon the Crescent Moon wand. Sailor Moon is given orders to protect the Princess and find the Imperium Crystal.

Luna tells Bunny that the Crescent wand is special, and that Luna will teach Bunny how to use it later. Bunny thinks of how she is the leader of the four scouts.

Bunny thinks about the four scouts. She thinks about Amy, "Amy is the brain of our bunch...a girl genius with a 300 IQ! She's Sailor Mercury." There's a picture of Amy smiling. Then there's a picture of Raye. "Raye, a.k.a. Sailor Mars, can control fire and use ESP! She's a beautiful priestess with a temper." Then there's a picture of Lita. "Next...Lita has mystical powers over thunder and lightning. She's Sailor Jupiter, the athlete of the bunch." Then there's a picture of Bunny. "And then there's me...their leader, Sailor Moon. We're here to beat the Enemy...and find the Princess and the Silver Imperium Crystal!!"

Darien is having a dream. He sees a woman with long hair in a fog calling, "The Silver Imperium Crystal..." Then Darien wakes up and thinks, "That dream again...someone calls out to me...whispering...'Silver Imperium Crystal' again and again...but I can't see their face...that's when I wake up. That long hair...who could it be?"

The scene cuts to Bunny heading off for school. Luna wakes up late, and reads the newspaper at Bunny's house. She sees that Tuxedo Mask has announced that he is searching for the Silver Imperium Crystal. Beside the front page, is a picture of Sailor Moon and Sailor V, and a headline saying "Are They Involved?" Luna is shocked.

Bunny meets Amy and Lita at the school. Bunny says she had a weird dream, and then see Darien walking along the street. Darien smiles at her, saying "Hey, you...shouldn't you be in school?" Bunny gets mad at him.

Lita teases Bunny, saying that she is a flirt. Amy is impressed that Bunny actually knows someone who is going to a super-elite prep school. Bunny says that Darien is a dork, and Amy can have him. Both Lita and Amy say that they like someone else, and a picture of Andrew pops up in their heads.

Back at Bunny's house, Luna is calling a news reporter, asking about the Silver Imperium Crystal. The news reporter says, "Tuxedoo Mask made a press statement! He said the Crystal is somewhere in our city!" Luna thinks about Tuxedo Mask, "It can't be...what's he thinking, that fool!"

The scene cuts to Tuxedo Mask, thinking that he'll surely be able to find the Crystal through the press statement.

In the Dark Kingdom, Kunzite and Zoicite are watching all the attention about the Silver Imperium Crystal. Beryl says the Crystal "must be ours." Zoicite vows to find the Crystal to help "our master".

The scene cuts to Tokyo, at the arcade, where many people are gossiping about the Crystal. Amy says to Luna, "The nation's in a panic! Luna, it's gotta be the enemy! The princess is also in danger. We must act now!" Luna says Tuxedo Mask may be an enemy, and Bunny is shocked. Lita asks how close they are to finding the princess or defeating the enemy.

[Note: The following is in dialogue format]

LUNA: I've got a hunch about the enemy. If the enemy is who I think it is.
LUNA: (thinking) The Evil One...reawakened, tryring to conquer the Earth...
BUNNY: Luna?
LUNA: And if...the Crystal falls into those hands...there is no hope.
RAYE: Whose hands?
BUNNY: Luna! No hope! Just how powerful is this Silver Imperium Crystal??
LUNA: Powerful blow away an entire planet.
AMY: Oh, my...How can we find and protect something that powerful?
LUNA: To protect the Crystal...and the Moon Princess...That is why you were chosen. Soon, your real work begins! Because this is your destiny. I was sent from the moon to awaken you.
BUNNY: "Sent from the moon..." "to awaken us"...? You mean, Luna, you're from the moon? And the the Moon Princess?
LUNA: It's a long story, I will tell you everything when the time is right. But first, we must find the enemy...and Tuxedo Mask.

[End of dialogue]

Their meeting breaks up. Bunny thinks this new information is over her head, and starts to play the Sailor V game. She notices that Sailor V has a wand just like hers. Bunny wonders if she is addicted to the game. Bunny thinks that maybe Sailor V is part of their team.

On TV, there is a special about the Crystal. An expert, "Dr. Izumo" (Zoicite dressed up as a woman) tells viewers that the Crystal holds eternal life and fearsome powers. The viewers watching are brainwashed through the TV, and start searching madly for the Crystal in their homes. Even Bunny is hypnotized, and is searching for it in her room. Elsewhere, reporters are saying that they haven't found anything.

Zoicite realizes that the Crystal hasn't been found. She doesn't need the humans anymore, and then zaps their energy through the TV airwaves. He thinks, "Heh...Tuxedo Mask was quite useful...those stupid humans, too. But now they will pay...for not finding the crystal. All their energy will be zapped away and given to our master!"

Darien is in a library, studying. He feels something, and goes outside to investigate. He sees that the whole town has stopped. He then realizes that there are several bodies lying on the street, drained of energy.

Luna is on the street, researching on a computer, and notices that class is over, but the streets are empty. Amy, her energy being drained, stumbles to Luna, and asks her what is happening. Luna realizes it must be the enemy. Amy goes off to find Bunny and Raye.

Luna tells Amy that they must go to the arcade first. At the arcade, Luna speaks a strange language, and an arcade game disappears. Instead, some stairs appear, and Luna and Amy run down them. Inside the secret room are many computers, which Luna says are connected to the Moon's host computer. Luna tries calling Raye and Lita (wearing a really cute intercom) but realizes that the line is jammed.

Queen Beryl and Zoicite cackle evilly about their plan to steal energy.

Meanwhile, Bunny is walking along the street, and feeling weak. She knows it's the enemy, but faints. Her crescent wand falls out of her bag, and Darien sees her, and takes Bunny in his arms.

Bunny, still unconscious, has a strange feeling. "What's this? It feels so strength is coming back to me." Bunny wakes up in Tuxedo Mask's arms. Bunny asks him what he's doing here, and privately wonders if it is a dream. Tuxedo Mask says, "I was stupid...This was all my fault." Bunny, surprised, says, "You did this? How could you? Who are you?!" Tuxedo Mask replies, "No! I didn't mean to! I wanted to find the Crystal...but needed more help. I don't have powers like you. You must Sailor Moon!" Bunny's eyes stare at him. She thinks, "He knows??...that I'm Sailor Moon?! How could he possibly know...!?"

Tuxedo Mask tells Bunny that she is the only one who can save the fainted people. Bunny thinks, while staring at his face, "His eyes...all-knowing, strangely familiar, I feel myself drawn...There's no time to hesitate! MOON PRISM POWER MAKEUP!" Bunny transforms into Sailor Moon.

Back at the arcade, Amy and Lita have arrived. They transform, and chase Zoicite. Before they can capture or kill Zoicite, he disappears. The scouts are worried about how to turn everyone back to normal.

On the street, Sailor Moon sees all the unconscious people around her. She thinks, "What should I do? All these people...I have to help them...but how??" She thinks of Luna telling her that she is the leader. Bunny thinks, "But I can't use fog or fire, like Raye and Lita...I don't have any special powers...I can't do anything without Luna! Luna help me!" [Note: I think this "fog and fire" reference to Raye and Lita instead of Amy and Raye is just a mistake. Anyway, they spelled Raye's name wrong in this instance, calling her "Ray"]

Sailor Moon begins to cry, but Tuxedo Mask gently tells her that she can do it. Sailor Moon sees her crescent wand, and wonders if she should use it like Sailor V did in the video game. She takes the wand, and thinks, "Please...bring everyone...Back to life!" The wand flashes, and everyone on the street wakes up.

Sailor Moon feels very tired, and falls asleep. Tuxedo Mask realizes that she used all her power is exhausted. He tells her that she "did great" and takes her into his arms. Unnoticed by him, a watch falls out of his pocket.

Sailor Moon is in a fog, still asleep. She thinks, "Ahh...It's all over now. I feel a warm touch...I feel myself getting better. That touch...I know it from long, long ago..." She wakes up in a strange bed in a strange apartment. She thinks, "Where am I? Was it all a dream? Someone's calling me. A male voice...who is he?" Sailor Moon sits up, and notices a broken watch in her lap. She takes it and thinks, "This broken moon-face watch...whose is it? Could it belong to Tuxedo Mask?"

Sailor Moon de-transforms. She thinks about Tuxedo Mask, "He saw me transform. He was never the enemy. He's always helping me. He knows everything about me...Why? Is he helping me? Who is he, really?"

The door to the bedroom opens. Someone steps into the room and says, "Are you awake?" Bunny faces him, and sees Darien Shields. [Great ending, ne? ^.^]

End of Act 6

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1992, 1998, 2003. Copyright Mixx Entertainment Inc., Kodansha Ltd. and Naoko Takeuchi. Not to be redistributed without permission. All rights reserved.