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Volume 2, Act 7

Sailor Moon:
Volume 2, Act 7

This is the second volume and things become much more interesting here. Any notes that I make based on the text will be in this colour; these notes are just for clarification and speculation. Enjoy!

~ Sailor Sayonara
Last updated April 14, 2003

Act 7 : Darien Shields

Bunny is in Darien's apartment, just having woken up. She sees Darien, and thinks, "What is he doing here?" Darien says that she's at his place, and asks, "Don't you remember?"

Bunny knows that it was Tuxedo Mask who brought her here. She sees a cape and a white mask lying on a couch, and is shocked. Darien tells her that she was totally exhausted after using her power to save everyone as Sailor Moon.

Bunny thinks, "I remember now...that deep voice...that tuxedo...that bow-tie..." She looks at Darien, who is wearing a white shirt with suspenders on and a bowtie with a medallion on it. Bunny walks across the room and picks up the white mask. She thinks, "How come...I never noticed before...Those deep blue eyes..." She takes the mask and places it over Darien's eyes. She sees that it is Tuxedo Mask's face. "Tuxedo Mask?" she asks. "You mean...It was you? You're Tuxedo Mask?!"

Darien says, "Yes. I had to find the Crystal to regain my memory," and takes the mask off. Darien begins to tell Bunny about his past.

[Darien's flashback]

A young Darien with a baseball cap calls to his parents, "Mommy, Daddy, hurry up! Let's go driving!" Darien's parents (a fair-haired woman and a man with short dark hair) smile. A scene with a car falling off a cliff is shown. A doctor in a hospital says, "Unfortunately, the couple was killed...It's a miracle the boy survived. However..." A young Darien with a bandaged head thinks, " I? Why am I here? Who am I? I can't remember anything!!"

[End of Darien's flashback]

Bunny is crying at Darien's flashback. He says, "On my sixth birthday I lost...both my parents and my memory. 'You're Darien Shields.' Or so they told me at the hospital. But am I really Darien Shields? I someone else? I started having strange dreams - 'Find the Silver Imperium Crystal'. Always those same words. Always the same dream. When I woke, I would wander the city like a sleepwalker. In a tuxedo, like some phantom thief. With only one clue to my past...I kept searching for the Crystal." Darien looks at Bunny. "You're looking for it too. So tell me...why?"

Bunny blushes, "Uh, well, I um...don't really know, but...Luna said to find it so..."

Darien looks at her. "Is that so?" Bunny thinks to herself, "Wow...So that's why he wanted the crystal." Bunny has a flashback of Luna saying, "I didn't want to think Tuxedo Mask was the enemy. But you have to protect the Crystal! Don't let the enemy get it!" Bunny thinks to herself, "Luna's warning me in my sub-conscious...But it's already too late. He shares our secret. Can I trust him? Luna...What should I do...? I feel so nervous...But...I wish...we could stay like this forever..." A picture of Bunny and Darien standing together is shown.

Bunny says she has to leave, because Luna is waiting for her. Darien touches her shoulder and says, "Hey, Buns...don't forget your bag" and hands Bunny her schoolbag. Bunny leaves the apartment, blushing and thinking, "He...called me 'Buns'. Darien...I wonder what his nickname is..." [Note: In the Japanese version, "Buns" was the equivalent of "Usako", meaning "my little bunny" or something like that. It's used as a term of endearment. Also, Bunny wonders what Darien's nickname is. In the Japanese anime version, Mamoru's nickname is "Mamo-chan".]

Bunny leaves Darien's apartment. She realizes that she still has the watch. She thinks, "I still have it...that broken moon watch". Darien, in his apartment, thinks, "It'll be...getting dark soon." He takes out a handkerchief that Bunny dropped at the Masquerade party (Act 4). It has Bunny's name and school on it. He remembers how they kissed that night. A picture is shown of Darien pressing his lips to Bunny's handkerchief, and right beside it, one of Bunny pressing her lips to the moon watch.

In the arcade, Luna is talking to a shadowed figure over a computer. The shadowed figure says, "So, the Scouts have awakened. Only they can't remember transforming..." Luna replies, "Especially Bunny - she's still too green. We'll have to wait." The shadowed figure says, "But Luna, there's no time! The enemy's getting stronger, and the people are in danger!" Luna says nothing.

In the Dark Kingdom, Zoicite and Kunzite are watching Sailor Moon fight. Zoicite says, "This power of Sailor Moon's...She took the energy we stole and gave it all back, just like that..." Kunzite asks, "You think she already has the Crystal?" Queen Beryl appears, saying "Did you say the Sailor Scouts have our crystal?" Beryl walks down a deep passage alone. She goes to a large door, which slowly opens outward. Beryl says, "Our Master, Queen Metallia - awake! We offer you this precious energy." Beryl gives Metallia some energy in the form of a ball.

Queen Metallia stirs, and she is shown as a large dark figure with only eyes and a mouth. She says, "Hurry...Get me the Silver Imperium Crystal...! I need more energy." Beryl replies, "We're looking, Queen Metallia. Our soldiers have searched everywhere else...only our city is left. Metallia says, "I can feel it...Even here, deep underground, I can feel its power..." Beryl says, "We're never going to find it! Those obnoxious Sailor Scouts...they may already have it!" Metallia replies, "What? Sailor Scouts? It's their fault I was buried like this, so long ago...Now they're back to stop me again, are they? Don't you let them...! And don't let the heir to the Moon Kingdom awaken! Get them! And get that Crystal...! That Crystal will revive me! Get the Crystal, and make the Earth mine! I must have that Crystal...This time...The planet...And this whole world..." Metallia disappears suddenly.

Beryl thinks, "Once again, Queen Metallia just vanishes before my very eyes. She's powerless now...But if I revive her, she'll destroy the entire planet! Now there's no going back...Ever since that day..." Beryl has a short flashback. A woman with long dark hair dressed in a snowsuit (Beryl) walks toward a dark cave. Beryl thinks, "At the North those haunted ruins...when I stumbled upon...the Dark Kingdom...And I set that evil free with my very own hands...It was fate. The Silver Imperium Crystal. If only I had it...This planet would be mine...No matter what...I, not Queen Metallia, will rule this planet! And maybe even the Moon Kingdom..." (end of her flashback). Beryl tells Zoicite that Sailor Moon may have the crystal.

Back in Tokyo, Molly meets some friends at a video store. Molly complains to her friends that Bunny hasn't spent much time with her lately (In the background, a picture of a rabbit says, "Sorry, Molly!") One of the girls says, "Is this video store new?" Another responds, "Yeah, this new chain...they've popped up all over! They have tons of videos. Everybody comes here!" The chain, called "Dark Video" is at the mall, the stores, etc.

Raye is walking along the street, and hears some people talking about "Dark Video". She hears some other people saying, "You know the Silver Imperium Crystal? They say Sailor Moon's hiding it!" Raye looks at a Dark Video store, and holds her prayer beads (I think that's what they are) in her hands. She says, "Hmm...'Dark Video'...I sense evil here..."

The next day, Lita, Amy, and Bunny are having lunch outside. Lita has brought a whole bag of fruit sandwiches. Amy is working on her computer, looking up data on Sailor V. Her computer shows an image of Sailor V, with a white cat by her side. The data says:

Sailor V
Age, Address, True Identity: Unknown
From 199X, active around the city.
Self-proclaimed "Champion of Justice"
Suddenly disappeared when Sailor Moon appeared on the scene.
The true situation: Unknown.
No one has ever seen her in person.

Bunny notices that the picture of Sailor V has a crescent moon mark on her forehead. She says, "See her moon-shaped nark? It bet it's related to the Moon Kingdom Luna mentioned." Lita says, "You think? Luna didn't think much of her." Amy says, "But you know...Maybe Bunny has the power to sense things. Luna said it before, right? That we're not fully awakened...Bunny's probably awakening faster than us. She healed everyone with that wand from Luna...And she is our leader, right? She must have some special powers we don't."

Bunny then goes into a long thinking process. She thinks, "Special powers? Me...special powers...? I mean, I healed everyone, but that was only because of Luna's wand. Plus, Tuxedo Mask was there...He helped me use my powers. I guess I should tell them...That Tuxedo Mask is really Darien Shields. And that...He knows I'm Sailor Moon. I've gotta tell them...But...If I tell them, they'll be shocked...And Luna will get mad at me...They won't let me see him again...I don't know why, but when I think of's like my heart aches. I have to hide the was I feel...For a little longer..."

All of a sudden, Melvin pops up in the middle of their Scout business. Melvin sees that Amy has been looking up data on Sailor V. He says, "Forget Sailor V, you should look up Sailor Moon! Right, Bunny?" Bunny is shocked, with her hair sticking out and a sweatdrop on her head. Melvin continues, "But I'll find her first! I'll be the first one to meet Sailor Moon!" He then leaves, making Bunny and the others scared that he may know their Scout identities.

Luna comes along, saying that she has been in the Control Room. Luna asks Bunny why she isn't eating lunch with Molly. Bunny has forgotten all about her. They go back to the classroom, and note that Molly and everyone else in Bunny's class has been acting strangely. Luna notices that every student has a video in the bookbag (she can apparently see through the bookbags). Luna jumps up and snatches one of the bookbags. A Dark Video falls out.

After school, Luna, Bunny and Amy go to the arcade. They meet Andrew (meanwhile, Amy's face is all red while Andrew is talking to them; remember, she has a crush on him ^.~), who says that the arcade has been empty. He says probably everyone is at home watching videos, but Andrew himself hardly watches TV.

They walk into the arcade, and Luna says she has set up one of the Sailor V games to play a video. They put the Dark Video into the slot, but the screen flashes and pops the video back out. Luna wonders if this is the enemy's doing. Bunny, however, is more scared about the state of the Sailor V game.

Suddenly, the Sailor V screen lights up. A picture of Sailor V appears. She talks to Bunny, saying, "What are you waiting for, Sailor Moon? That's the Enemy's brainwash video! You must save everyone!" Bunny is shocked. She thinks, "Sailor V?! Sailor V from the game...she talked!"

Amy runs downstairs and transforms. She analyzes the video, and sees the hidden message. There's a picture of Zoicite, saying, "Find Sailor Moon! She has the key to the Silver Imperium Crystal. Hunt her down! Bring her to the Dark Kingdom!" The video sucks up some of Sailor Mercury's energy. She asks Luna why the Dark Kingdom keeps attacking, and what their goal is.

Elsewhere in the city, people are watching a Ferris wheel in an amusement park. Suddenly, all of the people get an urge to hunt down and kill Sailor Moon. The mob smashes some property, searching. Sailor Moon appears, and does her "Moon Healing Escalation!" attack to heal everyone. Everyone returns to normal.

However, Zoicite leaps up and attacks Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon says, "I won't let you use entertainment to brainwash people! One behalf of the moon, you're punished!" She uses her "Moon Twilight Flash!" attack on Zoicite, but he dodges it and disappears. Sailor Moon is looking around for him, and then Zoicite comes up from behind Sailor Moon and strangles her. He says, "Tell me! Where's the Crystal?!" Sailor Moon, while choking, says she doesn't know.

Sailor Mars and Jupiter appear. Mars uses her "Akuryo Taisan!" attack on Zoicite, and Jupiter uses her "Jupiter Thunder!" attack. [Note: Sailor Jupiter's attack was previously 'Shower Down'. It's the same one, just with a different name.]

However, Zoicite has created a strong barrier. Their attacks simply reflect back at them, and Mars and Jupiter are knocked unconscious. Mercury, at the Control Room with Luna, is helpless. Zoicite laughs, knowing that nothing can stop him.

Sailor Moon calls out for Tuxedo Mask, holding the moon watch. Tuxedo Mask appears on a building, but thinks, "I can't get through this barrier...I'm stuck! Buns!" Zoicite is holding some sharp object, and prepares to kill Sailor Moon with it. He shouts out "DIE!!"

Suddenly, a white cat with a crescent moon on its forehead (just like Luna's) jumps up and snatches the sharp object from Zoicite's hands. A voice calls out, "Sailor Moon! Get down! Now!!" A crescent moon disc flies in, and Sailor Moon ducks. Zoicite is sliced to pieces by the disc and dies. Sailor Moon looks up to see her saviour.

Standing with a crescent moon behind her is a figure with long blonde hair and a bow in it. She's holding the crescent moon disc. The white cat is by her side. On her forehead is a crescent moon symbol, also. Around her waist is a black chain. Her eyes are shadowed. She is wearing a Sailor uniform. Sailor Moon thinks, "No way...That silhouette...It couldn't be...But I just know it...I felt it...inside me like a shockwave...The phantom Champion of Justice, Sailor V?!" The figure is revealed, and it is Sailor V (but with a different uniform and without her mask).

End of Act 7

Naoko's Notes

Hi all u Sailor Moon fans! Is everyone enjoying the story? I hope so. Did you guys know that when the anime first came out in Japan, the most popular Scouts was Amy?! That's right! She was even more popular than my one and only, Bunny! What do you Mixxers thinks? Who is your favorite Scout? I hope everyone keeps reading Sailor Moon for the whole series! By the way, out of all my Sailor Moon cells in my room, my favorite one is this one of Amy. It looks like this: [A cute picture of Amy blushing and holding her hand to her mouth is shown. I don't know which episode it's from, though. Maybe her first episode???]

end of Notes from Naoko

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1992, 1998, 2003. Copyright Mixx Entertainment Inc., Kodansha Ltd. and Naoko Takeuchi. Not to be redistributed without permission. All rights reserved.