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Volume 2, Act 9

Sailor Moon:
Volume 2, Act 9

The second Volume includes beautiful pictures, as always, and a more intricate story line. Any notes that I make based on the text will be in this colour; these notes are just for clarification and speculation. Enjoy!

~ Sailor Sayonara
Last updated April 14, 2003

Act 9 : Princess

Tuxedo Mask falls into Sailor Moon's arms. Sailor Moon is shocked. "Tuxedo...Mask...?!" she says.

Tuxedo Mask thinks, "Someone's calling me...With long hair...Is it you who calls me in my dreams...? Sailor Moon?" Sailor Moon is crying, and she says, "Tuxedo Mask! Don't give up! Open your eyes!" Tuxedo Mask thinks, "Such a sad face...Why are you crying? This has happened before..." Tuxedo Mask has a flashback of a girl with buns in her hair and in a long white dress, crying "Endymion!" Tuxedo Mask thinks, "Endymion...That' name...I remember...I was Darien find you..." A picture of Darien Shields and Endymion (with a cape) side by side is shown. "Serenity..." he says to Sailor Moon. Then he passes out.

"NOOOO!!" Sailor Moon cries. A bright light flashes and Sailor Moon's tiara shatters. It is replaced by a glowing crescent moon symbol. Sailor Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Luna are shocked. "That mark on her forehead...! She's Princess Serenity?!" they think. The crescent moon symbol on Venus' head fades away, and is replaced by a normal tiara (like the rest have).

Sailor Moon's uniform transforms into a long, white, flowing gown. Tuxedo Mask's watch appears in her hands, and it begins to runs backwards. Sailor Moon thinks, "Time in reverse...Memories engraved in the past...the sad past..."

The Inner Scouts begin to recover their memories. Mars says, "I remember...We are..." Jupiter says, "The four guardian scouts who protect Princess Serenity..." Mercury says, "We were reborn here to protect the Princess and revive the Moon Kingdom. Our real Princess is..." A picture of Sailor Venus holding her head is shown. The next page is a 2-page spread of Sailor Venus looking up at the top of Tokyo Tower, and two figures, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, are bathed in light. Kunzite waits in the distance.

Sailor Moon, or Princess Serenity, thinks, "I remember...Tuxedo Mask...My beloved...The memories come flooding back to me...That deep blue planet...The same blue as your eyes...That blue planet of hope and possibilities..." Serenity goes back in her memory, and sees the Earth from the viewpoint of the Moon. "I used to love watching it from the moon. The blue planet... The Earth Kingdom...and its Crown Prince...The strongest and most handsome one...Endymion..." she continues.

Serenity is looking up at a humongous (3 times as big as life size) picture of the Endymion. "Sometimes I would descend to Earth, just to see him...Endymion..." Serenity hides behind a tree on Earth, and Endymion sees her. They embrace. "We mustn't keep meeting like this," says Endymion. "Why?" asks Serenity. "Communication between the people of the Moon and the Earth is forbidden...It is the way of the gods...We mustn't fall in love...But it's already too late..." he says. They kiss.
[End of Flashback]

In the Moon Kingdom, people of the Earth are rebelling. A woman with long, wavy dark hair (Beryl's old form) cries, "We will conquer the Moon Kingdom! Take the Silver Imperium Crystal!" She sees Endymion, with his sword drawn, and Serenity together. "Prince! Do you betray us?! We fight for the Earth!" she says.

Endymion says, "Stop! Stop this useless fighting!" A dark spirit possesses Beryl, and she takes a sword and strikes Endymion. Endymion tries to shield Serenity. Endymion dies, and Serenity is devastated. "NOO! Endymion!"
[End of Flashback]

Serenity, in the present, says to Endymion, "Talk to me...Open your eyes...I remember... We finally found each other in this new life...Is this our fate? Endymion...Tuxedo Mask! I still have so much I want to tell you! My beloved...My one and only..." Serenity begins to cry, and a tear drops from her cheek. The tear drop begins to glow brilliantly. It glows so bright, that Kunzite and the Scouts can see anything. Beryl, in the Dark Kingdom, says, "What is this light...?!"

The tear drop falls into Serenity's hand, and solidifies. It becomes a beautiful crystal. Mercury says, "I can see! This light...It's from Bunny's teardrop...It turned into a shining crystal!"

Beryl says, "My dark crystal will explode! What is this power?!" Kunzite says, "This strange energy...!This white light couldn't be..."

Venus says, "Could it be...the Imperium Crystal...The Silver Imperium Crystal?!"

In the city, a boy in a bed is coughing. The crystal glitters, and the boy says, "My cough stopped...?! I'm better...?!" Melvin looks at the crystal from far away with his telescope, wondering if the light is a supernova. A dead plant is revived by the crystal into a beautiful blooming rose.

Kunzite's barrier is broken. Queen Beryl appears beside him, and they leave. In the Dark Kingdom, Queen Metallia is awakening. She says, "Our kingdom and the world above have been connected?! Is this Queen Beryl's work? Such power...flowing from the surface...Even this kingdom of darkness is filled with holy light...But in vain...I feel my strength growing...I can see...This power...Is this the Silver Imperium Crystal?"

The coffins which hold the dead Generals (Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite) crack open, and their flesh is restored. Kunzite, nearby, says, "Jadeite, Nephrite, Zoisite! They've come back to life?" The Generals say, "What is this light...? Have we slept so long? We can feel the energy in our veins...Why are we here...? We were reborn on the Earth...the search for our master...Where is he?"

[Generals' Flashback]
Endymion says, "Why must we fight?" Kunzite says, "Prince! We are tired of submitting! We can no longer stand the Moon Kingdom's rule! They spy on our every move!" Endymion says angrily, "What do you mean, submitting? And spying? Who told you this? That evil being? Don't you understand? That evil power is using us!!
[End of Flashback]

Kunzite thinks, "What is this memory...?! Our former life...? That's right. We were reborn, to search for our master, Prince Endymion. But before we recovered our memories...We fell once more into the evil one's clutches. We sold our souls...And...our flesh was changed." Four men (yes, Zoisite is a guy in the manga) wake up, but then are lured by Beryl and Metallia. Then the bodies of the dead generals turn back into stone and crumble.

Kunzite says, "Zoisite, Nephrite, Jadeite....They changed back to stone...?! They didn't make it...?

Back on the Tokyo Tower, the Silver Crystal falls into Serenity's hand. A glowing light from the crystal jumps into Tuxedo Mask's body. The bright light disappears.

Beryl says, "Now, Kunzite! For our Dark Kingdom! Capture the Princess and the Silver Imperium Crystal!" Kunzite shoots a beam of power at Serenity, but Jupiter and Venus block the blast. Serenity loses hold of Tuxedo Mask's hand. Kunzite quickly takes his body.

"Tuxedo Mask!!" cries Serenity. Kunzite shoots another blast at them. Jupiter and Venus try to retreat with Serenity. She says, "No! Let me go! He's got Tuxedo Mask!" Beryl appears behind Kunzite, and he disappears with Tuxedo Mask still in his arms. "Noooo!! Tuxedo Mask...!! Darien!" Serenity cries.

At the Crown Game center, Serenity, still in her gown, is leaning on a pillow, her face hidden, and crying. Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars look on sadly. Sailor Venus steps down to talk with Serenity. "Sailor Moon...I mean...Princess Serenity. Do you remember? About me...Sailor Venus...? You know that I am the leader of the four Scouts who protect the Princes...You remember our kingdom, the Silver Millennium..."

"I remember..." says Serenity. She thinks, "Endymion...I remember the happiness before we were reborn...When Earth was still one country, and the Moon had its kingdom..." She remembers being in Endymion's arms. "But in the end, the Earth and the Moon warred...And that happy time...Crumbled to ashes." A cute picture with Serenity holding Luna and the Scouts (in uniform) all smiling is shown. "Then, just like now, I couldn't save him..."

Luna says, "I can't believe Tuxedo Mask is Endymion!"

Mars says, "It has to be that evil being! It creeped into Earth and brainwashed the people. It even tried to conquer our kingdom."

Mercury says, "The evil one...I heard it was an enigma from space...a mass of darkness..."

Venus cries, "But we sealed it away! In our former lives! Someone must have freed it. Someone working for it now!!" Venus remembers Beryl, and thinks, "That witch! Could she have broken the seal?! Does she control the Dark Kingdom for it?! We have to find the Dark Kingdom! "

Jupiter says, "Part of the Imperium Crystal was sealed into Tuxedo Mask's body, right? We have to do something or else..."

Serenity thinks to herself, while holding the Crystal, "I still can't believe it...My crystallized tears...Is the Silver Imperium Crystal...Its light flashed so brightly...but now it's just like a piece of glass...It's still just a bit warm...Like his...hands..." She faints. The other Scouts run to her.

In the Dark Kingdom, Darien is lying on a bed, sleeping. Beryl watches over him, and says, "His heart rhythm is fine. He's weak, but there's an unusual power sustaining him. We can't find the Silver Imperium Crystal anywhere! What's going on?! I saw a fragment of it enter him! Has it scattered throughout his body?! What does this mean?!" Suddenly, Darien rises from the bed, his eyes white. Beryl sneers, "If you don't have the Crystal, I don't need you." She raises her hand, and Darien's flesh crumbles, like the Generals' flesh did.

"NOOO!!" Bunny wakes up from her bed, crying. "That dream...! How many times...Have I woke up crying...Tuxedo Mask...!" She gets up and looks in a mirror. "My eyes are red as a rabbit's... No...They're puffy like mushrooms...from too much crying..." Bunny looks cute in the mirror, holding a stuffed toy rabbit, and wearing a cute nightgown. She swishes her hair. [Note: It is not clear here whether Darien's flesh crumbling was really Bunny's dream or not.]

At the Crown Game Center, Luna is lying on the floor. "I've been here so long...I am Luna... Princess Serenity's advisor...I have sworn never to leave the Princess' side. But now Bunny's so far away from me...Now I remember...When the Moon Kingdom was destroyed, Artemis and I went into a long sleep." There's a cute picture of Luna and Artemis floating in space, asleep, in capsules like the ones in the anime. "When I finally awoke, I landed on Earth in the present time. My mission was to awaken educate her and be at her side at all times. My memories were sealed away, Sailor Venus acted as a decoy princess, and I trained Bunny to be a Sailor Scout...All in order to protect the Princess, and the Silver Imperium Crystal hidden within he-r. I planned to hide her from the Enemy for a while longer...I didn't expect Bunny to remember so quickly...If I had recovered my memories earlier...And realized that Tuxedo Mask was Endymion...Bunny wouldn't have had to suffer...I should have had more faith in her...I'm the cause of her pain...I'm a failure as Bunny's partner."

A voice says, "If you're her partner, you should be with her." Luna looks up to see Artemis smiling at her. Artemis licks Luna's face. He says, "Sorry, this isn't like me...You were here all along?"

Luna says, "I was looking for the Dark Kingdom's hideout, but I can't find anything. How's Bunny?"

At Bunny's house, Bunny's mom greets the Scouts, saying how nice it is for them to visit every day. She says that Bunny hasn't left her room or gone to school, or even eaten much. Luna dashes in, and Bunny's mom says, "The kitty with the bald spot is back...She must be worried about Bunny. Luna goes up to Bunny's room and knocks on the door. Raye opens it.

"Luna...Guys..." Bunny says, sitting on the floor. She is dressed in a plaid top and white skirt. Her hair is undone and trails all around her. "Bunny?! Your hair...?!"

The girls cut Bunny's extremely long hair and put it into buns again. "It just kept growing..." says Bunny. The girls say that her hair was really long as a princess, and probably started changing when she recovered her memories. "Changing...? I'm becoming the Princess...It's like I'm turning into someone else..." Bunny thinks.

Luna asks Bunny about the Crystal. Bunny says there has been no change, and says she's not sure that the crystal is actually the Silver Imperium Crystal. She can't believe that the crystal she holds right now once shone so brightly.

Lita says, "Y'know, didn't something come out of the Silver Imperium Crystal and fall into Tuxedo Mask? Maybe that's part of the answer..."

Bunny remembers Tuxedo Mask falling into her hands. She says, "Where is her now...? We have to defeat the Dark Kingdom! We have to save him! If we don't, his body will melt and...No! Endymion!" She begins to have a panic attack, or something.

Mina shakes Bunny by the shoulders. "Princess! Snap out of it! We're with you! We're here to help you. We'll help you save him. So...please...! Don't cry...! Cheer up...okay?" she says.

Bunny thinks, "I am...the last heir to the throne of the Silver Millennium, Princess Serenity...I must be strong...I have to save him...I know he's still alive..." She begins to cry, then says aloud, "We must find the Dark Kingdom...and the secret of the Crystal...But, I don't know how to do it! How?!"

Luna says, "We must go to the moon. Back to our old kingdom! To the moon! To find the truth we're looking for..." Bunny is shocked, and a really nice picture of her set against a backdrop of the moon ends the act.

End Act 9

At the Back of the Manga:

There's a cute picture of Naoko (I think) cartoonish, and she has shoulder-length wavy hair. Her eyes are happy, and she's sitting down and hugging a couple of books, with a whole bag of books by her side, and many more on the ground. The cartoon Naoko says, "I've been collecting all the Sailor Moon fan fiction! Thanks to everyone who sends them to me! I'm so, so, so happy! Thanks so much to my editors and publishers."

Then there's this two page spread of cartoon Bunny having a day out in Japan at a festival. It's really cute and cool, but very hard to describe. There's also a separate picture of the Scouts in their ORIGINAL uniforms. It looks a little strange, but interesting. However, Naoko does write, "These were the original outfits I thought of when Sailor Moon's TV show first got a greenlight. Pretty weird, eh? (I don't remember drawing these outfits!) When I first showed this to the anime company, I bet they flipped! I'm so so so so sorry for always causing such trouble! Thanks for everything!"

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1992, 1998, 2003. Copyright Mixx Entertainment Inc., Kodansha Ltd. and Naoko Takeuchi. Not to be redistributed without permission. All rights reserved.