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Volume 3, Act 11

Sailor Moon:
Volume 3, Act 11

Since Act 11 is quite long, I've split it up into two parts. The manga does NOT do this; this is my own decision, made for convenience. Any notes that I make based on the text will be in this colour; these notes are just for clarification and speculation. Enjoy!

~ Sailor Sayonara
Last updated April 15, 2003


Act 11 : Endymion

[Continued from the previous part.]

The girls look up to see Darien dressed up in his tuxedo, but not wearing his mask or top hat. Andy is behind him. "So the Control Room was directly under the Sailor V game. The shield kept me from finding it," he says.

Bunny thinks, "No way!! This can't be happening!!"

Tuxedo Mask continues, saying about Lita, "She fell under my spell easily and led us straight here."

Mina tells everyone to morph, but Bunny stays unmoving. Mina transforms, and kicks Andy who is trying to steal the Crystal. "Sailor V Kick!" she yells. Then Venus takes the beaded chain from around her waist. "This is the whip of love! I'll open your eyes! Venus Love-me Chain!!" [Anime Venus doesn't use this attack until "Sailormoon R".] She whips him with the chain. The attack hits Andy, but then Tuxedo Mask attacks Venus. She thinks that the Control Room will be destroyed if a battle continues here.

Tuxedo Mask hits Venus with a beam of light, and she drops the Crystal she apparently was holding since Lita attacked Bunny. Tuxedo Mask quickly grabs it, gloating that he finally has the crystal.

Venus, hurt, says "Bunny, morph! You have to fight! You have to get the Imperium Crystal back!"

Bunny, still sitting in a corner, thinks, "Why is Tuxedo Mask fighting with Sailor V...?" Luna yells at Bunny that she has to fight. Bunny thinks, "Fight?! WIth Tuxedo Mask?! Is this a dream? It can't be real, can it? Tuxedo Mask was captured by the Dark Kingdom..."

Luna runs to Bunny, saying she should snap out of it. "This isn't the real Tuxedo Mask!" she yells, as she jumps on Tuxedo Mask's shoulder and bites down on it. Tuxedo Mask throws Luna against a wall, and she is hurt very badly. There's blood all around her.

Bunny realizes that he hurt Luna. She tries to talk to Luna, but she doesn't answer. Bunny then thinks, "He's not Tuxedo Mask. Moon Prism Power MAKE UP!!" Bunny transforms into Sailor Moon, yelling "Luna!!" The Crystal in Tuxedo Mask's hand begins to glow, surprising him.

Sailor Mercury tells Sailor Moon to use to Moon Wand to heal Lita and Luna. Sailor Moon uses "Moon Healing Escalation!!" The Crystal stops glowing. Moon sees Lita and Luna unconscious. She thinks, "I won't forgive you...! Fake Tuxedo Mask! You can't seduce me! After all, I'm Sailor Moon, and on behalf of the moon, you're punished!" She uses her wand against Tuxedo Mask.

Suddenly, a dark haired woman appears behind Tuxedo Mask. It's Beryl, but the Sailor Team doesn't know who she is.

Beryl speaks, "Well done, Tuxedo Mask! Now that we have to Imperium Crystal, we have no need for you. This will be your end, Sailor Scouts!!" Sailor Moon demands to know who she is. Beryl replies, "Princess, youwere always young and weak...Don't you remember me? That's right...I'm not like I used to be." Venus starts to recognize who she is. Beryl announces, "I am Queen Beryl, Rule of the Dark Kingdom." Beryl turns to Sailor Moon and says, "Princess Serenity, you would enjoy being killed by Prince Endymion, wouldn't you?"

Sailor Moon stares into Tuxedo Mask's eyes. "Princes Endymion?! No way...You can't really be...Darien?! It's you! You're alive!" she thinks. "Endymion?!" she calls, but he does not respond. "Those cold eyes...Don't you know me?" she thinks. She remembers 'Endo', and realizes that he's "been toying" with her all along. She realizes, "You've joined the Dark Kingdom? You took sides with Queen Beryl and came to steal our Silver Imperium Crystal? No! It can't be! Look at me, Tuxedo Mask!"

Mercury tells Sailor Moon to get a grip. "He's just under a spell! If you defeat Queen Beryl...!" she says.

Beryl says, "Princess, the RPicne that you knew no longer exists...You poured the energy of the Imperium Crystal into the Pirnce's corpse, but he didn't awaken. It didn't work. Our Great Leader, Queen Metallia, reanimated Prince Endymion. Just like me, he received her power and became the Dark Kingdom's strongest warrior."

Sailor Moon is shocked, thinking, "His corpse?! He died?! No! It can't be!!"

Tuxedo Mask blasts the Sailor Team. Jupiter tries her attack, but Mercury warns that the Control Room could be destroyed. Mercury and Jupiter see Andy on the floor, unconscious. They form a circle around their three bodies and leave the Control Room. [Remember that Lita and Amy both have crushes on him]. Outside the arcade, Andy wakes up. Jupiter and Mercury say they will save the arcade and go back inside.

Once inside, Mercury says to Luna, "Get me the temporal axis calculations! I'll make a shield! Or this whole area'll be blown away!" She puts on her visor, and a little caption reads 'Terminator Amy!' Mercury then says, "Hyperspace Area Formation!"

Beryl says, "You won't win! No matter where we fight!" Beryl's hair comes alive and starts to choke Sailor Moon. Beryl says, "I've been waiting for this...Now tell me what is the secret of the Imperium Crystal's power?! The lengendary Imperium Crystal of Silver Millennium... Where is its boundless power?! I will use that power to become become invincible!"

[Beryl's Flashback]

Beryl, in a black top with a white skirt, kneels infront of a cauldron full of black liquid. A stick or staff (partly concealed) is in her hand. "I have waited so long... since the beginning of time..." Beryl then looks at a meteor shower raining against a black sky. "The dawn after that strange meteor that fateful year." Against a picture of the sun, Beryl narrates, "It came from an enormous gas pocket in the sun, an evil dark spot..." A ball of fire falls from the sun. "It fell to Earth along with the meteors. It was the birth of the goddess of evil." Metallia, a shadow with eyes tells a kneeling Beryl "Bring me power...Attack the Moon...Take the power of the Imperium Crystal and this planet, this universe will be ours!"

[End of Flashback]

Venus says tightly, "Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom...Release our Princess!!" She clenches her fist.

[Venus' Flashback]

"Beryl...I remember now. You're the one...She's the one who raised the people of the Earth against the moon. She ruined everything!" There's a picture of Beryl in her black top and white skirt raising a sword above her head amongst a crowd of people. Venus continues to narrate: "I can remember it all so well...when that woman...killed the Princess and Prince Endymion!!" Endymion steps infront of a blow to protect Princess Serenity. The past Venus took the stone sword and killed Beryl with it.

[End of Flashback]

Venus says, "How could you be reborn here too?!"
Beryl says, "I died with victory within my grasp. And that meddling Queen Serenity imprisoned our Great Leader, Queen Metallia. But the stars have seen fit to revive us once more..."
Venus says, "Beryl, you're just another pawn to that demon!"
Beryl says, "Now that I have the Imperium Crystal and the Princess, I dont' need to wait for our Great Leader's rebirth. I, Queen Beryl, will rule this world! I will be queen with my new escort at my side; with Prince Endymion at my side!"

Sailor Moon is still being choked by Beryl's hair. Venus uses her "Venus Love-me Chain!" attack, but it doesn't work. She gets thrown against a wall. Venus says grimly, "Now I'm really mad..." She places her hand on the stone sword. "Sword of the Moon! Holy blade that protects our Princess! Come to my hand!" She tries to pick it up, but it's too heavy.

Jupiter grabs the sword, saying "Give it here! Venus!" Jupiter takes the sword and slices Beryl's hair with it. The remaining hair on Sailor Moon's neck still chokes her, although the hair is no longer attached to Beryl.

Sailor Moon is suffocating. She thinks, "...can't breathe...I can't die yet! Not here! I can't die before I get you back! Darien! Endymion!!" The Crystal in Tuxedo Mask's hands begin to glow.

Venus again takes the sword, saying, "Bright Moon! Our beloved Silver Millennium! Send your strength to my hand!!" Venus then plunges the stone sword into Beryl's chest. The sword begins to flash a bright light. Beryl begins to crumble. Venus thinks, "The sword...this light...Could this be...a sword of Silver Imperium Crystal?!"

Beryl is dying. She holds up a crumbling hand to Tuxedo Mask, who looks surprised and dismayed. She thinks, "I finally had you...Prince Endymion..." Beryl has a short flashback. In the Silver Millennium, in her black top and white skirt, she hides in the pillars. She looks longingly at Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity, who are kissing each other. They don't notice Beryl spying on them. Beryl, in the present, thinks, "I only you..." and crumbles to dust. The tiara on her head falls to the floor.

In the Dark Kingdom, Queen Metallia says, "Beryl is gone...the Sailor Scouts' power is growing?!"

Venus, after killing Beryl, is in some sort of trance. She says, "When this sword shows its light...The Silver Imperium Crystal follows the heart of she who would become queen. Take the completed Crystal...and release the Great Power of the Moon. Give service to the Moon's Holy Tower and once more bring peace to our kingdom..." [It seems that someone, perhaps Queen Serenity, is speaking through Venus.]

Mercury says, "And engraving on the sword? 'She who would become queen'...that means Princess Serenity!"

Luna says, "Release the Great Power of the Moon? This must be...the method of sealing!" Venus collapses on the floor.

Tuxedo Mask thinks to himself. "The Great Power of the Moon?!" He then grabs Venus and the sword. Sailor Moon cries, "V-babe?!" and runs after Tuxedo Mask and Venus. Tuxedo Mask creates a portal and disappears in it, but Sailor Moon is quick enough to follow them. Jupiter and the other scouts cry, "They're gone?!" "Sailor Moon! Venus!!" "Wehre did they go?! Quick! We have to follow them!" "Calm down, everyone!"

Sailor Moon is in a white fog. She asks, "Where are they? V-babw, Tuxedo Mask. I've lost them..." She grips Tuxedo Mask's broken watch. "Over there...A point of light...That must be...the light from the Imperium Crystal...?!" A point in the fog shines brightly.

Back in the arcade, Luna and the remaining Sailor Team follow Sailor Moon's energy signature. Luna says that she is heading North, to the Arctic Circle. They hypothesize that the Dark Kingdom is there. Luna suddenly collapses, but she says it's nothing. The Scouts disappear to follow Sailor Moon to the North Pole.

Meanwhile, Andy wakes up, near the video arcade. He thinks, "Woah...Pop's gonna be mad. There's a hole in the building..." He's holding his head and has a terrified expression on his face. He then thinks, "What was that light! Am I dreaming? There's a hold in our building...Lita and Amy are..."

Artemis begins to take care of Luna, who's still hurt from the previous battle. Mercury sends a transmission to them, saying that they are at Point D, but the cats lose contact.

Mercury, Mars and Jupiter are staring at the Arctic Sea. A strange mist surrounds them. Mars says the mist distorts space, spreading evil. She says the mist warns them to go away. Jupiter sees a landmass, and realizes that the Dark Kingdom must be close by. Luna re-establishes contact, and they head in to the island.

Sailor Moon wakes up, wondering, "Where am I? It's so dark...and cold..."

A voice speaks. "So you followed me here..."

Sailor Moon, lying on the reflective floor, looks up to see Tuxedo Mask staring at her a little bit away. They're in a room with pillars. Sailor Moon sees Sailor Venus, still unconscious nearby, with the stone sword beside her.

Sailor Moon tries to reach Tuxedo Mask's inner self. "Endymion," she says, "It's me... Serenity..." A double image of Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity, with identical sorrowful expressions is shown. Suddenly the Silver Crystal in Tuxedo Mask's hands begins to glow. He comes toward Sailor Moon, and holds her face with both hands.

Sudddenly, he grabs her neck and begins to choke her. He holds her high above his head, and demands, "Speak! If this is the Silver Imperium Crystal, then where is its power?! Is there another, more powerful Crystal other than this little fragment and the sword?! What is the 'Great Power of the Moon'?! Is that another Imperium Crystal?! Where is it?"

Sailor Moon, losing consciousness, thinks, "This can't be happening...He wouldn't do this..." She stretches her hand out to the Crystal. The Crystal glows, and something snaps. A flash blasts Sailor Moon away from Tuxedo Mask's choking hands.

Mercury, Mars and Jupiter arrive at the castle. They run in and see Sailor Moon and Venus.

Tuxedo Mask says, "Princess..that power...was that you?! You can control it? You can control the Imperium Crystal?! You of the Moon Kingdom..."

A shadow from behind Tuxedo Mask appears. It's Queen Metallia. The Sailor Team (Venus now awake) wonders, "Is this the Great Leader, Queen Metallia? Our greatest enemy?"

Tuxedo Mask sends out a blast of power to the Sailor Team. Suddenly, Luna appears from a flash of light and deflects the attack with another flash. Luna runs to Sailor Moon and yells, "His strength is from the light of the Imperium Crystal inside him." She turns to Venus, who is holding the stone sword. "Listen up...The words on the sword are the method of sealing. To imprision that demon Queen Metallia...The Imperium Crystal needs to be complete." Luna then speaks to Sailor Moon. "You need to get the light your heart moved into his body back into the Imperium Crystal. That will activate the Crystal and release its power. Queen Metallia must be imprisoned and destroyed! The time is now! Sailor Moon!"

Metallia speaks, "What power? The boundless power of the Imperium Crystal? Where is it? The source of power! Give it to me!!"

Luna yells at the shadow, "The power is to defeat you, Queen Metallia!"

Metallia sneers, "You foolish, weak Princess! Do you think you can imprision me? Ha ha! I'll leave your corpse to rot forever in the Dark Kingdom."

Sailor Mars uses her "Aku Ryo Tai San!!" fire against Metallia, but Metallia simply absorbs the fire. Metallia gloats, "Hehehe...More. More energy!" Mars can't believe that it didn't work.

Jupiter asks, "What do we do?! How can we win? We can't even fight Tuxedo Mask!"

Venus says, "He's been remade with a different personality! He's the same as Queen Metallia! We have to get the Imperium Crystal back!" Venus begins to power up for an attack, but Sailor Moon tries to protest. Venus says, "My planet of love, Venus! Give me your power!" A heart appears in her hands, and she hurls it at Tuxedo Mask. "Rolling Heart Vibration!"

Tuxedo Mask easily blocks the attack, and Venus is thrown against a wall.

Sailor Moon takes out her Moon Wand, and tries to use her "Moon Healing Escalation!" to heal Tuxedo Mask. It doesn't work.

Tuxedo Mask glares at Sailor Moon. "It's no use...You can't win", he tells her.

Sailor Moon thinks, "Why can't I return him to normal?! I have to defeat Queen Metallia... but to do that, I need to get the light of the Imperium Crystal back from him..."

Sailor Moon remembers Beryl said that "You poured energy into the Prince's corpse, but he didn't awaken. It didn't work. The Prince revived by Queen Metallia's power..."

"He's not the same person," Sailor Moon realizes. "Do I have to fight him?! Do I have to kill him?! No...Nooo!!" Sailor Moon's red things on her buns begin to amplify her shrieks. Tuxedo mask and the Crystal also begin to vibrate. The Crystal again begins to glow.

Mars asks Luna what's happening, and Luna replies, "Tuxedo Mask and the Imperium Crystal... are reacting to the confusion in Bunny's heart..."

Mercury realizes that "Bunny's controlling the power of the Crystal."

Sailor Moon stops crying, and looks at Tuxedo Mask. He blasts the Sailor Team with a surge of power.

Sailor Moon gets up and thinks, "Help me Queen Serenity...You are the only one...I can't do it..."

Sailor Moon remembers Queen Serenity's words, "Be proud of the fact that you are a princess and the Champion of Justice, Sailor Moon."

Sailor Moon thinks, increasingly desperate, "Is there no choice...? I can't stand... to see him like this anymore..."

Venus, realizing Sailor Moon's desperation, cries, "Sailor Moon?!"

Sailor Moon grabs the stone sword, thinking, "Is this the only way? Is this...the reason we were reborn...?" She lunges at Tuxedo Mask, sword in hand. She comes face to face with him, and then gives him a long kiss. "Darien..." she thinks, kissing him with her eyes closed. She then grabs the sword and plunges it into Tuxedo Mask's chest.

End of Act 11

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1992, 1998, 2003. Copyright Mixx Entertainment Inc., Kodansha Ltd. and Naoko Takeuchi. Not to be redistributed without permission. All rights reserved.